A. A young adult client who has a radial pulse rate of 56/min C. An 11-year-old child who has a respiratory rate of 34/min For an infant, this temperature is more of a concern than it may be for an adult.. Apply the sensor probe on the chose site. But body temperature is different for infants and adults. D. Use the thigh to obtain blood pressure when a client has severe edema in their arms. "Count the respiratory rate for 1 minute for clients who have a respiratory infection." Be sure to indicate the site and whether you measured the blood pressure on the right or the left side of the patient's body. In Exergen models, two tasks are being performed by the thermometer as it scans. This type of thermometer is non-invasive and may even be applied while a patient is sleeping. A temporal artery thermometer may be more expensive than other types of thermometers. Systematic review and meta-analysis on the diagnostic accuracy of temporal artery thermometers (TAT). D. Withhold the client's antianxiety medication. Next, the nurse should apply the sensor probe to the selected site and instruct the client not to move. 4) Leave thermometer in place until audible signal indicates temp has been measured. B. D. A client who has a blood pressure of 110/68 mm Hg. A peripheral pulse strength of +4 is described as bounding and is considered an unexpected finding. For children who can hold a thermometer under the tongue using proper technique (usually children older than four or five years). Which of the following findings requires intervention? Nasal O2 readjusted and SaO2 increased to 95%. A 3-year-old preschooler who has an apical pulse rate of 144/min Increase in blood pressure -Abnormal respiratory sounds 2) Remove protective cap and wipe lens of device with alcohol swab Increase in blood viscosity -The pulse oximeter works by reading the light reflected from hemoglobin molecules. A. - Can be acute or chronic, -Often severe with a rapid onset and a short duration. Tachycardia can be caused by stress or anxiety. exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between atmosphere and the cells of the body. A. Sixteen temperature samples compared temporal artery thermometers to core temperatures. Read the instructions for your particular thermometer. Instruct the client to bear down like they are having a bowel movement. A. C. A young adult who had hypotension after receiving an opioid analgesic and now has a blood pressure of 98/68 mm Hg Cmo aprobar el examen ATI de salud mental? A school-age child who has an apical pulse rate of 78/min "The body loses heat through shivering." 4. A nurse is caring for a client who has hypotension. Your temporal artery is a blood vessel that runs across the middle of your forehead. -Type of oxygen therapy (nasal cannula, mask) and flow rate The TemporalScanner Thermometer, TAT-2000C, for home use is a totally non-invasive system with advanced infrared technology providing maximum ease of use with quick, consistently accurate. Keep your mouth closed and keep the thermometer in place for about 40 seconds. The nurse should identify that the apical pulse is auscultated over the apex of the client's heart for a client who is older than 7 years of age. This indicates that the administration of the pain medication was effective. Continue to deflate the blood-pressure cuff slowly, noting the number at which the sound disappears. Teach the client how to take their pulse so they can keep the provider informed of variations. B. A nurse is assessing the body temperature of an adult client using a temporal artery thermometer which of the following action should the nurse take (select all that apply) A Move the probe in a circular motion to obtain the reading B. Continue to inflate the blood-pressure cuff 30 mm Hg more. Put on a disposable sensor cover before taking the temporal artery temperature. 2. D. Pulse deficit of 13/min A term used when systolic pressure drops more than 20 mm Hg or the pulse increases by 20 beats per minute or more when the patient moves from a recumbent to a standing position, - Considered a 5th vital sign The nurse should identify that a client who has an increase in afterload increases the risk for hypertension. This action can lead the client to alter their breathing, which can cause inaccurate results. With just a light stroke across the temporal artery area of the forehead, an accurate reproducible temperature is measured in about 3 seconds - eliminating any discomfort caused by a thermometer inserted into the ear, mouth, or rectum. "Conduction is the loss of body heat when sweat dries from a client's skin." A. D. Use the thigh to obtain blood pressure when a client has severe edema in their arms. The nurse should expect the client to exhibit bradycardia, or a slow heart rate, due to their high level of physical fitness. The client's diaphoresis will make it difficult to obtain an accurate temperature via the tympanic membrane or temporal artery. If it remains elevated, the nurse should notify the provider. A. A nurse is contributing to the plan of care for a client who has hypertension. 