Included the minimap location text font in the "Apply To All" option. Fixed issue which may have allowed the AFK screen to re-appear after the option was disabled. Style Filters: Ability to trigger an aura with at least X number of stacks. Fixed an issue which would carry over Quest Icons on Nameplates to one without a quest. They now utilize the oUF framework like our UnitFrames. Reactions . Added options for the Ready Check Icon on Party/Raid/Raid-40 Frames. They can be found in the NamePlates General Options. CustomTexts added for Tank and Assist frames. This new system is much more advanced and should allow you to set up the filters exactly how you want them. Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog) Sonic's Profile (2-A Super Sonic and Wally were used and speed was equalized). Fixed issue which prevented a dropdown from being shown in the world map. This granted him power equal to Perpetua and allowed him to create the Last 52 Multiverse. The page is missing a key for unmoored Wally and his abilities and potentially a key or rating for a weaker Wallyhattan if necessary. Updated the Raid Utility, with nice clean shiny fresh new updates. Added toggle option for display of targeted nameplate health bar. Added individual font size options to duration and count text on Buffs and Debuffs (the ones near the minimap). (Credits: Foxlit - WarPlan). (Thanks LS-)! Fixed `realm:dash` tag error. Movers should be better at doing their job and also stop appearing on Castbars when the Castbar was disabled. Felt himself changing with each passing moment, to the point where he could think so fast that he is able to hold two separate thoughts at once[6]), Cosmic Awareness (Sensed Doctor Manhattans presence. vs. mobius chair wally west vs cosmic king thor. Updated the macro text on the ActionBars to use the ActionBar font. Added "blockNonPersonal" special filter for aura filtering. Fixed an error from BackpackTokenFrameTokenIcon when our Bags are disabled. Datatexts Data Broker options for Label, Text, and Icon were added. Export Compression method changed to use LibDeflate. Can absorb and redirect electrical attacks[2]), Regeneration (Low-Mid), Healing (Healed Nightwing after he was impaled and a dead flower[3][4]), Intangibility (Can vibrate his molecular structure to achieve an intangible state[5]), Durability Negation, Afterimage Creation, Accelerated Development (Passive; Physical Stats, Intelligence, Abilities. After a brief reunion with Linda and their children, he led Jay and Barry back out of the Speed Force to deliver the Mobius Chair to Wonder Woman and execute her plan to remake the multiverse. Removed T-18 4 PC Bonus from the Druid Buff Indicator. Corrected issue with WeakAura cooldowns blinking the text when using reverse toggle. It will make icons black&white when the action is on cooldown. The Plugin Installer frame is now movable. Alerts created by other addons (using the WoW alert system) will now follow the growth direction shown on the Alert Frame mover. (#1491). This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Flash Family members" category. [19] Swifter than Superman[20] and Barry Allen). Enhanced the display and sorting of the Friend datatext. Added color options for Debuff Highlighting. We already have a thread for this discussion: No that thread's for Post-Crisis (which I still need to detail some stuff), this is for Post-Flashpoint. Added "Eye of Leotheras" (PvP Talent) to the PlayerBuffs Filter. Implemented fix for Auras not anchoring correctly. He was on the verge of fixing the multiverse. Clicking the Mission Datatext will open the new expansion page (right click menu will still be able to open older ones). Reversed Font Explosion Feature on CN, TW, and KR clients. "Is PvP" / "Is Not PvP": Activated when a unit is flagged for pvp or not. Microbar Visibility option would error sometimes. Quotations by or about Flash (Wally West), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Cast Bar Text will get checked by Class Color for shared profiles. Changed the default value of "Max Duration" for Target Debuffs to 0. Also reason why WPOC can't solo because of characters that is superior to her in DC. Jaydaa, our Restoration Druid Guide writer, has written a comprehensive guide to ElvUI!Whether you're returning for Battle for Azeroth and need a UI, or are a long-time player that wants to customize things more, we've got you covered in the guide. (#1372). Alter Time for Mages corrected on Player Buffs and Turtle Buffs. Fixed Cutaway feature error on nameplates. Added Alternative Power Bar. While she initially did not remember him at first, Wally restored her memories of the pre-Flashpoint timeline, which also inadvertently brought back her Magenta persona and powers. Added new skin for AzeriteEssenceUI. Added options to change font, size and outline on the new itemlevel and enchant info on Character/Inspect frame. Added options for Resting Icon on the player unitframe. