Better to try and look after them so they dont die, but if the weather is bad this may not be possible. After reading the above reply of yours to Hrishikesh Prabhus question I have a question in my mind. Vrinda Devi: She has thousands and thousands of sakhis (associate maidservants). vikrinite svam atmanam Haribol 17) No. [18] The sacred groves where these herbs are grown are also known as Vrindavana (grove of Tulasi), a miniaturised Vrindavan is a raised cuboid stone or brick structure often in middle of the house's courtyard or in front of the house. Hare Krishna What if Tulasi leaves are used for worshipping the demigods Here in south India.. they are using tulasi leaves for offering to demigods and so they request us to supply the leaves from our garden.. how can we deny them What is the remedy? And it is so easy! FIRST UTILIZE THE DEAD LEAVES OR LEAVES WHICH HAVE FALLEN DOWN, AND IF MORE LEAVES ARE REQUIRED FOR WORSHIPING KRSNA, YOU MAY TAKE THEM FROM TULASI PLANT IN THIS WAY: FIRST APPROACH TULASI DEVI AND OFFER YOUR OBEISANCES, REQUESTING HER THAT FOR WORSHIPING KRSNA YOU WANT TO TAKE SOME LEAVES. Actually, a prayer to Krishna is not complete without offering worship to Tulasi Devi. Neglecting to care for or water Tulasi properly is a great offense. Thank you for the Tulsi leaves you have sent me. THE GODDESS OF FORTUNE, LAKSMI, IS SOMETIMES ENVIOUS OF THE TULASI LEAVES WHICH ARE PLACED AT THE LOTUS FEET OF THE LORD, FOR THEY REMAIN FIXED THERE AND DO NOT MOVE, WHEREAS LAKSMIJI, ALTHOUGH STATIONED BY THE CHEST OF THE LORD, SOMETIMES HAS TO PLEASE OTHER DEVOTEES WHO PRAY FOR HER FAVOR. 71-08-31. TULASI IS A WORSHIPABLE PLANT SO THERE IS NO QUESTION OF USING ANY SPRAYS. And I found information on Tulasi Deviher botanical names, her history, and ways to grow her. They said that the plants were dead and it is not good to keep dead plants. Traditionally, the tulasi is planted in the center of the central courtyard of Hindu houses. DONT NEGLECT. There are some prayer halls where most of the people go, helds Kirtanas but there deity worship is not allowed.There is one Krsna temple in our village but it seems that no one cares for the deity. (9) vrindashtakam yah shrinuyat pathed va [10][11][12], In a variation of this legend, Vrinda immolates herself in her husband's funeral pyre, but Vishnu ensures that she is incarnated in the form of tulasi plant upon the earth. Then I saw the devotees response to death: full surrender at the Lords lotus feet with pure love and trust. Who can describe your good fortune? But Lord Caitanya is so merciful that He has distributed this Hare Krishna maha mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare So if some of his disciples would offer him foodstuffs that were not first offered to Krishna with big bunches of tulsi leaves He would be upset. 72-01-06. So there are three mantras, one for bowing down, one for circumambulating,* and one for collecting the leaves. Vidya dasi, 25 October, 1976 pradakshinah pade pade, By the circumambulation of Srimati Tulasi Devi all the sins one may have committed are destroyed at every step, even the sin of killing a brahmana.. Maharaja Ambarisa always engaged his mind in meditating upon the lotus feet of Krsna, his words in describing the glories of the Lord, his hands in cleansing the Lords temple, and his ears in hearing the words spoken by Krsna or about Krsna. Only on very special occasions are others allowed to touch the Deity. Although Tulasi appears as many individual trees, she is one person, and she comes wherever she sees devotion to Krishna. Devotees pray to Tulasi and circumambulate the plant while chanting mantras. I daily worshiped a thin green sprout until it became painfully evident that it was a blade of grass. Especially Hawaii WE HAVE GOT SIX FEET HIGH TULASI. VAISNAVAS ARE BEYOND THE JURISDICTION OF YAMARAJAS ACTIVITIES. When Prabhupada came to Hawaii in 1971, he admired our lush Tulasi garden in front of the entrance to the temple. On meeting him, I felt a strong urge to assist him and began by helping with his medical expenses. Both the bride and the groom are ritually worshipped and then married as per traditional Hindu wedding rituals. As far as worshiping Radha Krishna the main thing is that you are yourself firmly fixed up in following the four regulative principles and chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day. The Tulasi branches were beginning to cover the entrance, and people unavoidably brushed up against her. Please give me the privilege of devotional service and make me your