Vecna (former master) Status Kas the Bloody-Handed was the vampire lieutenant of Vecna and the original wielder of the Sword of Kas . Value Hes referenced in Stranger Things, shows up in Critical Role, and can be found all over the tabletop games media. A weekly roundup of the best things from Polygon. Arbys Is Tossing a New Set of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Dice Our Way, DUNGEONS & DRAGONS TV Coming to Paramount, Eddie Munson Gets STRANGER THINGS Prequel Novel, But We STILL Just Want Him Alive, A STRANGER THINGS Animated Spinoff Is Coming to Netflix, Watch the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: HONOR AMONG THIEVES Cast Play D&D Together, The DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Movie Had an Excellent CRITICAL ROLE Easter Egg, Four Ways to Add Depth to Your D&D Dice Rolls. Arkhan in possession of the Hand of Vecna. While Vox Machina were meeting with the leaders of Vasselheim in the Platinum Sanctuary, and discussing their plans to defeat Vecna, Vecna himself dramatically revealed that he had been listening in on their plans the whole time, manifesting an illusion of himself in the chamber. In what was a much shorter battle, Vecna cast Firebolt, Counterspell, Fireball, Hold Monster, Disintegrate, Finger of Death, and Power Word Kill. (Vecna's first words to Delilah Briarwood), "I can give you the secret to bring your love back to lifebut then you owe me. [3][1], Vecna did not have his Hand immediately after he was reborn.[4]. While Vox Machina was talking with Ioun, she sensed Vecna's ascension. And it would heal his affliction. Is is smart to keep the player in the know instead of keeping him in the dark? While exploring the city of Thar Amphala and trying to recover the Sword of Kas, Vex applied the Oil of Etherealness to herself, and thus faded into the Ethereal Plane. Vecna is one of Dungeons & Dragons' most feared villains and it's unlikely that players will ever get the chance to take him on in a battle. 4e As the spell faded, the party was left to contemplate the cultist's last words: "His return is nigh. This idea is not as absurd as it sounds, as there is precedent for Critical Role and official D&D content to crossover. There they conquered the city of Thar Amphala and built a tower of Entropis that served as his base. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. And when Will and friends finally encounter this big bad, chances are it will be on his home turf. Thus, he overcame some old enemies and forced them to bend the knee, slew them and raised them as a loyal undead. By the time Vox Machina and their allies battled Vecna over Vasselheim, three days later, his Hand was restored. BoLS Interactive LLC. She screamed in despair into the Astral Sea, when a voice of Vecna whispered back: "I can help you". Hes also unquestionably human-shaped, unlike the monstrous creatures that have attacked the heroes of Hawkins thus far. The hand grafts itself to your arm and becomes a functioning appendage. Vecna treated those beneath him as insignificant mortals or pests too unimportant to worry about. Those are the you had to be there kinda moments. The next time something big happens in your campaign, take some time after the session to think about what it means to your character. Cookies help us deliver our services. So. 1 More posts from the DescentintoAvernus community 29 Posted by 5 days ago Descent into Avernus minis - some of my favorite minis from running the campaign. He would like this character to have a dark secret. When attached as the hand of an already-powerful spellcaster, the Hand of Vecna serves mostly as a small buff to their available spell slots. Value There's a better chance . I guess my question is, assuming that I nerf some of the hands abilities at first to be later unlocked would it be a good idea to give even a high level character The Hand of Vecna? His quest for power led him to create the Hand and Eye of Vecna, powerful magical artifacts that granted their wielders immense power at a terrible cost. Any melee spell attack you make with the Hand, and any melee weapon attack made with a weapon held by it, deals an extra 2d8 cold damage on a hit. Tiamat just isn't very interesting. [24] In order to make him a passage back to the Material Plane, they seized three ziggurats of Ioun, the goddess of knowledge and a fierce rival of Vecna, and corrupted them. Thats one of the big advantages that streamed shows havetheir audience is generally more than just the people you were playing with. He also did cold damage to Vax, Keyleth, Grog, and Arkhan when they struck him in melee. Monster Analysis: Vecna the Ascended, Part 1. 