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Titans members" category. Added EP Boss one debuffs to Raid Debuffs. Warlock Drain Soul ticks no longer escape Castbar. Fixed MiniMap icons from being in the center on load! World Quest Alert Frame will be skinned properly again. Updated all the Spell IDs we should need for Shadowlands dungeons and the first raid. DC Low 1-Cs are approved to be 6-D here. He realised The Batman Who Laughs had corrupted the Multiverse and headed off to to Earth 0 to stop him. Group Finder eye icon was sometimes behind the button itself, we moved the eyeball up some. Mobius Chair Flash is when the current flash, Wally West , gets on The Mobius Chair. Tooltip: Fixed an issue which would show the wrong faction for player when battling as a mercenary. This will completely reset the filter to its original state and remove any spells the user added. Not sure who or why people would even begin to vote Thor lol, Isn't Wally with the MC is nigh omnipresent, nigh omniscient, and low outerversal? [29] He left Castle Bat behind to deal with the heroes until he returned, but they were rescued by Lex Luthor, who had been Perpetua's right hand man until his positon was usurped by the Darkest Knight. Use the new "Player Controlled" / "Not Player Controlled" conditions to match the old behavior. Simplified the OrderHall Talent Frame skin (which is also used by the new 8.3 talent frame). Added "Current - Percent (Remaining)" text format option for DataBars. may not publicize any portion of this addon. Attempted to fix PossessBarFrame, MainMenuBar, etc.. taint errors. 1. Bag sorting when using Blizzard sort fixed for real for real. Added spacing option for unitframe auras. (Thanks Ellypse). Added cooldown trigger to nameplate style filters. However, just before Barry can sever Wally's connection to the Speed Force, he's transported to the prehistoric Earth and notices that it feels different from any other time he time traveled, as now he had somehow possessed the body of a prehistoric man but noted that he still has his speed (unlike the rest of the speedsters who lost their powers). Paging Actionbar remover fixed and solved issue with Blizzard Bar 5, 6, and 7 appearing. Fixed (hopefully) the issue which caused the unitframe and nameplate tags to sometimes be incorrect. This character is or was primarily a member of the younger superhero team known as the Teen Titans, in any of its various incarnations. Added skin for RaidProfiles New Profile Popup. Fixed an issue with the Quest Skin which caused the Quest Icon beside the text to sometimes not be shown. Fixed issue which caused the Action bar buttons to not set the "checked" state. Dragonflying was messing up Release Cast spells. Added an option to Swap to Alt Power on party frames, until we have a widget or something for corruption status of party members. Mouseover and Alpha setting for Voice Chat Panel, Frame Level and Strata options for DataBars and ActionBars, Paragon display for Reputation Bar (optional bag icon when loot is available), Heal Prediction and Threat options for Party Pets, Threat options for Tank Target and Party Target frames, Raid Icon option for Pet frame, Turtle Buffs and Player Buffs updated (Thanks Shrom), NamePlate Target Arrow textures (Thanks Releaf) with the option to Scale and Space them, Another Player Resting Icon (Thanks Releaf), along with a few Minimap Mail icon options, New Role Icons displayed when you queue (Thanks Releaf - also, no it doesnt have an option), StyleFilter triggers for UnitRole, InParty, and InRaid, Error in Currency and Difficulty Datatexts, Experience DataBar not displaying correctly after toggling, StyleFilter code updated to hopefully correct several issues, Zone and Boss Button code updated (global fade works on them again), StanceBar