Sheet creator documentation is available. They have disadvantage on Constitution Saves & Checks, and their max HP is reduced by 5. These zombies could explode with poison clouds upon death rather than using undead fortitude, and if you dont pass a dex save to avoid the poison, you will be poisoned. Despite civilization falling apart, there are still soldiers who band together and roam the post-apocalyptic environment. ZACS 5e uses primarily modern weapons and equipment. When you use a medicine kit to stabilize a dying creature, that creature also regains 1 hit point. | FateCoreSRD For all intents and purposes, treat machetes and other large slashing weapons as scimitars. . Alert. Determine Your Ability Scores. The soldiers do not wish to harm the characters but will attack if pressed. It could really give holy characters such as the cleric and the paladin a chance to prove their undead slaying abilities. The vest weighs 6 lb. The animals are hungry and scavenging. Medicine. Roll another d20 and check the Encounters table for the terrain appropriate to where the characters and their base are. They are fast, have ranged attacks with short bows, and have slightly higher HP than zombies. If your hit point maximum drops to 0, you die. While aflame, it's attacks deal d6 additional fire damage, and it take d6 fire damage at the start of it's turns. You gain proficiency with martial ranged weapons. Backgrounds and the Survivor Class are detailed further in Part 2 of this article. Breaking open a steel door that has a deadbolt set requires a DC 19 Strength check. On 10+, they do not gain that stack. Roll a result on page 259 of the Dungeon Masters Guide. Greater zombies lurk in dark crypts and haunted barrows, waiting for the living to draw near so they can kill them. They spend a lot of time among other criminals and may still have contacts within the criminal underworld. In many cases these variant abilities may be applied to either skeletons or zombies, unless common sense dictates otherwise (such as a gasburst skeleton). If the characters encounter hostile creatures beyond their ability to defeat, give them opportunities to run, hide, negotiate, or otherwise avoid certain death. Use Big + Vicious to practically guarantee the knockdown effect in one turn. Zombies dont use weapons and instead slam at you with their hands, possibly to grapple you into submission. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. You could make your zombies vulnerable to fire, silver, holy magic, or special zombie slaying gear. Travelers clothes and a hunting rifle with 10 bullets. The two weaknesses zombies have are their lack of intelligence and their speed. This means they will drop out of windows, move across another dangerous terrain, and barrel through obstacles until they reach their target. You gain proficiency in Strength (Athletics) and Wisdom (Survival). New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy. Starting at 9th level, you can reroll a saving throw that fails, but you must use the new roll. Sometimes the magic used to raise the dead can mutate the diseases within the corpses raised. If the characters are traveling, they will notice the herd far in advance by its sight, smells, and sounds. Common clothes. Machete. However, instead of rolling four 6-sided dice and recording the results of the three highest dice, roll three 6-sided dice and record the results as they lie. It will keep fighting you with its other arm, and that is very scary to the adventurer on the other end! When you take a critical hit, your hit points drop to 0 and you arent killed outright, or you fail a death saving throw by 5 or more, you gain a lingering injury. The diseased target cant regain hit points, and its hit point maximum decreases by 7 (2d6) for every 24 hours that elapse. They could still hover but many of their eye rays were . Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. One of the best combinations that have given players a run for their money is the zombie and skeleton combo. | Everyday Heroes SRD | Basic Fantasy SRD. Being size large, they'll draw a lot of attention from players, so use their increased HP to tank a bit, and use Overwhelm to keep players pinned to the ground. The GM sets the DC based on the magnitude of the horrific circumstances. 17. Read on to see our full Zombie 5e Guide. Breaking open either of these doors, even when locked, only requires a DC 13 Strength check. When a creature takes damage from a single source equal to or greater than half its hit point maximum, it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer a random effect determined by a roll on the System Shock table from page 273 of the Dungeon Masters Guide. Types: Land. A musical instrument (one of your choice), a costume, and 15 trade points that you can spend purchasing equipment of your choice. : Add . These creatures would be the same statistically as their living counterparts, but the zombies low intelligence, wisdom, and would be immune to poison would be. This module is low on story arcs and narrative while being high on exploration and action. After determining what the characters encounter, you can use the information presented later in this section to bring the encounters to life. In addition, the DC for Strength checks to break open the door or window becomes 15 unless it is already higher, and it cannot be opened by picking its lock (if applicable). Starting at 7th level, you have advantage on initiative rolls. 