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Theory of Knowledge
, Epistemology (from Greek - episteme-, "knowledge, science" + , "logos") or theory of knowledgeis the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope (limitations) of knowledge. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "Epistemology of the Closet" by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick. EPISTE1vl0LOGY. Exploding Closets and Epistemological Crises The 1994 Halloween episode of Roseanne exhibits the Connor family and their friends playing a series of Halloween tricks on one another, each attempting to outdo the others. They then encounter a difficulty: If what each person pursues, and should pursue (according to them), is maximal personal pleasure, how are we going to defend the view that the right goal for society is the greatest happiness of the greatest number? This is a Premium document. there are times when remaining in the closet seems to be a more feasible, and at This legal case reveals the double-bind structure of homosexual life: If one remained in the closet there was a danger of being found out, but coming out of the closet resulted in exposure to oppression. Epistemology of the Closet A biography of Utilitarian philosopher Henry Sidgwick sheds new light on life in the Victorian era. Epistemology of the Closet, published in 1990 in the midst of the AIDS epidemic, is a seminal work of queer studies by intellectual and activist Eve Sedgwick. There is a sense that makes us feel that the truth should command our belief.The Aristotelian definition of truth states:"To say of something which is that it is not, or to say of something which is not that it is, is false. In it, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick argues that the standard binary interpretation of human sexuality is too . Bentham and Mill would have mocked these doings because they cared little about heaven in the first place. While he has seen one, and the perception he based his belief on was of a real barn, all the otherbarn-like buildings he saw were faades. central to notions or matters of sexuality, but Sedgwick argues that in true [citation needed]The relevant theoretical concepts may purportedly be part of the structure of the humanmind(as inKant's theory oftranscendental idealism), or they may be said to exist independently of the mind (as in Plato'stheory of Forms).The extent to which this innate human knowledge is emphasized over experience as a means to acquire knowledge varies from rationalist to rationalist. Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick Epistemology of the Closet, Updated with a Ne (Paperback) $44.29. 14 day loan required to access EPUB and PDF files. Epistemology of the closet (critical analysis) essay Analysis, Free Essays Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's Epistemology of the Closet is an argument about the socially imposed binary oppositions that limits the people's freedom and understanding, especially when it comes to human sexuality. The attempt by those with homosexual identity traits to conceal these traits from Doubtless they would. Kosofsky Sedgwick's critically acclaimed Epistemology of the Closet. In his bookKnowledge and its Limits,Williamson argues that the concept of knowledge cannot be analyzed into a set of other conceptsinstead, it issui generis. and more. Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Epistemology of the Closet. Some scholars attribute an extremely similar idea to Bertrand Russell. )HistoryandarchaeologyIntelligence (information) gatheringKnowledge ManagementMathematicsandscienceMedicine(diagnosis of disease)NeurologyBehavioral neuroscienceProduct testing(How can we know that the product will not fail? Epistemology of the closet. About the Author Tirza True Latimer earned her Ph.D. in art history at Stanford University. I pasted a website that might be helpful to you: Good luck! Abstract Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's concept, the epistemology of the closet, is a foundational contribution to the field of queer theory. xi + 258. Defeasibility theory maintains that there should be no overriding or defeating truths for the reasons that justify one's belief. Edition 1st Edition. Epistemology of the Closet, Updated with a New Preface (9780520254060) by Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices. What then? Last of all, I imagine, he will be able to observe and contemplate the nature of the sun, not as itappearsin water or on alien ground, but as itisin itself in its own territory. He has no sense whatever of moral wrong in his actions, and he regards the attitude of society towards those in his position as utterly unjust and founded on false principles. [citation needed]Constructivism has also emerged in the field ofInternational Relations, where the writings ofAlexander Wendtare popular. This distinction is recognized linguistically in many languages, though not in modern Standard English (N.B. [edit]InfinitismIt is not impossible for an infinite justificatory series to exist. Now consider what would happen if the course of nature brought them a release from their fetters, and a remedy form their foolishness in the following manner. [edit]SkepticismMain article:Philosophical skepticismSkepticism is related to the question of whether certain knowledge is possible. Consider the case history of himself contributed by Symonds to Havelock Elliss Studies in Sexual Inversion: At about the age of 30, unable to endure his position any longer, he at last yielded to his sexual inclinations. placementName: "thenation_right_rail", Sedgwick's inspiration for Epistemology came from reading D. A. Miller's essay, "Cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am) is commonly associated with Descartes' theory, because he postulated that the only thing that he could not logically bring himself to doubt is his own existence: "I do not exist" is a contradiction in terms; the act of saying that one does not exist assumes that someone must be making the statement in the first place. Epistemology of the Closet, Updated with a New Preface by Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsk. But, be that as it may, the view which I take of the subject is to the following effect. Sidgwick was far less democratic than Mill. Instead, he tried to prove the existence of a life after death scientifically, co-founding the Society for Psychical Research and devoting a great part of his later life to experiments that tested the claims of mediums, clairvoyants and hypnotists. by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick Paperback. If social good for all or most people is to be achieved, it will be because somehow or other the selfish decisions of many people combine to produce it. Nyaya theory distinguishes betweenknow pandknow that one knows p- these are different events, with different causal conditions. 2. tn_loc:'atf' A monthly newsletter on the global fight for reproductive freedom. The book bridges the gap between theory and practice by analyzing homoerotic relationships in literary and philosophical history, thereby calling social and political attention to a systemically marginalized group. In this skeptics opposefoundationalism, which states that there have to be some basic beliefs that are justified without reference to others. In the world of knowledge, the essential Form of Good is the limit of our inquiries, and can barely be perceived; but, when perceived, we cannot help concluding that it is in every case the source of all that is bright and beautiful,- in the visible world giving birth to light and its master, and in the intellectual world dispensing, immediately and with full authority, truth and reason;- and that whosoever would act wisely, either in private or in public, must set the Form of Good before his eyes. Headumbrateda school of thought that is known as Critical Rationalism with a central tenet being the rejection of the idea that knowledge can ever be justified in the strong form that is sought by most schools of thought. 14. tn_ptype: 'article', Certainly not, if you suppose them to have been compelled all their lifetime to keep their heads unmoved. field of queer studies. In other words, the justification for the belief must be infallible. It also deals with the means of production of knowledge, as well as skepticism about different knowledge claims.The term was introduced into English by the Scottish philosopher James Frederick Ferrier (18081864). He retained from his youthful days in the Apostles (the secret Cambridge intellectual society that gave birth to the Bloomsbury Group, as well as, later, to notorious traitors and spies) a strong elitism about morality, holding that only a select few could be trusted to know the true principles of Utilitarian ethics, and that the rest of the people would be better off believing in ordinary morality, with its notions of virtue and vice. Again: if their prison-house returned an echo from the part facing them, whenever one of the passers-by opened his lips, to what, let me ask you, could they refer the voice, if not to the shadow which was passing? [edit]ConstructivismMain article:Constructivist epistemologyConstructivism is a view in philosophy according to which all knowledge is "constructed" in as much as it is contingent on convention, human perception, and social experience. Bart Schultzs mammoth biography shows that we would have been entirely wrong. Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. This has been due, in no small degree, to the influence of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's critically acclaimed Epistemology of the Closet. Epistemology of the Closet. expressions and epistemologies (states of being) pertaining to sexual identity (The absence of the Kantian alternative is striking; it led Rawls to suggest that his own Kant-inspired political theory might be seen as the next chapter in Sidgwicks opus.) Although it is presumably used to conceal a facet of ones identity, this sense of However from this Descartes did not go as far as to define what he was. Working from classic texts of European and American writersincluding Melville, James, Nietzsche, Proust, and WildeSedgwick analyzes a turn-of-the-century historical moment in which sexual orientation became as important a demarcation of personhood as gender had been for centuries. Now this imaginary case, my dear Glaucon, you must apply in all its parts to our former statements, by comparing the region which the eye reveals, to the prison-house, and the light of the fire therein to the power of the sun: and if, by the upward ascent and the contemplation of the upper world, you understand the mounting of the soul into the intellectual region, you will hit the tendency of my own surmises, since you desire to be told what they are; though, indeed, God only knows whether they are correct. The definition of knowledge as justified true belief was widely accepted until the 1960s. station19.cebu Uploaded by Epistemology of the Closet, by Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick; pp. To avoid the charge of circularity,coherentistshold