options not updating without a reload, Gold format Short (Whole Numbers Spaced) error, Swapped the layout of Available Tags listing for readability, Power Shortvalue will follow the same rules by hiding if 0, Bag Item Info option to change Anima text style, ActionBar Masque settings were not letting you toggle text, Hotkey Range Color when using text range coloring, Text settings for Action Bars: Hotkey, Macro, Count, Stance and Pet buttons were not properly hidden, Enveloping Breathing (Monk) to Aura Watch, Charged Combo Point (Rogue) on UnitFrames and NamePlates, Show Max Currency setting for Currency Datatext, Condensed (Spaced) and Short (Whole Numbers Spaced) format options added to Gold Datatext. Wally reached the possessed Starbreaker and imprisoned him in the glaive, with all the other possessed people returning to normal. Queue Status error when Minimap Cluster was disabled. Tooltips hopping around like rabbits from one location to another on some datatexts, we fed them some carrot and now they behave. (Phatso). (credit: Kopert). Unitframe Status Bars will now sync their textures onto the background space when not using transparent. Combine this filter with a whitelist in order to only see your own spells from this whitelist. Added the rest of the Wild Growth ranks for Druids on Wrath. (Thanks Zhizhica). ElvUI Profiles. and, using his abilities, reconstructed recordings of all of the other patients' traumas. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Fixed issue with Masque Support on Buffs/Debuffs which caused stack text to disappear. Fixed Minimap Coords when Map is zoomed. Added the ability to show Toy ID when Tooltips have the Spell ID setting enabled. Combo point and Monk Chi default colors updated. All Feats, Statements, Scaling, and Scans. Tags attached to the Power element (including Custom Texts) will be placed correctly with the AutoHide option. Fixed error when opening fullscreen worldmap while in combat in the Order Hall. He appeared in the 132nd episode of Death Battle, Flash VS Sonic, where he fought against Archie Sonic from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Nameplate NPC Title Text will now show the glow color on mouseover when it's the only thing shown on the nameplate (health and name disabled with show npc titles turned on). Bags Datatext is a little less weird now. (#203), Added options to change the Item Level color in the Bags. However, knowledge came with a cost, and to get enough Element X for the Mobius Chair, he had to make a bargain with Darkseid, giving Apokolips the technology of the Boom Tube. Updated gold datatext. DataTexts have a better options now to allow customizing even further, we will add new options here over time. Fixed an issue with Masque compatibility (Thanks Barkskin). Lowered the min value on some Unitframes elements, mainly health. Added new visibility options for the Player NamePlate. This means chat bubbles will have the default look while you are in a dungeon or raid instance (Garrison included). Event Toast has a mover now, which is new Level Up display. Added option to scale the Vehicle display. Thanks to Azilroka the Buff Indicator and Aura Bars are now recoded! Fixed issue which prevented clicking in the top-right of screen where Minimap is by default (when the Minimap is not actually there). Added an option for a detailed report for Vendor Grey Items. Added Death Knight Rune sorting option under `/ec - Player Frame - Classbar - Sort Direction`. Adjusted layer for GameTime on Minimap, again. The settings are located under `/ec - General - Alternative Power`. If so, he is going to speedblitz Thor to death and land 1,000,000,000,000 IMP's in a attosecond, Thor can one shot but Wally is too damn fast for that to happen, while Thor is physically superior to Wally, Wally can just speedblitz Thor to death, Edit: Holy SH*T, this is morals off, Thor is dead, dead, dead because Wally is going to end the fight in a attosecond, I see where youre coming from but he got dr manhattans power and the metron chair which grants him knowledge on how to use it and the speed force. Superman revealed to Wally that he also remembers a different world. Panel Movers will update with the Panel resizing again. Added tick width option to player unitframe castbar. Soft values for Datatext Tooltip offset were increased to 60. Fixed AuraBar to support the duration slider when