5) You'll document the fifth sound, which is actually the disappearance of sound, as the diastolic blood pressure. A. To auscultate a patient's apical pulse accurately you position the bell or the diaphragm of your stethoscope over the point of maximal impulse, which is located, -At the 5th intercostal space at the left midclavicular line, The best way to determine the depth of a patient's respiration is to, -Observe the degree of chest wall movement during inspiration & expiration, You are measuring a patient's temperature orally. A client who has a BP lower than the expected reference range D. The AP selects a blood pressure cuff width that is 40% the circumference of the client's arm. This number is the patient's diastolic blood pressure. C. A young adult who has an apical pulse rate of 104/min For which of the following clients should the nurse obtain the vital signs rather than the AP? D. Respiratory rate 18/min via observation, client sitting in chair. An older adult client who had bradycardia while sleeping and now has an apical pulse rate of 66/min Client reports experiencing postoperative pain as 7 on a scale of 0 to 10. U.S. STD Cases Increased During COVIDs 2nd Year, Have IBD and Insomnia? The nurse should check the capillary refill time to ensure adequate perfusion. The nurse should identify that a pulse strength of +1 indicates that the pulse is weak or diminished upon palpation. A nurse is planning care for a group of clients. 5) Discard disposable cover and document results. -The temperature reading C. Encourage the client to practice relaxation techniques each day. As the ventricle contracts, the blood is forced into the aorta and systemic circulation. -Oxygen saturation after a specific treatment (nebulizer therapy) in the medulla of the brain and the level of carbon dioxide in the blood help regulate breathing. What is the temporal temperature range? Measurements were performed using two temporal artery thermometers (Temporal Scanner TAT-5000, Exergen Corp.). 3) Position probe flat on center of patient's forehead at midpoint between the hairline and eyebrow TATs use an infrared scanner to measure the temperature of the temporal artery in the forehead. a. increases the flow of auxin down the shoot, c. produces a plant that will grow taller, d. produces a plant that will grow fuller. The temporal temperature range for forehead temperature measurements is 94 to 110F (34.5 to 43C). Releasing the pressure at a rate of 5 mm Hg per second is too fast. Once oxygenated, the blood is returned to the heart via the pulmonic vein, where it enters the left atrium. Quality, NURS 3631 Pediatrics Module 4 CH 14 Health Pr, Kathryn A Booth, Leesa Whicker, Terri D Wyman, Lecture 4 Funds A: Part 1 Pentose Phosphate P. Results obtained indicate that measurement of the automated temperature device calibrated against standard mercury-in-glass thermometer returned a correlation coefficient of 0.790996276 . Boston Childrens Hospital and Harvard Medical School. A charge nurse is reviewing the technique for obtaining SaO2 with a group of newly hired nurses. C. The AP waits to take the client's BP 45 min after the client ambulates in the hallway. In addition to gender and age, exercise, medications, decreased oxygen saturation, blood loss, and body temperature can all influence a patient's pulse rate. A client who is 1 day postoperative following a hemorrhoidectomy and receiving pain medications via PCA pump "Cardiac output is the amount of blood flow through the heart in 1 minute." The nurse should use clinical judgment when evaluating vital signs and wait 15 to 30 min following exercise. Identify the order of the steps the nurse should include. If it goes over 104, you can try to lower it at home by: If you have a persistent fever that stays above 104 degrees Fahrenheit, call your doctor immediately. B. B. A nurse is evaluating the effectiveness of interventions provided to a client who was admitted for decreased peripheral circulation. They include: You should also be ready to make one other adjustment. B. 3 months to 4 years. -Its own category The average difference between the rectal and the temporal artery measurement was 0.3C. Temporal artery thermometers to core temperatures. B. - perform hand hygiene - answer-1-perform hand hygiene 2-select D. Wait 15 seconds and observe the SaO2 percentage displayed on the pulse oximeter. 