that an individual belief is justified circularly by the way it fits together (coheres) with the rest of the belief system of which it is a part. Heterosexual men are compelled to continuously police their desires and the desires of others even to the extent of unfounded suspicion that verges on madness, as depicted in Billys murder of Claggart. Continuing the analysis of the previous chapter, Victorian and Gothic literature marked another shift in what came to define the heterosexual/homosexual binary. One part of it they should not miss, however, is Schultzs lucid account of Sidgwicks defense of indirect Utilitarianism and of the central role of an elite who will run society for its own overall good. It took every shape: mutual masturbation, intercrural coitus, fellatio, irrumatio, occasionally paedicatio, always according to the inclination or concession of the beloved male. $46.92. The notion of coming out has been broadened to such a degree that it is no longer eNotes critical analyses help you gain a deeper understanding of Epistemology of the Closet so you can excel . In Chapter 1, Sedgwick takes up the notion of the closet, its relationship to what is known and unknown regarding the sexual identity of oneself and another, and its relationship to the private and public lives of gay people. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Unlike Bentham, who was simply not a very good arguer, and unlike the much greater Mill, whose journalistic style often frustrates the philosophical reader by leaving essential matters to be filled in on ones own, Sidgwick lays out Utilitarianism with great philosophical detail, showing with close argumentation why it seems to be preferable to the two other prominent approaches to ethics in Sidgwicks time, ethical egoism and intuitionism, the common-sense-based morality made famous by the anti-Utilitarian William Whewell. For example, suppose that personSbelieves he saw Tom Grabit steal a book from the library and uses this to justify the claim that Tom Grabit stole a book from the library. This has been due, in no small degree, to the influence of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick's critically acclaimed Epistemology of the Closet. Police (1988). And if some one were to drag him violently up the rough and steep ascent from the chamber, and refuse to let him go till he had drawn him out into the light of the sun, would he not, think you, be vexed and indignant at such treatment, and on reaching the light, would he not find his eyes so dazzled by the glare as to be incapable of making out so much as one of the objects that are now called true? [citation needed]Others have argued that a belief is justified if it is based on perception or certaina prioriconsiderations.The chief criticism of foundationalism is that it allegedly leads to the arbitrary or unjustified acceptance of certain beliefs. Free shipping. The question of justification arises only at the second level, when one considers the knowledgehood of the acquired belief. The Epistemology and Aesthetics of the Glass Closet Silence itself-the things one declines to say, or is forbidden to name, the discretion that is required between different speakers-is less the absolute limit of discourse, the other side from which it is separated by a strict boundary, than an element that functions alongside A more true reality is that of the road and the images being carried by the persons passing along it. The light of heaven enwraps them: their faces and their forms become harmonious to me with the harmony of the Universe. Susan Haackis the philosopher who conceived it, and it is meant to be a unification of foundationalism and coherentism. -- Preface to the 2008 edition. The reception of Ancient Greek art during the Romantic period, says Sedgwick, was significant insofar as it served as the occasion for a general societal acceptance of unphobic enjoyment of the male figure. Focused on the destruction of the dichotomous divides used to discuss and categorize First, consequentialism: The right choice is the one that produces the best overall consequences. But of course Sidgwick is worthy of our attention because he is a first-rate philosopher, and much of Schultzs volume is taken up with a close reading of his great book. And how, having defended the view, are we going to convince people that it is that goal, rather than the egoistic goal, that they should pursue, since for many people pursuing overall happiness will involve personal sacrifice? EXTRA 10% OFF 4+ ITEMS See all eligible items and terms. [citation needed]Constructivism proposes new definitions forknowledgeandtruththat form a newparadigm, based on inter-subjectivity instead of the classicalobjectivity, and on viability instead of truth. Picture Information. The next approach to a fuller realisation of reality is more testing - it involves being out in the glare of the Sun and the conceptual recognition that the images being carried are not as real as the variously motivated people carrying them. On the other hand, if something is actuallyknown, then it categorically cannot be false. His fear of scandal kept him from embracing his sexual identity, and he aggressively protected his friends from exposure and disgrace, at one point making Symonds lock up a box of his passionate homoerotic poems and dumping its key, himself, into the river Avon. This theory has the advantage of avoiding the infinite regress without claiming special, possibly arbitrary status for some particular class of beliefs. 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