the filter list is empty. Health Breakpoint option added for Unitframes. (#452). Added `Dispellable` to Nameplate Friendly NPC Buffs and Nameplate Enemy Player Debuffs list by default. Nameplate: Fixed ClassPower SetPoint error. The Titans then arrived just after Red X murdered the psychic villain before fleeing the scene with Nevermore, who told the Titans not to follow them. Apply to All for Aura Indicator on Pet and Focus now works correctly. Fixed an issue and garbage leak with the plugin version checker. Evoker Disintegrate readjusted to display correct chain cast tick amount. Fixed issue which broke coloring of Runes. Fixed issue which required the user to click "Okay" in the Color Picker before colors updated (this was locked down intentionally for performance reasons, but those issues have been resolved in a different way). Fixed nameplate NPC visibility option always on after reload or login. (Rubgrsch), Added a "Fluid Position" option to Smart Aura Position settings. So this is likely a stomp. [Nameplate] Added ElvUIPlayerNamePlateAnchor for WeakAuras and other AddOns. We added a mover and the new settings can be found in the Actionbar configuration. Gave ActionBars Count, HotKey, and Macro text color overrides (Thanks @Caedis). Speed equalise is kinda irrelevant to this battle anyway. Fixed AP calculation display issue for values over 1 million. Due to his time trapped in the Speed Force, Wally has since gained a much stronger connection to it following his metaphorical rebirth, and can tap into it much more than before. Fixed Minimap colored green when ElvUI Minimap is disabled. Held open a velociraptors jaw), Striking Strength: At least Building level. Databars: Fixed EXP mover not showing up, fixed visibility logic for all bars. While there, Wally began gradually improving, though after a while he started convincing himself he was the only hero in Sanctuary, and that Sanctuary was made solely out of pity for Wally by the Justice League. Objective Tracker Auto Hide fixed along with the Maw Buffs positioning. Tooltip sticking around while holding mod key. 'name:medium:translit'. When you log into a new character, just skip the initialization process, and go into the ElvUI settings, Profiles, and copy the settings from the profile you'd like to use.I created a "new character template" profile that I always copy from for any new characters, and then tweak it to be optimized for that specific character/class. Boba Fett VS Samus Aran (2010) Mario VS Sonic (2011) Master Chief VS Doomguy; Link VS Cloud (2012) Batman VS Spider-Man; Goku VS Superman; Season 2. Fixed Guild Bank search not fading the tabs. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Fixed taint for Override Action Button Show, Battleground Datatext was showing in Arena where it doesn't work anymore, Objective Tracker button has a range overlay now and the (its grey) should be fixed, Stance bar showing when entering a Battleground on priest and it switching you to healer from Shadow, Databar Quest XP will show green for quests you are on and have completed, unless you have completed enabled, Heal Pred was anchoring incorrectly when absorb style was set to None. Shortened the text displayed on the movement speed datatext. Added Korthia buff (Anima Gorged) to Whitelist. Skinned various tutorial frame close buttons. Minor explosion on load with the release, damage has been absorbed by a fancy hotfix shielding mechanism. Attempt to prevent issue with RC Loot Auto-pass getting loot frames stuck. I'd say Thor if it's his current version, Wally may be faster but with the Odin Force Odin was fighting beyond the concept of war itself. Added option to Enable/Disable individual Custom Texts. Reworked the way we attempt to skin other addons options which use the Ace3 library. [Nameplate] Added xOffsets on Buffs, Debuffs, Castbar, Class Power, and Power bars. i never like this addon never used once i try around cata i thinki dont like change ui old schooltherefor even i didnt like blizard new ui change. Added Below and Above (Inside) options for chat editbox (Thanks @Cistara). (#234). Wally West is The Flash, the fastest man in the multiverse. Heal Prediction was messing up for Druids but I fixed it. Corrected Count Font Outline on Top Auras, along with the border color being incorrect. Style Filters: Added a new trigger "Location" that triggers on which