at a later date, because I had not heard it was supposed to have repellent effects, at least not on mammals. It is easily propagated by cuttings. Plectranthus are in the same family as mint (Lamiaceae ). Primarily grown for its attractive foliage. It is native to South Africa and Australia, not Sweden, where it was first popularized. heterotypic nom. Very easy to propagate by stem cuttings. You can only salvage the plant if it has healthy roots (whitish, yellowish, light brown). This hybrid is a quick-growing perennial shrub that grows 24 to 30 inches tall and does well in either shady or partially sunny locations. Called by various trade names, including Scaredy Cat, Piss-off Plant, Dogs Gone or Bunnies Gone, it was said to be Coleus canina, It didnt take much digging to discover its real name is Plectranthus caninus: an honest mistake, as the two plants are closely related. Prune plants freely to maintain the desired size and shape. However, its pungent medicinal scent and overpowering flavor make it undesirable for extensive culinary use. Tubular lilac and white flowers bloom during the summer. It's a tropical subshrub from Africa that makes a good drought-tolerant groundcover where temperatures remain above freezing. It grows on dry, rocky or sandy ground around the Mediterranean. Neomuellera Briq. They are best planted in the spring, or you can sow seeds indoors six weeks before the last frost. Huge, fuzzy, toothed, green leaves are held on thick, upright, branching stems and provide a perfect foil for the 10-inch spikes of electric purple-blue flowers. Since they're not particularly showy, pinch the flowers back or deadhead them to show off the foliage, which is the main attraction of this plant. Position the plants in the soil at the same depth they are in the pots and water well. by Marie Harrison (can2grow) June 10, 2011. Cut a section from your plant at least 3 inches in length. However, other references suggest that more than 350 species are known. It grows 18 inches tall and 36 inches wide. It makes a great heat- and drought-tolerant addition to container gardens or can be grown as an indoor plant. Isodictyophorus Briq. I also tried a few of the many lemon-scented plantslemon balm (Melissa officinalis), lemon-scented pelargonium (Pelargonium crispum and others) and lemon thyme (Thymus citrodorus), all said to repel cats, with no luck. Differing from true oregano, Cuban oregano does best when situated in a location that provides some protection from the hot summer sun. This semi-trailing plant grows 8-10 inches tall and spreads up to 36 inches wide. Inflorescence terminal or in the upper leaf axils; flowers in compact cymose clusters. Since it is not listed on the GRIN website, it may have been reclassified. [Cited as Plectranthus caninus.] It grows 12-18 inches tall and wide. The plant produces it to repel insect pests and grazing mammals but the scent itself isnt really what keeps them away: its the bitter compounds in the leaves that insects and certain mammals avoid. Capitanya Grke The leaves can be used fresh or dried. I had to put my potted plant in the balcony, as otherwise she would sneak up and eat it. Plectranthus neochilus Schltr. Plectranthus species are herbaceous perennial plants, rarely annuals or soft-wooded shrubs, sometimes succulent; sometimes with a tuberous base. A member of the mint family, it emits a strong, unpleasant odor that is thought (though without scientific The plants need at least 8 hours of dark to grow. You see, the plant really doesnt want to repel insects: it needs pollinating ones to ensure its flowers are fecundated. Spikes of dark lavender flowers bloom from spring until fall. In this article, pictures were contributed by Kim_M, Happenstance, Buffy 690, Chinabit, Atisch, Kel, and Kennedy H. Pictures not credited are the author's. Known for his great generosity, his thoroughness and his sense of humor, he reached several generations of amateur and professional gardeners over his 40-year career. Lowe's. Pull up the root ball and inspect the roots. WebAnnual or weak perennial, erect, branching, semi-succulent herb, 0.15-0.4 m tall; stems villous. Ascocarydion G.Taylor Generally speaking, for almost any garden situation, a plectranthus can be found to fit the bill. Plants grow between one and three feet tall and wide a sport thick, velvety, succulet foliage. Winter hardy to USDA Zone 10-11 where it is best grown in rich, humusy, medium moisture, well-drained soils in part shade. Whole Plant Traits: Plant Type: Ground Cover Herbaceous Perennial Houseplant Woody Plant Leaf Characteristics: Broadleaf Evergreen Habit/Form: Horizontal Mounding Spreading Growth Rate: Rapid Maintenance: Medium Texture: Medium Cultural Conditions: Good in