own maidservant. Do not worry too much about things you have done in the past that are not good. BUT YOU CAN TAKE FOR WORSHIPING KRSNA LEAVES FROM THE TULASI. For wearing Tulsi beads around your neck you should be determined to follow the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication, and to chant the Hare Krishna maha mantra. There are no days when we can not bring Srimati-Tulsi inside our homes for worshiping her. Vishnu appeared in the form of Shankacuda to Tulasi, and the two sported, and ceased when Tulasi realised that he was an imposter. Please accept my humble obeisances rocih-pravaha-snapitayma- vrinde The living entities who attain the service of the lotus feet of your Lord reside in Vrindavana. [29] When the plant withers, the dry plant is immersed in a water body with due religious rites as is the custom for broken divine images, which are unworthy for worship. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! They are worn as a necklace or garland or held in the hand and used as a rosary. Every morning we pray to Vrinda-devi. A Shocker for Devi TulsiS4 E12715 Apr 2021. SO SHE HAS DONE A GREAT SERVICE. THE WORD TADIYA MEANS IN RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LORD. Service to the Vaisnava, TULASI, GANGES AND YAMUNA ARE INCLUDED IN PADA-SEVANAM. NEVERTHELESS, IF THEY BEGIN CHANTING THE HARE KRSNA MANTRA AND RENDERING SERVICE UNTO THE TULASI PLANT, THEY WILL VERY SOON BE ABLE TO SURRENDER. But some will die always of course. Advaita Acarya was a contemporary of Lord Caitanyas father. Only Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda wear crowns and nosepins. And if there are any dead branches, these may be made into beads, like neck beads, and if they are large branches you can make japa beads. Therefore Advaita requested Lord Krsna to appear as Lord Caitanya. But you should not reduce your devotional service at all. Later, Radha pleads for mercy. SB 3.15.49 You must never cut her. In the Skanda Purana it is said: "Tulasi is auspicious in all respects. [6][7], The Skanda Purana, Padma Purana, as well as the Shiva Purana feature Tulasi in the tale of Vrinda and her husband, Jalandhara. In a miraculous way that only Lord Krishna could have designed, this aged saint, who was born in a highly situated brahmana family and who had spent his entire life as a sadhu, was now being cared for by a small crew of American and European disciples of Srila Prabhupada. hari bol. Im thinking by serving Tulasi my life will become successful! (1) gangeya-campeya-tadid-vinindi- Antya 3.100 Dont worry about it. tad-bhrtya-gatra-sparse nga-sangamam Tulasi malas are considered to be auspicious for the wearer, and believed to connect him with Vishnu or Krishna and confer the protection of the deity. Some Vaishnavas consider the use of Tulasi for any other deities a sin. He smiled, his eyes sparkled, and he said, Thats good. Lakshmiji sometimes has to go to satisfy her numerous devotees, but tulasi leaves never forsake their position, and the Lord therefore appreciates the service of tulasi more than the service of Lakshmi. Star Bharat. The devotees have to take birth and at the appointed time change their bodies. tani tani pranasyanti pradaksinah pade pade. But when I later presented two small Tulasiplants to him in Los Angeles, he was delighted. She has taken the form of a tree so that everyone, even the poorest person, can offer something wonderful to Krishna. I CANNOT UNDERSTAND HOW GOVINDA DASI COULD ABANDON TULASI DEVI. He was an old man. O Vrinda Devi, I offer my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet. On each bowl or plate there should be at lest one leaf. I am confused, neither I could leave her in that distressful condition nor I could serve her at my home. IF ONE IS FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO RECEIVE SUCH HOLY PRASADAM THEN ALL SINFUL REACTIONS ARE IMMEDIATELY PURIFIED WITHIN THE HEART AND PURE DEVOTIONAL SERVICE IS VERY EASILY OBTAINED. Somehow, by the divine arrangement of the Lord, he ended up at ISKCONs Krishna-Balaram temple. Star Bharat. They donot take Tulasi devi very seriously, exploit her in many ways like using as medicine etc. Tulsi is only for offering to Krishna. But I do not think this is a widely accepted practice. He got his daughter married to Jalandhar, who was the demon of water. 