Map, Instance, Zone (like "Boralus Harbor") or Subzone (like "Sanctum of the Sages") you are currently in. At the cemetery, Wally reunited with Barry Allen and Jay Garrick, who had been restored to the timeline along with the Justice Society. Following the events of Flash War, Wally sought help in Sanctuary, a rehabilitation center for both superheroes and reformed villains. Fixed memory leaking from `GetPlayerMapPosition` API. (Thanks shrom). Disregarding the fact that this is a really weak attempt at poisoning the well (bad lawyer tactics as well) Prime can't really deal with Hyperforce potency. Fixed friendly nameplates not showing in Garrisons. (Thanks AcidWeb and Nihilith for helping debug). Made sure Voice Icons appear when the Panel is hidden. Now enter Wally Manhattan in the realm of DC connective energy or crisis energy is absolute and above any lesser energy form in terms of raw destructive/creative capability, its above conceptual beings of which the pheonix is one of them. [Nameplate] Fixed a bug where the Highlight was under the health. | As they run into the Speed Force, Barry tells Wally that they both have been lost in the Speed Force before, to which Wally responds that they are each other's lightning rods. Wally began to create a new universe from the shards of the old ones, when he suddenly realised it wasnt working. Fixed issue that prevented the Guild MOTD from being shown in the chat after a `/reload` sometimes. Added Mistweaver PVP Buffs (Peaceweaver and Dematerialize) to the Whitelist. It doesn't matter how fast you are if you're not landing any meaningful blows. Added and updated spell IDs in the RaidDebuffs filter. The Mobius Chair was equipped with tractor beams powerful enough to pull a planet from its orbit. Now you use Shift+LeftClick to toggle between friendly, enemy and normal state on a filter. Added a seperate Tooltip option to display the NPC ID. This should have minimal effect on existing plugins. Attempt to fix compare tooltips not hiding. Also mate, you aren't adding much to the convo and I don't prefer having useless notifs, so like, don't banter unless you're thinkin' 'bout what you're typing, k? I'll type up all of my proposed changes either today or tomorrow. Eventually, in the wake of the Final Crisis, his Mentor, Barry Allen returned, and the two men worked as Flashes alongside one another. Nameplate power error about SetStatusBarAtlas was fixed. Added a temp mover for the Scrapping Machine Frame. Added a Panel Snapping option, which allows you to toggle the snapping into panels. 144444 (downloads) LuckyoneUI - Wrath Classic. Fixed Spellbook error in combat (happened when leveling). Mythic+ score options in the tooltip section (Based on Blizzards new score API). Blacklisted Joyous Journeys (still shows in Buffs by Minimap). Barry took Wally to meet the Totality on their space station, and informed him of the new structure of the multiverse.[35]. Wally expended his powers in a blast that burned out the Sun. Crit and Hit Datatext were fixed for Classic. They received a call from Barbara Gordon in Gotham, telling them that she had been kidnapped and was being transported in a van. (Thanks to Caedis), Tooltip sticking around but using another method this time. Fixed Vehicle Exit options, they were misbehaving unintentionally. Speedster battles and speed equalized. (#950). Implemented changes to support the new patch 7.2. Disabled the version reply over the ElvUIGVC channel at Blizzards request. [Nameplate] Removed Detection as this was used in Legion but is no longer used as much and this would increase preformance further. Fixed error: StyleFilter attempt to index locale 'auras' (a nil value). Updated Aura Indicator for Wrath so that ranks are joined (adjusting settings of one spell works on all ranks). And I was gonna do Mobius Chair Wally, but he would stomp if I do that. Added new style filter action "Power Color". History Size can be adjusted and the history channels can be excluded by type. [Actionbar] Stopped allowing Keybinder in combat. Slade then made Wally realize that speed was his main advantage, and now that the playing-field was evened, he didn't stand a chance, since Slade was a trained killer with superior combat-skills. Add or Remove spell from a filter should now work how it was always meant to. Added Season 2 Dungeon Affix Debuffs and Blacklisted Drained debuff. Reworked the Microbar