2nd Edition Statistics[3] Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon. If D&D history is anything to go by, he will stop at nothing to achieve his ends. All combatants hostile to Vecna lose existing resistances to necrotic damage until the next lair action. At the end of Critical Role's first campaign, the renowned Vox Machina defeated the Whispered One, although his hand and eye ere taken in a twist of betrayal. Wondrous item[1] The Hand of Vecna is currently in Arkhan the Cruel's possesion The Eye of Vecna is currently destroyed and will never be seen again Drakos_dj 3 yr. ago Ok, technically during the events of C1, when VM was traveling beyond the Divine Gate to seek assistance from the gods, the eye was destroyed by the Dawnfather. Upon reaching the heart of the Ziggurat, where the pyramid's ziggurat sphere was located, Vox Machina found the cult and its leaderwho turned out to be the supposedly deceased Lady Delilah Briarwood. 1st Edition Statistics[2] The Hand and Eye were originally parts of Vecnas own body. But hopefully youll find yourself creating more of those big water cooler moments. [32], While searching the former house of General Krieg, Vox Machina kept a cautious eye out for any references to Vecna. Oops. Names, trademarks, and images copyright theirrespective owner. Are secretly evil PCs a good idea? He is a good friend and loves a good story and I trust him even when it comes to having the power of a god at his finger tips, he is fully aware of the idea that follows. At the end of Critical Roles first campaign, the renowned Vox Machina defeated the Whispered One, although his hand and eye ere taken in a twist of betrayal. the world. Executive producer Shawn Levy also shares with the publication, Season 4 required a villain unlike any before. But occasionally there are those moments that are genuinely dramatic that represent that lightning in a bottle that a good RPG can capture. And one of the biggest moments was the theft of the Hand of Vecna by none other than Joe Manganiello, who in addition to being True Bloodsman and a Magic Mike, is a huge nerd who loves D&D. Do you want to be the first who gets the news directly to your mailbox? [20], Vecna was later considered a lesser deity or "patron saint" of dark, coveted secrets,[23] and this belief and worship lent him new power.[2]. Oddly enough, the biggest piece of the puzzle was actually released late last year, in the form of season 4s episode list. Maybe one time you saved a kingdom because your Dwarf Bard decided to sing a song to the stones, or your Tiefling Hexblade stopped brooding over the heinous acts in their dark and mysterious past to do battle in the rain with a demon, and while they died horrendously, the rest of the party was able to push a cart full of alchemists fire into a gang of cultists. Awesome /. Would this be a good twist? In what was a much shorter battle, Vecna cast Firebolt, Counterspell, Fireball, Hold Monster, Disintegrate, Finger of Death, and Power Word Kill. How high level? Back in episode 102, his spell save DC was 23 and his spellcasting ability modifier was +10. Rarity Pike cast Speak with Dead on one of the deceased cultists. [17], Vecna had one of his main laboratories, located on Exandria, in the Verstglade of Wildemount, where he performed countless experiments that left the forest corrupted and haunted by abominations of his creation. Like the Sword of Kas, the Hand has some random properties, but its impossible to say what these were based on the limited information we have.The Hand is significantly more powerful when combined with the Eye of Vecna, as the user gains both the Eyes base abilities and some bonus abilities from having both artifacts. The Hand has 8 charges. Largely regarded as the most dangerous of the best Critical Role villains, Vecna was a character built over the course of years, and one tied to horrifying threats like the Briarwoods. Click for details. Vecnas spellcasting abilities, as expected, greatly increased from the last time Vox Machina encountered him back when he was still a newly-risen archlich. Melee spell and weapon attacks with the Hand deal extra 2d8 cold damage on a hit. Spoiler warning: Major spoilers follow for Campaign 1 of Critical Role, which aired in 2015. 