8-year-old male: respiratory rate 34/min, SaO2 97%. Using the airway, breathing, circulation approach to client care, the nurse should identify that the priority finding is the low SaO2. D. A client who was recently admitted and reports chest pain. The main advantage of using a temporal artery thermometer is how quickly you can get a reading from it. C. Right atrium A 3-year-old preschooler who has an apical pulse rate of 144/min Cite the average body temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure for various age groups. 2. The point at which you no longer feel the pulse is the estimated systolic pressure. A. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and is expressed as a fraction. A. "The first step in checking for orthostatic hypotension is obtaining a client's blood pressure while they are standing." It involves observing the rate, depth, and rhythm of chest-wall movement during inspiration and expiration. D. Right ventricle. Fever can increase a client's respiratory rate. This finding indicates that interventions were effective. Which of the following interventions should the nurse recommend? The high point occurs when the ventricles of the heart contract, forcing blood into the aorta. A nurse is discussing oxygen saturation with a client. When measureing B.P. Always be sure to share what type of thermometer you used, as well as the reading, when you talk to a doctor about a fever. The nurse should encourage the client to participate in relaxation techniques such as guided imagery, meditation, or yoga as these can decrease heart rate and blood pressure. Use all the steps.) 4) Leave thermometer in place until audible signal indicates temp has been measured. A nurse is caring for a client who has an increase in cardiac afterload. A charge nurse is discussing a client's respiratory data with a newly licensed nurse. When a cut-off temperature over 37.7C was used on the temporal artery device to define fever, the sensitivity improved to 90% for identifying a fever of >38C as measured by the rectal thermometer, but the specificity dropped to about 50%. Gently sweep it across your forehead and read the number. C. Confirm the pulse rate displayed on the oximeter by palpating the radial pulse. A nurse is observing an assistive personnel (AP) who is obtaining a blood pressure reading from a client. This number is usually between 30 and 50 mm Hg and provides information about a patient's cardiac function and blood volume. D. Increase in preload. The nurse should identify that a respiratory rate of 14/min is below the expected reference range of 18 to 30/min for a school-age child. "Clients will exhibit an increase in their respiratory rate after using a bronchodilator." 1) Provide privacy Temperature of the thermal core can be monitored at four sites: distal esophagus, pulmonary artery, nasopharynx, or tympanic membrane. This client's pulse rate is higher than the expected reference range. The nurse should also determine if the client has other manifestations of impaired circulation, such as cool, pale skin. C. Apical pulse greater than radial Contraindicated for pediatric clients with certain diagnoses and infants less than 1 month of age. Therefore, the nurse should direct the AP to obtain this client's temperature rectally. A nurse on a pediatric unit is reviewing the medical records for a group of clients. Usually .9 degrees higher than oral temperature. -Your nursing interventions D. A 23-year-old client who runs marathons and has a blood pressure of 82/54 mm Hg. C. Place the stethoscope over the 4th intercostal space to the left of the sternum. D. "Radiation is the loss of body heat when a client is in close proximity to a cooler surface.". Which of the following information should the nurse recommend be included about measuring body temperature? The nurse should identify that a blood pressure of 116/72 mm Hg is within the expected reference range for a young adult. C. Encourage the client to practice relaxation techniques each day. This study asks if a temporal artery temperature (TAT) measure can supplant the RT measure. A fever, defined as a rectal temperature 38 C, was detected in 37 of these patients, which gave a sensitivity of 53 % (95 % CI: 41 - 65 %) and a specificity of 96 % (95 % CI: 90 - 99 %). Notify the charge nurse of the client's blood pressure reading. A toddler who has diarrhea Select a blood pressure cuff width that is 25% of the circumference of the client's thigh. D. "Radiation is the loss of body heat when a client is in close proximity to a cooler surface." Oral: Into the mouth for children 4 to 5 years and older. The pros: A remote temporal artery thermometer can record a person's temperature quickly and are easily tolerated. A 52-year-old client who has a fever due to a wound infection and a pulse rate of 100/min - It can be acute, chronic, or intermittent and is caused by tumor growth and tissue necrosis. B. The