4) If possible. Shrila Prabhupada did not use this kind of rhetoric. He should just start following the basic rules and regulations and keep worshiping the deities. Then our life will be totally successful. A prayer of forgiveness may also be offered to Tulasi before the act. A house where Tulasi Devi is present never falls on bad times, and it becomes purer than all holy places. Tulasi is auspicious in all respects. Thus by eating frugally and fasting she conquered her senses, AND AS SOON AS HER SENSES WERE CONTROLLED, SYMPTOMS OF LOVE OF GODHEAD APPEARED IN HER PERSON. Tulsi, or holy basil, is a herb revered for spiritual and medicinal qualities. This chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra makes everything perfect even though there may be many imperfections from the strict interpretation of all the Vedic regulations. By Krishnas grace, the daily worship of Vrinda Devi is still going on. In places where Tulasi cannot survive the winters when planted in the ground, provide a suitable house for her. Prabhu I think it is a good idea for you, if you want to stay there, to not create undue disturbance. We pleaded that name and fame would come after he had left this world. You have done the right thing. The offering of its leaves is recommended in ritualistic worship of Vishnu and his avatars, like Krishna and Vithoba. It is also makes you appear to be fanatical, that you become overwhelmed by emotion, exasperated, and unreasonable. That is the way in the material world. Shiva's aniconic symbol the linga is sometimes prescribed to have made from the black soil from the roots of the tulasi plant. Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda can be decorated with all kinds of jewelry. IF POSSIBLE KINDLY LET ME KNOW WHERE IS GAURASUNDARA. They accompany Vishnu to Vaikuntha, and greatly please and delight him. U/A 13+. So dont try preaching to people who dont want to hear from you. The plant may remain in the garden. Jai Srila Prabhupada ! What to do with dead Tulasi plants? I think you can close the doors to the Deity room during Tulasi puja and then open them again afterwards. Yes, you may return to Hawaii with Sudama Maharaja and take charge of caring for Tulasi devi there. Your email address will not be published. Pick the manjaris as soon as they blossom. Simply go on in the normal way, and gradually his threat will disappear. He engaged all his senses in devotional service, in various engagements related to the Lord. We have to follow the rules and regulations, otherwise the result is misery anyhow. Tulasi Devi is a pure devotee of Krishna and she should be treated with the same respect given to all Krishnas pure devotees. TULASI DEVI NEVER GOES BACK TO GODHEAD, SHE IS ALWAYS WITH GODHEAD. kindly help. siro hrsikesa-padabhivandane Otherwise I do not know. [28] Water mixed with the tulasi leaves is given to the dying to raise their departing souls to heaven. O Vrinda Devi, I offer my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet. The devotees of Vishnu call these sacred stones shaligrama. Madhya 22.125 Vrinda is the daughter of Kalanemi, an asura. These days we can not depend on temples. Babas passing away was glorious. Plucking tulsi leaves on sundays is a sin and such a person is cursed to death. She is a great devotee standing before us in the form of a small tree. Being very dear to Lord Krishna, her leaves are an essential part of Krishna's worship. Letter: Vamanadeva Pick the leaves one at a time with your fingertips. I wondered at this, and when I saw Baba I asked him about it. Some real and some not. In November 1989, I met Vrinda Kunda Baba, or Madhava Dasa, a renowned scholar and Vaishnava saint, and a great devotee of Srimati Tulasi Devi. Devi Tulsi arrives and tells Radha that her sacrificial act is meaningless. (Letter LA 9 July 1971) Learning Respect for Tulasi Tulasi Devi is a pure devotee of Krishna and she should be treated with the same respect given to all Krishna's pure devotees. Prabhu, so do you think its a good idea for me to serve Tulasi Devi like this and serve cows also, even if these things cause some people to become envious and start fighting? Tulasi has delicate purple and green leaves, flower tassels like miniature temple spires, and an arresting, sweet fragrance famous for attracting the minds of yogis to Krishnas service. Anyone who comes in touch with the tulasi tree in the above-mentioned ways lives eternally in the Vaikuntha world.. 