5th Edition Statistics[1] Basic Information After receiving information from Scanlan and Lionel of a second Ziggurat within the Smouldercrown mountain range, in the deserts of Marquet, Vox Machina set out to investigate and defeat the cult that had taken residence there. As time wore on, the Hand began to drive him mad, withering his body and corrupting his soul until it slowly began to drain away any remaining vestige of humanity that might lay within him. Since Riskel wasn't present for the Briarwoods' attempt, he wasn't sure if it was successful or not. Rules Information Potion of Acid Resistance Potion of Invulnerability Potion of Fox's Cunning . The Hand was a desiccated, mummified left hand. It's an original creation of D&D. History. 5e This page was last edited on April 6, 2023, at 08:41. Regarding the field itself, dividing the battlefield from the simple octagon to the floating debris gave the battle a feeling of finality. Vecna treated those beneath him as insignificant mortals or pests too unimportant to worry about. At the bottom of that theoretical pyramid of power are the dog-like demogorgons from seasons 1 and 2. Related: How Flexible Are Dungeons & Dragons' Rules? The Hand had 8 charges that enables Vecna to spent some of them and cast spells the following spells: "I can help you." newsletter, Hogwarts Legacys biggest omission, Quidditch, gets a new stand-alone game, WB Games latest offering didnt have it, so heres Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions, Niantic is giving Monster Hunter the Pokmon Go treatment, Monster Hunter Now offers real-world hunting action within a familiar framework, Barrys final season turns into the worst version of itself, HBOs once-great dark comedy has completely transformed into a fascinating failure, George R.R. Removing the Hand of Vecna invariably killed its wearer. Artifact His cultists are intent on undermining those gods' mortal flocks.[39]. And like any good actor he uses his own experiences to inform the character. The split also allowed Matt to direct who could and could not enter the battlefield. Add in the fact that season 4, episode 2 is titled Vecnas Curse and weve pretty much found season 4s big bad. [27][28], Delilah was given whispered directions in her dreams, which she followed blindly in her grief, eventualling led to one of Vecna's old laboratories. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. Thats what Vecna is.. However, one of the best fights in Critical Role's first campaign is a solo affair for Scanlan Shorthalt. Level As they approached, they realised that Vecna had reanimated an Earth titan to carry Thar Amphala. As historian Shannon Applecline indicates in his product history at DriveThruRPG, his addition to the D&D canon was likely the work of Blume alone. Head here to find out more details from the Vecna 5e dossier and adventure released in June 2022.. Vecna editions. [5] In that battle, Vecna seemingly used his left hand to cast: Later in the battle, as Vecna used up his high-level spell slots, he explicitly used the Hand to cast: Grog attempted to remove the Hand from Vecna (with the Sword of Kas, appropriately) during the fight. Creels story is pivotal to Hawkins and its inhabitants, co-creator Ross Duffer said in an Entertainment Weekly interview. Vecna, also known as the Whispered One, the Undying King, and the Lord of the Rotted Tower, is a powerful, mortal-born archlich who achieved godhood. What this means, however, is an end to all. AVestedInterest 1 yr. ago. Pike took the time to look for religious iconography that might be related to Vecna,[33] and when they found a series of busts depicting J'mon Sa Ord, Vex suspected they might be related to the "god of secrets" since Riskel Daxio was planning to flee to Ank'Harel. I come to play with the toys left by insolent, forgotten ancients and make this world into a new epoch. Warhammer End Times model for the Great Necromancer Nagash, According to the analysis conducted by CritRoleStats,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0), Evil mages, corrupt politicians, necromancers. Hand of Vecna Vecna used his magic to shatter the tower and levitate the remains, forcing Vox Machina to fight among the floating "islands". Mix that with a few other personal experiences and you have a recipe for how Arkhan might have fallen into the seductive power of Tiamat. Because Vecna is a licensed character, he is never mentioned in all campaign guides by name (along with rest of the deities). Sr. Editor & Publisher: Larry Vela The archmage turned lich turned lesser god is not someone you want to face, even with an adventuring party at your side. The other was the left eye (the Eye of Vecna). Vecna is a powerful lich, with withering, mummified flesh. Why did Vecna lose his hand and eye? Using the artifact to cast any spells caused it to demand its wearer to commit an evil act shortly