nurse should identify that a blood pressure of 82/54 mm Hg indicates hypotension, which is an unexpected finding for a 23-year-old client. The charge nurse should include that a decrease of at least 20 mm Hg in the systolic pressure with a position change indicates orthostatic hypotension. A. Besides body heat, signs that you may have a fever include:, A body temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher signals a fever. -Any signs or symptoms of abnormal oxygen saturation This is located between the 5th intercostal space to the left of the client's sternum. Which of the following is the nurse's priority action? A 76-year-old client who reports moderate pain and has a respiratory rate of 20/min -You might not hear a 5th Korotkoff sound, You are assessing the vital signs of a newly admitted patient. In this age range you can use a digital thermometer to take a rectal or an armpit temperature or you can use a temporal artery thermometer. A nurse obtains a client's electronic blood pressure reading of 188/96 mm Hg. Can you make the bulb light? A client who has an apical pulse rate of 120/min Wrap the cuff evenly and snugly around the patient's upper arm. Select the site for obtaining the measurement. D. Discontinue IV fluids. "The body lowers body temperature through sweating." For example, if you have a two-year-old and use a temporal artery thermometer, you may get a reading of 101 degrees Fahrenheit. C. The expected reference range for oxygen saturation is 90% to 100%. D. Encourage the client to take a warm shower. usually .9 degrees lower than oral temperature. C. An infant who has a respiratory rate of 52/min Which of the following anatomical sites should the newly licensed nurse identify as the pacemaker of the heart? Hold probe flat against the forehead while moving gently across forehead across the forehead over the temporal artery. A school-age child who received two units of packed red blood cells now has a BP of 76/54 mm Hg. A charge nurse is reviewing orthostatic hypotension with a group of newly licensed nurses. Wear gloves when measuring temperature rectally. Tachycardia. The AP informs the client when they are counting the respirations. D. An older adult who has an apical pulse rate of 96/min. A nurse is evaluating the effectiveness of interventions provided to four clients who have unexpected findings for vital signs. Expected finding is the client hears sound equally in both ears (negative weber test) 9. -Your nursing interventions D. A client who has a blood pressure of 162/102 mm Hg has stage II hypertension. 60-100 BPM. If the capillary refill time is not less than 2 seconds, the nurse should select another site to ensure an accurate measurement. Blood pressure is measured and documented in millimeters of mercury. B. Palpate the femoral pulse when obtaining blood pressure in the thigh. A nurse is caring for a client who has a heart rate of 118/min. D. Blood pressure slightly decreases immediately following the use of nicotine. A nurse is preparing to obtain a young client's apical pulse. 5)Listening to the brachial pulse with your stethoscope, inflate the blood-pressure cuff to 30 mm Hg above the patient's estimated systolic pressure. Align the sensor with the middle of your forehead for the most accurate reading.. -The site where you measured oxygen saturation A. 3)Inflate the blood-pressure cuff with your dominant hand while you use the fingertips of your nondominant hand to palpate the brachial pulse. B. A.Radial pulse regular at 84/min Which of the following steps has the highest priority in the use of this piece of equipment for measuring body temperature? A. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? Vital signs are measurements of the body's most basic functions including temperature, pulse, respirations rate, oxygen saturation, and blood pressure. A temporal thermometer measures the temperature of the temporal artery in the forehead whereas a tympanic thermometer measures the temperature of the eardrum. Accuracy of a noninvasive temporal artery thermometer for use in infants. The charge nurse should include that a blood pressure of 162/102 mm Hg meets the diagnostic criteria for stage II hypertension. D. A newborn has a respiratory rate of 56/min while sleeping. D. "A blood pressure measurement of 176 over 102 is classified as a hypertensive crisis.". Since theres no wait for results and the devices do not cause discomfort, TATs are excellent for use on children. Which of the following information should the nurse recommend be included? A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a group of assistive personnel (AP) about techniques used to obtain BP. A nurse is planning care for a group of clients and is reviewing the recent vital signs obtained by an assistive personnel. A. Eupnea A. 9 Monitoring at noncore sites, including the urinary bladder or rectum, reflects core temperature if certain precautions are taken. Blood pressure is measured and documented in millimeters of mercury. A nurse is reviewing the vital signs of four clients. Which of the following statements should the nurse include? C. "Stage II hypertension is diagnosed when the blood pressure measurement is 132 over 86." C. 4th intercostal space The pressure is measured with a sphygmomanometer.  . 1 When ambient temperature changes or animals undergo . A nurse is reviewing the vital signs for a group of clients obtained by an assistive personnel. Left ventricle The nurse should document the findings in the client's medical record and notify the provider if a pulse deficit is present. B. Recording vital signs provides critical information regarding a client's condition. For a healthy adult is between 95% and 100%. Youre Not Alone, Pesticide in Produce: See the Latest Dirty Dozen, Having A-Fib Might Raise Odds for Dementia, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, When to Use a Temporal Artery Thermometer, Step-by-Step Tips for Using a Temporal Artery Thermometer, Pros and Cons of Temporal Artery Thermometers, Health conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, that cause inflammation, Drinking water to cool your body off and prevent dehydration, Eating light meals that are easy for your body to digest, Taking ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen, or aspirin to lower your temperature and improve your symptoms, Pain that is more severe than muscle aches, Swelling or inflammation in one particular area of your body, Vaginal discharge or urine that smells strong , Oral a thermometer that goes under your tongue, Anal a thermometer is inserted rectally and usually considered the most accurate, Armpit also called an axillary thermometer, Ear also called a tympanic thermometer. A. An older adult client who had bradycardia while sleeping and now has an apical pulse rate of 66/min C. An older adult client has a tympanic temperature of 35.9 C (96.6 F). 3) Gently pull the pinna (the auricle) back, up, and out and insert the tip of the covered thermometer probe into the patient's ear canal. B. Temperature measurements were taken from each patient using the tympanic, temporal artery and contactless thermometers and oral electronic thermometer. The cons of Temporal artery thermometers. A rectal temperature is 0.5 F (0.3 C) to 1 F (0.6 C) higher than an oral temperature. Which of the following manifestations requires follow up by the nurse? A nurse is contributing to the planning of an in-service about factors affecting respiratory rate for a group of assistive personnel. Which of the following actions should the nurse take when checking the infant's apical pulse? Armpit temperature A digital thermometer can be used in your armpit, if necessary. "Cardiac output is the amount of blood flow through the heart in 1 minute." 4. Apply critical thinking skills while performing patient assessment and patient care. 3c ). D. Vena cava. D. SaO2 of 96%. As you scan it, the thermometer is taking hundreds of measurements per second of the heat the persons body is giving off.. A. D. "Wait 5 minutes to check the client's blood pressure after each position change.". "Hypertension is diagnosed with two elevated measurements on two separate occasions." Which of the following statements should the nurse include? 2) Place covered temp probe under patient's tongue in the posterior sublingual pocket A 1-month-old infant who has a respiratory rate of 58/min Temporal Artery Temperature Assessment Marybeth Pompeia and Francesco Pompei, Ph.D.a,b Temporal artery temperature (TAT) is a core temperature, defined as the temperature of the blood perfusing . For a healthy adult, a respiratory rate between 12 and 20 breaths per minute is considered normal. B. Oxygen saturation reflects the amount of oxygen being delivered to body tissues. If measurements are outside normal ranges, ensure that the device being used is functioning properly and used properly applying pulse oximeter, assure that the finger has no cuts or lesions and . A. Peripheral pulses that are nonpalpable require further intervention by the nurse. Temporal Temperature Measurement Method 1) Provide privacy 2) Remove protective cap and wipe lens of device with alcohol swab Designed specifically to be completely non-invasive, the . A. Pulse deficit less than 10 Taking the Child's Temperature . C. "A decrease of 20 millimeters of mercury in the systolic pressure with a position change indicates orthostatic hypotension." Conditions such as decreased thyroid activity, hyperkalemia, an irregular cardiac rhythm, and increased intracranial pressure can all slow the heart rate. This method is suitable for all ages and poses no risk of injury for patient or clinician. "Count the respiratory rate for 1 minute for clients who have a respiratory infection." 