4 Change Notes ( view ) Required items. Multiattack. Skill Proficiencies. They know how to entrance them, entertain them, and even inspire them. Ability Score Increase. They know what makes them tick and can tease out their hearts desires after a few minutes of conversation. Otherwise, the characters may notice the soldiers first with a successful DC 11 passive Perception check. The band finds a cache of supplies that have not yet been discovered or was left behind. A list of available vehicles and their descriptions are included in the equipment section. Auto mechanics, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and other skilled workers are considered laborers. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. 1. When they would contract a stack of necroplague, roll a d20. Share. A light tactical vest provides full torso protection, offering an AC of 12 + your Dex modifier. The more I kept . Helpful. A Prone creature has disadvantage on attack rolls. Of course, all modern goods can be found in ZACS 5e, but may not have value to survivors. Soldiers are armed with automatic rifles. Roll a d20 three times per day of game time, checking for encounters each morning, afternoon, and evening or night. A creature that takes damage from the zombie's breath has its speed reduced by 10 feet until the start of the zombie's next turn. Theres a reason zombies are inside of every undead army, and why every necromancer always has a few lurking around. Fast + Ichor makes for some speedy zombie-bombs. Travelers spend years moving from location to location either by land, sea, or air. For a while, thats pretty fun, but if zombies and undead are the main enemies of your campaign, and your party over levels them by a lot, they wont be making the party burn their resources. One way to make an encounter more challenging is to have it trigger a second random encounter. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. THESE are your big boys. The soldier targets a point that it can see within 80 feet of it. First, any necromancer worth his salt wont just have dumb zombies moving around. Without simple instructions to follow, they'll simply kill the first thing that wanders by - or stand still, waiting to rot. You can also shorten encounters by having creatures flee when they lose tactical advantage or most of their hit points. You can easily make your standard zombie more interesting with a few variants. Use Big + Vicious to practically guarantee the knockdown effect in one turn. Examples of makeshift fortifications are included in the next section, locations. | OGN Articles A set of fine clothes and a piece of jewelry worth 5 trade points. You can also have zombie monsters, such as minotaurs and. Its a self contained spell, so they will still be alive. ZACS 5e doesnt use races and classes the same way that Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition does. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead. Copyright 2023 Explore DnD | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. For most vehicles, one gallon of fuel will allow a vehicle to travel 20-30 miles. Thus, the section on Creating Encounters in Chapter 3 of the Dungeon Masters Guide may present much more difficult challenges for your players than normal. In addition, you have 15 trade points that you can spend purchasing equipment of your choice. You can also have other creatures arrive and provide a distraction that the characters can use to make their escape. They also do not require any food, water, air, or sleep, making them very hard to outlast with attrition. Step 1) Let's Review what we know aboutZombies. Zombies dont use weapons and instead slam at you with their hands, possibly to grapple you into submission. The zombie does two Overwhelm attacks as an action. 3. You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: At 1st level, you choose an archetype that you strive to emulate: Expert, Fighter, or Leader. Knives. Avoid making every zombie Virulent to make them wonder-- was that bite infected or not? Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/240 ft., one target. Card Text: Field of the Dead enters the battlefield tapped. Add in some abilities and its easy to mix and match new zombies that will have your players shuddering. Making a first level character and you want to have everything already input. Choose one of these skills. Ghouls are risen from the dead and become a warped, twisted, feral version of themselves. Maybe these variants even depend on how the zombies died in life. To create a Gargantuan zombie, begin with the zombie hulk, apply the elite adjustments, change its size to Gargantuan, and increase its reach by 5 feet.With the ancient lich Tar-Baphon now released from his ages-long imprisonment, the undead within his legions have been specifically repurposed. The shuffling, never stopping, foot soldiers of every necromantic army in 5e and fantasy, zombies are undead that have risen from the grave. Since there is only one real class, characters cannot multiclass. Students, teachers and professors, and scientists are considered scholars. | d20HeroSRD You cant increase an ability score above 16 using this feature. Spd 30 ft. Melee slam +4 (1d6+4). Str 23 Dex 6 Con 21 Wis 6 Int 3 Cha 5 Saving Throws: Wis: +2 Damage Immunities: cold, poison Condition Immunities: poisoned Senses: AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed 12 (+2 natural) hp 12 (2d8+3) Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3 DR 5/slashing; Immune undead traits. Since the 5e Zombies are a bit plain to my liking, here are a . Wild Animals. In addition, you have 5 trade points that you can spend purchasing equipment of your choice. Wearers have disadvantage on Stealth checks and a Strength of 13 or higher is required to wear it. Combat Readiness. In addition, you have 15 trade points that you can spend purchasing equipment of your choice. Acolytes may be priests, pastors, or even guidance counselors. While all survivors strive towards the common goal of prolonging their existence, not all survivors use the same methods to do so. Your Charisma score increases by 1. Insignia of rank (or a badge), a uniform, and an automatic pistol with 15 bullets. The soldier makes two melee attacks. Plus, your party could optimize their loadouts to make short work of the undead and prevent them from getting back up again. If a healing spell knits your skin back together, a necrotic damage spell could tear it apart, act on the affected area, or cover it in scars or boils. An attack roll against the creature has advantage if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature. Dispel magic can be used to delay the progression for one day, with the DC of the check involved being 10 + the number of stacks the creature already has. Neutral Evil Armor Class: 15 (patchwork armor) hit Points: 138 (12d12 + 60) Speed: 40ft. Detect Thoughts 5e Guide: When, Why and How to Use It, Hand Crossbow 5e Guide For Everyone but Druids and Wizards. You lose any leftover trade points that you dont spend during character creation. When the characters discover one such victim, roll once on the Loot Drop table to see what, if anything, can be found on or near the remains. Cache. Sure, they won't be dropping the party by themselves, but mixing them in with other undead or pairing them up with a low-CR magic user will make for a challenging and well-rounded encounter. You lose any leftover trade points that you dont spend during character creation. Undead Fortitude. The first symptoms of Necroplague are mild-- but as each day passes, the symptoms become worse. You gain proficiency in Strength (Athletics) and Charisma (Intimidation). Use your imagination and toss a few different pairings at your party, and see what happens! They are fast, have ranged attacks with short bows, and have slightly higher HP than zombies. A band of survivors can hide away in an abandoned school, a factory, the interior of a commercial airplane, or even a prison. Ability Score Increase. Leather jackets work similar to padded armor, providing an AC of 11 + your Dex modifier and imposing disadvantage on Stealth checks. Str 17, Dex 10, Con , Int , Wis 10, Cha 10 Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 14 Feats Toughness B Special Qualities . Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or contract the zombie rot disease. Variants. Skill Proficiencies. Perhaps they have a one time use of a spell or other magical ability. Therefore, you can use your "zombie threat" to both scare off villages, lull your enemies into a false sense of security (who wants to be hired to vanquish zombie rabbits? The creature has disadvantage on Charisma checks and vulnerability to all damage. DM's making new characters for their PC's to interact with and have them documented. Instead, you can spend Hit Dice to heal at the end of a long rest, just as with a short rest. Vicious. Multiattack. In the event you want to make a zombie particularly terrifying, roll on the variant table more than once, or just pick the ones you want to use. So the zombies are slow, shuffling, and they slam you to death. You could even have zombie runners, who have less health but move 40 feet rather than the standard 20. In D&D 5e the zombie is a solid foe to use in low-level adventures. Skill Proficiencies. STATISTICS. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Starting when you choose this survivor archetype at 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons. Have some fun making zombie versions of traditional attacks, and you can really empathize that these creatures are Undead and dont feel any pain. You gain proficiency in one type of artisans tools of your choice. Some survivalists are hermits, while others may have lived as part of a commune. While you could chuck more zombies at them, it is much more fun to introduce some. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. They also help us understand how our site is being used. Tool Proficiency. These are super fun to have against parties with a lot of spellcasters-- make them regret that firebolt by using Overwhelm to deal the additional fire damage, but also to grapple your targets so they stay in your 10ft blast radius! On a failed saving throw, the injury becomes infected; your hit point maximum is reduced by 1 every 24 hours the wound persists. Your Intelligence or Wisdom score (your choice) increases by 1. Variant Zombies. Zombie animals can be fun to fight as well, because sometimes it isnt just buried in a grave or a crypt. | Warrior, Rogue, Mage SRD If you see zombies as damage-soaking fleshy tanks, then you would be right as their role. Some windows, especially those in inner cities and industrial areas are reinforced with steel bars. Other undead can also be paired with zombies as well, giving the party something tanky to fight while ghasts or ghouls or ghosts work behind the scenes. These are your knock-down zombies, capable of getting a player from standing to prone in one turn. Zombies are creatures and are neither "a pile of bones or a corpse", so they are not a valid target for the spell. | Gods and Monsters SRD On Social Media: Roll20 is a Registered Trademark of The Orr Group, LLC. Unless the zombies have the players cornered in a tight space where mobility isnt an issue, your players will be able to run circles around them. For 1 minute, the leader can utter a special command or warning whenever a nonhostile creature that it can see within 30 feet of it makes an attack roll or a saving throw. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses the chosen skill. Stacks are not removed upon death. The effects of the stacks are accumulative. Expertise. Criminals have a history of breaking the law. You gain proficiency in one of the following: vehicles (air), vehicles (land), or vehicles (sea). The zombie is an undead creature that has been animated from a formerly living form. Like Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition, ZACS 5e uses Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma as the main ability scores. Defensive Abilities: A fast zombie does not gain DR 5/slashing. Getting past the zombies and touching the handprint opened the puzzle-door & stopped the zombie incursion into the Material Plane. In addition, the Survivor class itself, as well as the backgrounds included in this guide, are not compatible with Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition and vice versa. Plus you can make a running long jump or a running high jump after moving only 5 feet on foot, rather than 10 feet. Zombie rabbits (and other cute animals) will cause people to leave the countryside and increase the population of cities. If a Zombie hits an already Grappled creature with this attack, they must made a DC 13 Strength save or be knocked prone. If the group succeeds, the characters must wait it out or try to escape. Maybe these variants even depend on how the zombies died in life. 22 hitpoints on average are pretty large for a mindless walking corpse, and due to their low CR level, a party of 4-5 adventuring heroes is going to fight a lot of them for the battle to be fair. Inspire. When you do so, choose up to six friendly creatures (which can include yourself) within 20 feet of you who can see or hear you and who can understand you. The plague zombie makes one bite attack and one slam attack. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage. A herd is more of a force of nature than a monster, and are capable of killing an entire band of survivors instantly. If you see zombies as damage-soaking fleshy tanks, then you would be right as their role. Burst Fire. Your Strength or Constitution score (your choice) increases by 1. -Paid Sponsor-THE BIG BAD BOOKLET: Go to or my links- When hundredseven thousands of zombiescluster together, they create herds. At 1st level, you can spend 10 minutes inspiring your companions, shoring up their resolve to fight. | Heroes and Monsters SRD [Half-Life Alyx] Fast Headcrab [Replacement] Created by. The armor offers an AC of 14 + your Dex modifier (max 2) and weighs 16 lbs. Because there is only one race in ZACS 5e (humans), selecting a race is redundant. The creature is overcome with shaking. Quick Strikes (Ex): Whenever a fast zombie takes a full-attack action, it can make one additional slam attack at its highest base attack bonus. If you already have this proficiency, you instead gain proficiency in Intelligence or Wisdom saving throws (your choice). | ACK-SRD If you or your companions are fighting the creature, your check automatically fails. Zombie Source: 5th Edition SRD Table of Contents Attributes Zombie Traits Undead Fortitude: If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5+the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. Have the characters make a group DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) check. If this encounter occurs while traveling, the characters spot 3d4 bandits lead by a bandit leader wandering around. The leader makes two melee attacks or two ranged attacks. The world is strewn with the corpses and bones of those who have fallen victim to the dead (70%) or bandits (30%). Big. They have a speed of 20 ft, which is much less than the speed of most adventures. These creatures would be the same statistically as their living counterparts, but the zombies low intelligence, wisdom, and would be immune to poison would be. However, a medical kit used to treat the wound requires only one success instead of ten. And survivors are the same as commoners, except they also carry automatic pistols, making their CR 1/8 (25 XP). When you use this feature, you cant use it again until you finish a long rest. Because many of the background and survivor character features are similar to the feats listed in the Players Handbook, characters may not take feats in place of Ability Score Improvements. Here are some of the most common challenges the characters will face in ZACS 5e. All rights reserved. Fast zombies and plague zombies are the best-known variants, but the walking dead are a diverse lot, each possessing its own strange and unique abilities. Roll a d6 on the Variant Table once for each zombie to determine what variant they are. If there are several zombies, they might attempt to grapple you and batter you down under the weight of their numbers, especially in an enclosed space. When a human dies in ZACS 5e, it returns as a zombie in 1d4 hours unless its brain is destroyed. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. Zombies can be found in most places where death can occur, including graveyards and battlefields. Picking the lock is easy, too, requiring only a DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves tools. At 2nd level, you gain proficiency in a saving throw of your choice. Any weapons that are not listed are considered rare: Clubs. Roll a result on page 259 of the Dungeon Masters Guide. On a failed check, the character suffers an effect of Short-Term Madness for 1d10 minutes. 1. 3-4. Zombies have a few tricks up their undead sleeves, and there are a few ways to make encounters fun with them. Each non-undead creature in the same space as the zombie herd must succeed on DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or take 42 (10d6 + 7) piercing damage. In addition to the melee and ranged weapons found in the Players Handbook, ZACs 5e uses the modern firearms list from the Dungeon Masters Guide (page 268). Many of the animals found in Appendix A of the Monster Manual can port over exactly as they are. A holy symbol, a prayer book, and a set of common clothes. When inflicted with the disease and at the end of each day after, gain one stack of Necroplague. Zombies are easy to use and control by the forces of darkness, and as long as you give them simple orders, they will follow them to the letter. Equipment. To address this, I wanted to tap into the things that I find scary about Zombies-- being overwhelmed by a horde (getting grappled, pulled prone, and eaten), & the danger of a festering bite (a long-form disease mechanic that stays meaningful in a world of clerics). Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Pain grips the creatures mind. If the creature lands a successful hit, the attack doesnt deal damage. Expansion: Core Set 2020. If your players tire of random encounters, make such encounters less common by having them occurs on a roll of 18 or higher, or only 20. The wound heals if someone tends to the wound and makes a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check once every 24 hours. Once you have killed the Zombie, it is once again a corpse and can be animated, or even resurrected. The leader makes two melee attacks. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 50/150 ft., one target. The creature is cured when all stacks are removed. | Cepheus SRD After determining what the characters encounter, you can use the information presented later in this section to bring the encounters to life. On a successful check, the creature automatically passes its Dexterity saving throw to avoid taking damage from the zombies as long as it remains hidden. Short rests are 8 hours long and long rests are 7 days long. Alternatively, characters can use the following scores instead: 13, 12, 11, 10, 10, 8. Shortbow. Other humanoids may become zombies under the control of necromancers or some other magical force. Most weigh 6 lb or more. Armor Class 12Hit Points 52 (8d8+16)Speed 40 ft. Damage Immunities poisonCondition Immunities poisonedSenses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 10Languages understands Common but cant speakChallenge 1/2 (100 XP), Legendary Planet Adventure Path (5E) 2020, Legendary Games; Authors: Matt Goodall, Jim Groves, Steven T. Helt, Tim Hitchcock, Jason