large patio pots. Place your cutting, cut-end down, in damp soil. They also bloom in cool summer climates. Coleus has been the subject of much hybridization during the past several years. The leaves are both scalloped and wavy at their margins. Distribution and occurrence: World: c. 250 species, tropical Africa to Asia and Japan, to Australia & some Pacific islands. Cori Sears specializes in home decor and houseplants. The majority of the plants growth takes place in the spring and summer Itprefers a hot and dry location for the best performance. In the garden, most plectranthus plants grow from 12 to 28 inches tall. However, some bright color varieties tend to "green out," with the foliage taking on a green tinge in too much shade. The cuttings root easily in soil and can be grown without much hassle. Crowding plants can result in fewer blooms and weak growth as the plants compete for light. Make sure the stem has at least five. One that I have grown and enjoyed for years is Plectranthus australis. She has more than 20 years of experience writing and editing for both print and digital media. Prepare the garden by breaking up the existing soil (use a hoe, spade, or power tiller). It is a traditional drink made with ground maize (corn) mixed with cocoa, agave or honey and cinnamon, vanilla and a variety of spices. There were no controls andwho knows?maybe my pets are just less reactive to scented plants than others? Rotate the container and continue to tap, loosening the soil until the plant pulls smoothly from the pot. It was selected from a species native to Australia. Leocus A.Chev. Here's how to divide: Another option for propagation is to usestem cuttings. Sometimes called Spanish thyme, Mexican thyme, and Indian borage, the aromatic, edible leaves have a flavor suggestive of a combination of oregano and thyme. They flower in the fall, continue through winter in zones where they are hardy, and bloom until spring. (ed.) Then plant them outdoors once again! Many have aromatic, colorful foliage with leaf edges that tend to be wavy, toothed, or scalloped. Remove flower spikes after bloom. Grown mostly for its pretty foliage, this large group of plants works well in the garden and as houseplants. Light foliage varieties, especially gold ones, can sometimes burn in full sun, causing unsightly bleached leaves. In fact, the shape and arrangement of the leaves is very similar. Plectranthus verticillatus is a common houseplant. Refer to the plant label to check a plants specific requirements. Each avocado-green leaf is splashed with an irregular central patch of pale lime. Geisha and Maggie both found marigolds (I tried T. patula,T. erectato and T. minuta)be of no interest whatsoever and were neither rebuffed nor attracted by them. If I did, given the results of my experiments, you can be sure Id try something other than repellent plants! An attempt to register "Coleus canina" to receive plant variety protection failed as it was considered to be only a clone of Coleus comosus (synonym Plectranthus ornatus).[2]. P. barbatus var. Also, remove damaged leaves to prevent spores from spreading. Exceptions to this might be regions with a short growing season, shade plantings which tend to grow slower and fill in less quickly, or a need to fill an area with color quickly such as for a special event or if planning to entertain guests outdoors. Pinching plants back stimulates dense, bushy new growth and encourages more flowers. Using the trowel, cut down straight down in a circle around the plant section that you want to replant. The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Fawn Creek Township is in Montgomery County. WebAnnual or weak perennial, erect, branching, semi-succulent herb, 0.15-0.4 m tall; stems villous. Pale blue to violet blue flowers form lavender-like spires and are borne through summer, although not in the same abundance as lavender. This plant overwinters in my Zone 8B garden in protected places. An excellent bedding plant, plectranthus foliage adds color when flowering plants may not be in bloom. If you are repotting a mature plant, select a container that is 2 inches wider and deeper than its current pot. These fanciful foliage plants are easy to grow and also make excellent houseplants or container plants. Blue spur flower (Plectranthus oertendahlii), also known as speckled spur flower or candlestick plant, is a low-growing selection that is at home in the low light of the forest floor. A number of species are commonly cultivated as ornamentals. Plant the seeds shallowly, about 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep. Its a concept as old as the world and yet, positive evidence on the subject rare; Id even say nonexistent. From there it went to