2) Gently push disposable cover over tip of thermometer until locks into place B. Respirations observed as even, nonlabored at 20/min with client in supine position "Successive blood pressure measurements of 126 over 78 is classified as stage I hypertension." B. An adult client who has a respiratory rate of 18/min is within the expected reference range of 12 to 20/min. The low point occurs when the ventricles relax and minimal pressure is exerted against the vessel wall. The nurse should identify the site from which to obtain the measurement, such as the finger, wrist, foot, or earlobe. Temporal temperatures are close to rectal, but they are nearly 0.5 degrees Celsius higher than oral, and 1 degree Celsius higher than axillary temperatures. However, the site is not as accurate as others & does not reflect core body temperature. Direct sunlight, cold temperatures or a sweaty forehead can affect temperature readings. B. D. Oral temperature is easily accessible despite a client's position. B. Your oral temperature is considered normal around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. B. Toddler who has a respiratory rate of 44/min The Valsalva maneuver can be used to regulate heart rate. Restrict the client's oral intake of fluids. A nurse is caring for a client who has an increase in cardiac output. C. Sinoatrial (SA) node B. B. The nurse should identify that an apical pulse rate of 144/min is above the expected reference range of 75 to 129/min for a preschooler. A nurse is reviewing documentation of vital signs by a newly licensed nurse. Which of the following findings indicate an intervention was effective? Wait 30 seconds. A.Encourage the client to change positions slowly. A nurse is observing an assistive personnel (AP) obtain vital signs from an adult client. Which of the following documentation should the charge nurse identify as being incomplete? B. Toddler who has a respiratory rate of 44/min A 17-year-old who has a respiratory rate of 16/min Appropriate for patients who are comatose, have facial injuries or deformities, or critically ill or injured. A pulse strength of +2 is considered an expected finding. A client has a radial pulse of +4 bilateral. Move the thermometer. Provide the client with low-sodium meals and snacks. C. A client who has an apical pulse rate of 84/min From which of the following clients should the nurse collect data and recheck the vital signs prior to notifying the provider? The temperature difference between the inside and the outside of an automobile engine is 450C450^{\circ} \mathrm{C}450C. (b) the Kelvin scale. Which of the following pieces of documentation is correct? While the notation of the client ambulating in the hall can be a factor in the tachycardia, the nurse does not indicate they will re-evaluate the pulse rate after the client has rested. Ask the client whether they can hear the sound best in the right ear, left ear, or both ears equally. most inconvenient Usually a red thermometer Make sure to use lube Axillary Temperature Taken in armpit Less accurate than other methods Usually lower than the real temperature by about 1 degree F Temporal artery temperature Drag across forehead and down behind the earlobe Commonly used . B. Design: A prospective repeated measures (induction, emergence, and postanesthesia care unit) design was used. The best sites to use varies with age of patient, the situation, and agency policy. -Any specimens and cultures obtained and sent to the lab D. An 18-month-old toddler who has an apical pulse rate of 120/min. C. "Evaporation is the loss of body heat when a client is near a current of cool air." This is especially important if you develop any of the following symptoms: Pro. A. 2016 Mar 31 . For which of the following clients should the nurse direct an assistive personnel (AP) to obtain a rectal temperature? Easiest to access and therefore the most frequently checked peripheral pulse. For clients who are healthy, the nurse can count the rate for 15 seconds and multiply by 4 to determine the rate per minute. C. Blood pressure decreases when the blood viscosity increases. Decreased O2 levels should be assessed promptly and reported to the provider. B. B. thready pulse Introduction to Vital Signs Vital signs are objective guideposts that provide data to determine a person's state of health. B. Which of the following findings requires follow up? Increase in blood pressure C. Place the sensor flush on the patient's forehead. Intercostal space to the left of the following interventions should the nurse should notify the provider informed of.... 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