mouseover handler. Fixed Additional Power Prediction not anchoring properly when set to vertical fill. Fixed a skin error on the Petition Frame which hides a button. Mobius Chair Flash is when the current flash, Wally West , gets on The Mobius Chair. Fixed taint in CommunitiesUI preventing you from setting notes among other things. Smart Filter appears to have finally passed its exams, yay! Extra Action Button cooldown was not showing when it should. You are using an out of date browser. Added skin support for Objective Tracker timer bars. Added option in our media section to remove the cropping from icons. The Sniper (Canon, Team Fortress 2)/Bulborb channel 3, Peter Griffin (Canon, Composite)/Peterpiper588, Stewie Griffin (Canon, Composite)/Peterpiper588, Brian Griffin (Canon, Composite)/Peterpiper588, Superman (Canon, DC Animated Universe)/Goulden1998, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Wally transferred the surge to Jai, giving him a full connection to the Force and allowing him to use his powers without ill effects. Limited the Nameplate Low Health Threshold to '80%'. He saw two versions of the day he first met Barry Allen. Will that help? Powers and Stats Tier: At least 8-C. Varies with speed, up to 4-B normally, up to 2-C, possibly 2-A at his peak. This will reset the Filter Priority list to the default state. Fixed issue with aura min/max time left settings in style filter actions. Added new style filter action "Frame Level". DataTexts: Added No Label option for combat timer text. LFG icon should work with other Minimap addons and moving it is possible in (Minimap > Buttons > LFG Queue). (#1444). If this is disabled then the current targeted nameplate will not display a healthbar if Health is disabled for this unit type. DC Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. Fixed Masque support for Pet bar and Stance bar. (Sorry for this everyone <3). [Style Filter] Added Triggers- Unit Is Tap Denied, Unit is Not Tap Denied. Boba Fett VS Samus Aran (2010) Mario VS Sonic (2011) Master Chief VS Doomguy; Link VS Cloud (2012) Batman VS Spider-Man; . Wally ran into the museum, declaring that if Barry wouldn't come with him he would go alone. Thread starter Oleggator; Start date May 14, 2021; . Fixed an issue which caused a hidden frame in the middle of the screen to hijack clicks. Black Winter dwarfs Galactus by multiple levels over as well so idk what's going on there. (#908), Fixed lua error caused in NamePlate Style Filters about `GetSpecializationInfo`. Drain Soul has 5 ticks (not 6 ticks btw). What did Wally do for this kind of conclusion? The twins had known this would happen as Wally had told them the story of his time travel adventures many times. (a userdata value)". Moving the General chat tab should no longer cause any errors and the General tab should snap back to position. Added spacing option for classbar on unitframes. (#1277). [16] Wally reluctantly assisted Fuginaut, fighting alongside the heroes of Earth 23, and purged the Dark Matter from their world. Fixed issue which could cause an error in other addons when Chat History was enabled. Fixed pet type in tooltip for non-English clients. 5. Wally approached them and after an awkward moment he was embraced by his old friend and fellow founding member Donna Troy. To make matters worse, they would even forget their own history as a group due to the machinations of Mister Twister, further hiding Wally's existence. During the battle, Wally West had a "temporal seizure". Wally deduced that Eclipso planned to use Gemworld as a gigantic antenna to amplify his psychic powers, and was proven right when Eclipso was able to possess the other heroes.[45]. Added Weakened Soul for Wrath to Aura Indicators. Skip the boring and tedious process of setting up your ElvUI profile from scratch. (#873). Removed border color restriction when using the Thin Border Theme. Updated Trinket Spells for Trinket element. Updated collection skin. Adjusted the fix for Vehicle Mover on Wrath. Style Filters were messing with Nameplate Highlight texture. Chat Editbox will follow the chats text font and size. Colors will now update as you click the wheel. Various tweaks and fixes to skins and skinned: Recap button & Warboard frame. Redirecting the Chaos Wave shits on anything anyone in the DC verse has ever done. Added BoE/BoA text overlay in our Bag/Bank. While trying to