thereafter, in a manner similar to the suggestion spell. The surgeon quickly realizes that this is his answer. As in SLASH'EM, the Hand conferred regeneration, cold . Critical Role - Unforgettable Gem - Vox Machina Talk to Vecna TP Burrow 21K subscribers Subscribe 10K 568K views 3 years ago #vecna #CriticalRole Harvested from the Critical Role Archives. Those, in turn, are controlled by the massive and powerful mind flayer from season 3. As an ascended god, Vecnas spell save DC increased to 26, though his spellcasting ability modifier remained the same. Vox Machina speculated that she was able to avert her death with some kind of preventative spell that she had prepared before the fight in Whitestone. Encounter Appearance: 114 Vecna, the Ascended, Resistant to cold, lightning, necrotic damage, Immune to poison and nonmagical weapon damage, spell damage below 6th level, Immune to charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, prone, blinded. Notably, he had three 9th-level spell slots, whereas the maximum for player characters is one. 295. Strength becomes 20, unless it is already 20 or higher. His quest for power led him to create the Hand and Eye of Vecna, powerful magical artifacts that granted their wielders immense power at a terrible cost. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. . Try answering these questions: There are plenty of other ways to approach this. After stealing the Hand of Vecna at the end of the first campaign of Critical Role, Joe Manganiellos character has become a part of D&D history. Required Keyleth cast Planeshift and the surviving party members escaped to the Feywild. Bell of Lost Soulsâ„— is a registered trademark of Hes the god of necromancy and undeath in the official Critical Role adventure setting. [18][19], According to Ioun, a century before the Calamity,[fn 1] the archmage Vecna achieved lichdom, amassed followers and undead forces, and with them disappeared into the Shadowfell. Your suffering is almost at an end. Cut to a rotting corpse, held together by filaments of gore and lit by an angry red flash. The live-play show Critical Role, even faced off against Vecna in the final battle of campaign one, when guest player Joe Manganiello's Dragonborn character, Arkhan the Cruel, betrayed Vox Machina and stole the Hand of Vecna before disappearing from the battlefield. Vecna is related to the new Stranger Things 4 character played by Robert Englund, Victor Creel, although details are scarce. Too long TOO LONG!!" In the months of terrorizing Vecna's enemies that followed, the chief lietenant became Kas the Bloody-Handed. In the current fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons, the Hand and Eye of Vecna again appear in the Dungeon Masters Guide as wondrous items, along with a few details about their erstwhile owner: Explorers Guide to Wildemount expands more on the lich lords dominion as a lesser god. || Tabletop Spotlight, Armored Spearhead Tier List || Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness, Some Soulblight Gravelords Always Trying To Ice Skate Uphill || Soulblight Gravelords Battletome. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. But this one? If Vox Machina cant stop him, then what hope do the kids from Hawkins have? I have a player at my table that is making a character for my first homebrew campaign. Your Strength score becomes 20, unless it is already 20 or higher. Privacy. The Eye of Vecna and the Hand of Vecna are the only artifactsunique magic itemsthat have been in each editions Dungeon Masters Guide. In the original Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting sourcebook, which is set "one year" after the fall of the Chroma Conclave (the last member of whom was slain on 12 Misuthar 811 PD), the adventure hook No Lights in the Darkness involves a supposed cultist of Vecna known as the Nameless who has stolen some of Vecna's secret knowledge and breached the lower gates of Gatshadow Mountain in search of the spirit of Acek Orattim, priest of Tharizdun; the Nameless was pursued not only by heroes sent by the Arcana Pansophical but also by the Remnants she had betrayed. Worry about SLASH & # x27 ; rules I Accept, you to. The you had to be the first who gets the news directly to your arm becomes., she sensed Vecna 's ascension who could and could not enter the battlefield turn, are by... Isn & # x27 ; s a better chance Masters Guide 4 character by. This page was last edited on April 6, 2023, at.! Lightning in a bottle that a good RPG can capture Masters Guide over Vasselheim three... 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