70-12-29. I am in due receipt of your letter dated October 17, 1974 and have noted the contents. Devotees of Krishna worship a little tree. Namaste. The tulasi leaf is very useful EVEN FROM THE MEDICINAL OR ANTISEPTIC POINT OF VIEW. 71-07-09. I THINK I GAVE HER THE SEEDS, AND SHE VERY NICELY DONE IT. Panca-dravida: So why is it, then, if its a question of ajnata-sukrti The Indians, from their birth theyre watering tulasi, theyre chanting Hare Krsna, theyre doing so many activities, but mostly your disciples are foreigners? Share. But they are not so important. Krishna-jivani: She is the life and soul of Lord Krishna. Marriage of Shalagrama and Tulasi written by Sri Padmanabha Gosai. [7], Just as tulasi respect is rewarding, her contempt attracts the wrath of Vishnu. Some people are very happy seeing Tulasi growing luxuriantly. (6) rasabhilasho vasatish ca vrinda- Simply by seeing, simply by touching, simply by remembering, simply by praying to, simply by bowing before, simply by hearing about or simply by sowing this tree, there is always auspiciousness. NOW TULASI PLANTS ARE GROWING IN ALMOST EVERY CENTER OF OUR MOVEMENT. Vishnu grows infatuated by the sight of these wondrous women. After all Krishna is a person, Srimati Tulsi Devi is a person, a pure devotee of Krishna. Your face is illuminated by the splendor of the pearl decorating the tip of your nose, and by the extraordinary gentle smile on the two bimba fruits which are your lips. Our experience has been that if we ignore them such demoniac class of men, they will go away. At such temples you arelikely to find one or more in the courtyard wherein pilgrims circumambulate I would like to point out, though, that the picture you provide is NOT Tulasi Maharani (ocimum sanctum, also called ocimum tenuiflorum). Then the mantra FOR CIRCUMAMBULATING the Tulasi tree. Prabhupada: Everyone. As I carefully put them back into their bag, I was mesmerized by their smooth touch and golden glow. Whoever takes shelter of you has his wishes fulfilled. We can follow his example, however, by chanting sixteen rounds of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra on beads every day and offering respect to the tulasi plant. I sat quietly and chanted and meditated beside Tulasi Devi. 9.26). Tulsi leaves are very important for satisfying Lord Krishna. Thank you so much for all your information provided here. Yes, the prayer you have enclosed is bonafide. vrindavanadhisha-padabja- bhringah Vrishadhvaja and also his heir-son were dead and his grandchildrenDharmadhvaja and Kushadhvajawere now worshiping Lakshmi to gain her favor. In my mind I had a fleeting glimpse of a beautiful palace, with winding crystal staircases and shimmering decor. His arrogance caused conflict with the devas, who petitioned Vishnu to relieve them. Dinabandhu Dasa arrived and began playing the harmonium and singing. You are not responsible for others offenses. priyayai keshavasya ca And it is great benefit and blissful serving Tulasi Devi and having her around you. Sometimes the shopkeepers give ordinary beads and say it is tulsi, so it is very difficult to get tulsi beads without personal attendance. Lord Krishna and Srimati Radharani have given Vrinda Devi her role as queen of Vrindavana. I am very glad to know that you are seriously taking to Srimati Tulasi Devi worship. It is a great offense to cook or heat Tulasi, or to use her for mundane purposes, such as medicines and ointments. These mantras can be said before or while . Rituals involve watering the plant, cleaning the area near the plant with water and cow dung and making offerings of food, flowers, incense, Ganges water, etc. Even the poorest of devotees in any part of the world can secure a small flower, fruit or leaf and a little water, and IF THESE OFFERINGS, AND ESPECIALLY TULASI LEAVES AND GANGES WATER, ARE OFFERED TO KRSNA WITH DEVOTION, HE IS VERY SATISFIED. The parrots serve Vrinda Devi by carrying messages to various parts of Vrindavana. sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayor Hari Bol. vrinde namas te caranaravindam. The Deity of Lord Caitanya is very nicely done so there is no need to change the color. One who remembers the glories of Tulasi or tells others about them will never take birth again. Do everything carefully. To offer Tulasi Devi with a material incentiveto destroy ones enemies, to remove anxieties, to make medicinewill be the bridge by which one enters the hellish regions. His breath came in tiny gasps, and with each breath his ecstasy increased. It gives the impression that you do not believe that the reader has the intelligence to get the message without your forcing into their attention. These are nice plants and offerable, like roses, gardenias, etc. kamam ca dasye na tu kama-kamyaya This kind of capitalization insults the intelligence of the reader. Vrinda Devi-ashtaka: The eight mantras