Solenostemon scutellarioides, but recently the name has been changed to Plectranthus scutellarioides. (ed.) Thulin, M. Blue Yonder has green foliage edged in white, and it sends up spires of sky-blue blooms in summer. Plants are tolerant of heat, humidity and some soil dryness. Symphostemon Hiern, Plectranthus is a genus of about 85 species of flowering plants from the sage family, Lamiaceae, found mostly in southern and tropical Africa and Madagascar. It is an excellent addition to borders, foundations or containers where winter hardy. WebPlectranthus caninus Scaredy Cat Plant LIVE PLANT in 2.5 inch pot 5 out of 5 stars (3.4k) $ 12.00. A few years ago, I tested a few of these plants on my own pets: my cat Geisha (may she rest in peace) and my dog Maggie, just for the fun of it. Plectranthus Pleases Foliage Lovers. This perennial, hardy in Zones 9-10, is being studied for its medicinal properties. As the waterline recedes, replenish the water. The plant section you take should be at least 2 to 3 inches smaller in circumference than the container. While Plectranthus is not a frost-tolerant genus, plants in this genus do well in colder temperatures and even flower during the shorter days of the year. All Plectranthuses are members of the Lamiaceae (mint) family. In St. Louis, grow as an annual for part shade summer gardens or in containers. read more, Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the, Hausa potato, frafra potato, Sudan potato, coleus potato, Zulu potato). For example, the blue spur flower is an aggressive spreader, sending out offshoots under the soil. For the amount to use, follow product package instructions. As a matter of fact, a wide variety of forms, colors, and sizes of Plectranthus make it possible to find some that will fit into almost any garden. It has a very strong fragrance of oregano when crushed, hence its other common name Cuban oregano. She's worked in research for nearly two decades. Therefore, the method most often recommended, that is, planting them here and there among garden plants you want to protect, is simply not going to work. I have seen zero serious studies on the subject. WebPlectranthus Seeds. Be careful not to overwater. WebNoteworthy Characteristics. Some also tout themselves as "weatherproof," meaning the flowers don't close up when water splashes them. Plectranthus coleoides 'Cerveza 'n Lime' resembles Cuban oregano with its fuzzy, scalloped green leaves, but the leaves on 'Cerveza 'n Lime' are a bit larger and not as succulent. Dig the hole up to two times larger than the root ball and deep enough that the plant will be at the same level in the ground as the soil level in the container. Still, I must admit the experiences didnt lead me to think very favorably about animal repellent plants! In St. Louis, this plant is grown as a foliage annual, with best performance usually occurring in part shade or sun dappled areas with regular and even moisture. Thirty-four compounds representing 91.02% of the total oil were Plectranthus forsteri 'Marginatus' offers large hairy leaves edged in white. Plectranthus coleoides 'Variegata' is a different species from common Swedish ivy, but its growth characteristics and uses are similar. Plants tolerate full sun in cool summer climates. Nematodes are especially fond of their root systems, so starting new plants from cuttings and moving them to a different spot in the landscape can invigorate declining plants. Garden writer and blogger, author of 65 gardening books, lecturer and communicator, the Laidback Gardener, Larry Hodgson, passed away in October 2022. Englerastrum Briq. I got into this years ago when a plant new to me came onto the market as a cat- and dog-repellent. The most recent treatment of the genus resurrected the genus Coleus, and 212 names were changed from combinations in Plectranthus, Pycnostachys and Anisochilus. According to popular belief, it will keep away cats away from the garden, but when I placed Geisha next to the plant growing in my flower bed, she ignored it. Many varieties are sweetly fragrant (sniff blooms in the garden center to be sure.) Sunny locations if you are repotting a mature plectranthus caninus edible, select a that! Than repellent plants, T the Mediterranean heat- and drought-tolerant addition to borders foundations! Plants works well in the fall, continue through winter in zones 9-10, is being studied for medicinal! Mostly for its medicinal properties of 5 stars ( 3.4k ) $ 12.00 Grke the leaves can be found fit. Potted plant in the same abundance as lavender 9-10, is being studied for its medicinal properties edged in,. 30 inches tall and wide a sport thick, velvety, succulet foliage same they! 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