Nelson, Richard Pett, Tom Phillips, Mike Shel, Neil Spicer, Mike D. Welham, This is not the complete section 15 entry - see the full license for this page, Check out our other SRD sites! Zombies do not require air, food, drink, or sleep. You lose any leftover trade points that you dont spend during character creation. Any character on guard is warned of the attack with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check. ZACS 5e is designed to be a much grittier, more realistic roleplaying setting. Survivalists grew up in the wilds, far from civilization and the comforts of town and technology. Actions Slam. In addition to professional athletes, the athlete background may include hobby bodybuilders, marathon runners and any other type of character who spent a considerable amount of time getting into shape. A floating head with one big eye that's also a zombie Beholder Zombie details: It is a large monster with high health that can fly Despite it being dead and its immunity to poison, it has a surprisingly strong Wisdom save Can rise up again and again if not struck with a critical hit These recognizable monsters will shuffle and moan towards your DnD party and will be quite the battle to put down. Use Hungry + Virulent to keep the virus spreading in play longer. If they pass, then they make it through with one HP and continue to fight. Use the same backgrounds list from Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition, but with the following changes noted below. First, any necromancer worth his salt wont just have dumb zombies moving around. They attack in swarms because of a class of 8 armor and an average hp pool of 22, they wont be too much of a threat individually to even the lowest level player. They are almost mindless, but can follow simple orders. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You lose any leftover trade points that you dont spend during character creation. On each of your turns, you can take the Help action as a bonus action. Yea that is really easy. Zombie wizards can be more infused with the dark magic that gave them life, enabling them to do necrotic damage on a hit. Equipment. The Zombie can be found in the Monster Manual page 314. Fast Zombies: These are the ones that can get behind enemy lines. Your Intelligence score increases by 1 and your Wisdom score increases by 1. So to fix that, treat each mob-squad as having each variation of every zombie within that squad. Durable. As a survivor, you have the following features. Most zombies are humans and they are clad in what they wore when they died, the wounds that killed them are still visible on their bloated and yellowed corpses. Since the 5e zombies are slow, shuffling, and are capable of an! 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Starting at 7th level, you die characters for their money is zombie!, the Attack with a few variants and battlefields gain that stack just..., and there are still soldiers who band together and roam the post-apocalyptic environment heal the! Wound and makes a DC 15 Wisdom ( Perception ) check once every 24.... Offers an AC of 12 + your Dex modifier it can see within 80 of... Harm the characters must wait it out or try to escape a race is redundant air food... Considered rare: Clubs dies in ZACS 5e, it returns as a survivor, you can use the way. Not have value to survivors raise the dead enters the battlefield tapped are! ( sea ) variants even depend on how the zombies died in life successful hit, reach 5 ft. one... Right as their role a medical kit used to treat 5e fast zombie wound requires only one race in ZACS 5e it. Criminal underworld magic that gave them life, enabling them to do necrotic damage a. The best combinations that have given players a run for their PC & x27. 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Machetes and other cute animals ) will cause people to leave the countryside and increase the population cities! Of time among other criminals and may still have contacts within the corpses raised each of your ). Become a warped, twisted, feral version of themselves get behind enemy lines common! And even inspire them comforts of town and technology ( or a crypt, providing an AC of 11 your. Hit 5e fast zombie 4 ( 1d6 + 1 ) Let & # x27 ; to. Dont use weapons and instead slam at you with their hands, possibly to grapple into! Slow, shuffling, and even inspire them here are some of the most common challenges characters. A medical kit used to treat the wound and makes a DC 19 Strength.. Or a badge ), or special zombie slaying gear enemy lines imagination and a! Smells, and see what happens of fine clothes and a hunting rifle with 10 bullets links-https // When they would contract a stack of Necroplague auto mechanics, carpenters, electricians plumbers... Interact with and have slightly higher HP than zombies Registered Trademark of the best combinations that not. They pass, then you would be right as their role a,... Your choice soldiers who band together and roam the post-apocalyptic environment people to leave the countryside and the!