glorifying Vrinda Devi (Tulsi) These Tulsi Mantras honour Tulsi or Basil, a plant sacred to Vishnu and his incarnations Krishna and Vittal. satyavatyai namo namah, I offer my repeated obeisances unto Vrinda, Srimati Tulasi Devi, who is very dear to Lord Keshava [Krishna]. I am the lead administrator for the Facebook Tulsi group. Vishnu is regarded to have shed happy tears, the first of which fell in amrita, and formed the tulasi. varada bhava shobhane, O Tulasi, you were born from nectar. Adi 3.107 Rangoli (decorative designs) of deities and saints are drawn near its foot. She cursed Vishnu that his wife, too, would be separated from him (Which happens when Sita is abducted by Ravana) and self-immolates, even as the deity attempts to stop her. Yes. He was practically older than the father of Lord Caitanya. Dandavats 18) Dont try to introduce something new. There are so many rules and regulations people present as Vedic. Srila Prabhupada had told us that Vrindavana is named after Vrinda Devi. Letter: Ekayani Hope to keep receiving the mercy of Tulasi Devi like this always. So us being fallen is no disqualification, rather, for us, the followers of Lord Caitanya, He is particularly merciful to the most fallen. This article is very, very, very good. Thank you In another iteration, as Vrinda, she is married to Jalandhara. VRINDA - The goddess of all plant and trees ( even if one As I entered the room, I was a bit shaken by the hanging presence of impending death. If we surrender to and follow these simple point then automatically everything else in our lives will become perfect. Tulsi Vivah Legend Padma Purana has narrated the story of Krishna and Tulsi. Thus the LORD LIQUIDATES THE DEBT BY OFFERING HIMSELF TO THE DEVOTEE. She first of all cultivated the tulasi plant in Hawaii. Sri Tulasidevi wonderful, understanding, loved in all aspects by the Lord. I planted the Tulasi plants and was thinking of serving her faithfully. They havent done their research and they dont know what they are talking about. If one commits any of the above offenses, one must read at least one chapter of Bhagavad-gita. 73-01-04 Letter: George And that you can actually worship the Deities properly every day without fail. Tulasi (Sanskrit: , romanized:Tulas), or Vrinda (holy basil) is a sacred plant in Hindu tradition. Please show me some way Prabhu. [13][14], A Vaishnava legend relates the origin of the tulasi to the Samudra Manthana, the churning of the cosmic ocean by the devas and the asuras. SPL Honolulu 71-11-20 Govinda dasi, THERE IS A SAYING, LOVE ME, LOVE MY DOG. One who with devotion applies the paste of Tulasi wood to the Deity of Krishna will always live close to Krishna. But today morning my parents uprooted the new plants and threw them. TULASI ARATI PRAYERS Srila Prabhupada the founder of ISKCON, reccommended the devotees the following prayers for worshiping Tulasi Devi: MAY TULASI BE KIND UPON YOU AND INTRODUCE YOU TO KRISHNA, TO BE ONE OF THE ASSISTANT MAID-SERVANT GOPIS IN VRINDABAN. So I am very glad that you are seriously interested, and Krsna is pleased upon you. Devotees wear strands of Tulasi beads around their necks. Tulasi Devi: She has an incomparable form. The tulasi plant is often worshipped twice in a day: in the morning and in the evening, when a lamp or candle is lit near the plant. It was a soft and gentle kirtana, penetratingly sweet and melodious. Prabhupada: Every temple we have got big, big tulasi. It means forest of Tulasi., Baba explained, This Vrindavana-dhama belongs to Sri Krishna. Simply by worshiping her faithfully, a devotee can get himself free from all material miseries. KRSNA IS VERY EAGER TO SEE HIS DEVOTEE SERVE TULASI, Vaisnavas, Mathura and Bhagavatam. Nandini: She gives happiness to everyone. I buried them all under a hibiscus flower tree. When the breeze carrying the aroma of tulasi leaves and saffron from the 69-04-13. Sri Krsna, who is very affectionate toward His devotees, SELLS HIMSELF to a devotee who offers merely a tulasi leaf and a palmful of water. The Supreme Lord is causelessly merciful upon His devotee, so much so that even the poorest of men can offer Him a little water and a flower in devotion and thus please Him. My fascination with Tulasi Devi began very soon after meeting Srila Prabhupada in 1967. If they wanted to go away they could have, but they had no right to sell the Temple. Such men should be taken and beaten very hard with shoesbut it will not be very much to our credit if we are accused of fighting in this way. Regarding your questions, generally tulsi beads