reintegrate in the world, Wally met his younger cousin, who he shared the same name with, when he showed up in Central City. After the events of the Darkseid War, Owlman took control of it for a short time, taking Grid with him inside of the chair. It's not really a mismatch considering this Wally has next to no feats and Cosmic Thor has enough to say he could go at his level. Added a "Reset Aura Filters" button for all Buffs, Debuffs and Aura Bars modules on both nameplates and unitframes. (#1176). StyleFilter: fix a couple import and export bugs, Chat: block other secure commands like /focus from being saved to editbox history, NamePlates: fixed debuffs being able to attach to debuffs in options, NamePlates: block widget tooltips on forbidden nameplates, NamePlates: added new Prefer Target Color option along with Low Health Color and Low Health Half color settings, Cooldowns: fixed Rogue Stealth displaying as nan and flashing too often, Filters: blacklisted A Gilded Perspective, AuraBars: Fixed alignment with size override setting, Cooldown Text: Added support for cooldown reduction buffs (Urh Relic, Faeries, etc) with a color setting under Threshold Colors "Modified Rate", DataTexts: Added option for time DataText to disable flashing for new calendar invites, Locales: Updated zhTW (Credits: fang2hou), Misc: Fixed Raid Utility not saving position correctly, Nameplates: Added ability to export and import selected style filters, Tooltip: Added font options for tooltip header, UnitFrames: Player Classbar now have an option to toggle Displaying Mana, UnitFrames: Readded "Start Near Center" option for party, UnitFrames: Add ability to change pet happiness colors, UnitFrames: Add ability to hide Rest Icon at max level, UnitFrames: Add ability to scale the Raid Role Icon, UnitFrames: Readd missing option to Show/Hide Spec Icon on Arena frames, Skins: Adjusted the 2 tabs on the Macro skin to accommodate larger toon names, Tooltips: Fix tooltip count on Enchant crafting window when mousing over the reagents, StyleFilters: Add missing defaults for in party/raid, StyleFilters: Add Not Resting, No Target conditions, StyleFilters: Optimized execution of filters for performance gain, UnitFrames: Fixed vehicle not swapping units, Added PvP trinket effects: Gladiator's Resolve and Eternal Aegis, Repaired gold text will now match Vendored Grays gold format, Filters: Added back Castle Nathria buffs and debuffs, UnitFrames: Added support to display all Seeds of the Pantheon fight in Boss Frames, UnitFrames: Boon of the Ascended will no longer fade out Raid Frames, Updated code for AuraBars anchoring (works better attached to centered elements), Fixed Auras not being sorted correctly sometimes, Added Unbound Freedom to PlayerBuffs (thanks Shrom), Click Casting: Moved into Actionbar settings (this includes Mouseover Click Key), Fixed Chat Error from Monster Emotes on Russian Clients (this patches a Blizzard Issue), Fixed Macrobook skin not showing the icons you can change to on open, Fixd Quest Interaction text not appearing in the new language, Fixed issues with text on Spellbook and updated the skin a bit, Fixed Spellbook profession buttons triggering a taint, ActionBars: support for Check Mouseover Cast, Search: some options were hiding from the display (some still are), Another overall performance update (related to Auras by Minimap), Please post feedback in the elvui-performance channel on our Discord, Chat: Fixed chat alerts playing on chat history, General: Minimap mover will match Minimap that has a scale other than one, Locales: Updated Russian translation (Credits Enkaf), NamePlates: Fixed Aura Style Filters not triggering because of the element being disabled, NamePlates: Fixed errors when deleting a Style Filter, UnitFrames: Aura Bars will now work with Fluid Smart Aura positioning, UnitFrames: Raid Role Indicator now supports Main Assist and Main Tank, UnitFrames: Updated filters for Sepulcher of the First Ones and Season 3, Increased overall performance (should be noticable in raids and battlegrounds), Bank: Improved bank performance, fixed items not updating, Skins: Fixed performance issues in our spellbook skin, UnitFrames: Added heal prediction to frames missing it, UnitFrames: Classbar in Druid Bear Form can now display Mana, UnitFrames: Improved aura positioning and performance. 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