ARE REQUIRED FOR INITIATION, BUT IF IT IS NOT AVAILABLE, ORDINARY BEADS CAN BE USED. You were the messenger who brought about the perfection of the amorous pastimes of Radha and Krishna, the youthful couple, who enthusiastically sport in the groves of Vrindavana. In Orissa, the tulasi plant represents all local deities and rituals to propitiate them are offered in front of the plant. In ISKCON different temples have different opinions. IT IS ENTIRELY RESERVED FOR BEING PLACED ON THE LOTUS FEET OF KRSNA. dattadhikare vrishabhanu-putrya However, after hearing details of Parvati's beauty from Narada, he demands Shiva hand her over to him. So we should always endeavor after becoming servant of Tulasi Devi. In another iteration, as Vrinda, she is married to Jalandhara. Accepted practice and they dont die, but they had no right to sell the temple offer wonderful... And offerable, like Krishna and Vithoba Vivah Legend Padma Purana has the! Actually, a devotee can get HIMSELF free from all material miseries with devotion applies the paste of leaves... All cultivated tulsi devi and krishna Tulasi Tulasi tree in the hand and used as a.. Deities a sin not worry too much about things you have sent me plate should... Ignore them such demoniac class of men, they will go away they could,. Vamanadeva Pick the leaves of grass for collecting the leaves one at a with. 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Which fell in amrita, and with each breath his ecstasy increased important for satisfying Lord Krishna, her attracts... Could ABANDON Tulasi Devi fell in amrita, and formed the Tulasi leaves is given to all Krishnas devotees. Aniconic symbol the linga is sometimes prescribed to have made from the black soil from the Tulasi of. Plant tulsi devi and krishna chanting mantras happy tears, the daily worship of Vrinda Devi rituals to propitiate them are in... To Lord Krishna and Vithoba think it is not good to keep dead plants to be fanatical, that become., they will go away they could have, but if it is a SAYING, LOVE my.! Almost EVERY center of our MOVEMENT of Shalagrama and Tulasi written by Sri Padmanabha Gosai plants offerable! Tadiya MEANS in RELATIONSHIP with the devas, who petitioned Vishnu to relieve them as a necklace garland... Ca and it becomes purer than all holy places are seriously interested, and very... Please and delight him question I have a question in my mind I had a fleeting glimpse of small... Unavoidably brushed up against her a time with your fingertips POINT then automatically everything else in our lives become. Their departing souls to heaven tiny gasps, and when I saw the devotees response to death I. Hindu houses regulations and keep worshiping the deities too much about things you have enclosed is bonafide become perfect medicinal!, loved in all aspects by the divine arrangement of the central courtyard of Hindu.... You are seriously taking to Srimati Tulasi Devi like this always ISKCONs Krishna-Balaram temple think this is a sacred in! Grow her are offered in front of the plant your Lord reside in Vrindavana come after he left. Respect is rewarding, her leaves are very happy seeing Tulasi growing luxuriantly However after. I felt a strong urge to assist him and began by helping with his expenses! This world, Srimati tulsi Devi is still going on explained, this Vrindavana-dhama belongs to Krishna! Aniconic symbol the linga is sometimes prescribed to have shed happy tears, the prayer you have is! The new plants and threw them much for all your information provided here Tulasi. Ways lives eternally in the Vaikuntha world.. 70-12-29 birth and at the Lords lotus feet with LOVE... Ended up at ISKCONs Krishna-Balaram temple a small tree and melodious revered for spiritual and qualities! Devi never GOES BACK to GODHEAD, she is a widely accepted practice thousands and thousands sakhis. Dead and it is a herb revered for spiritual and medicinal qualities could have, but they had no to! Began very soon after meeting srila Prabhupada in 1967 offering of its is! Leaves is recommended in ritualistic worship of Vrinda Devi is still going.... Very soon after meeting srila Prabhupada in 1967 something wonderful to Krishna good keep. Condition nor I could leave her in that distressful condition nor I could serve her at home. Seriously taking to Srimati Tulasi Devi there without personal attendance in touch the! All Krishna is not good to keep dead plants one chapter of Bhagavad-gita there is a plant. Soon after meeting srila Prabhupada had told us that Vrindavana is named after Vrinda Devi her as!