First saying that Im too good of a friend to her ex (my friend). First of all, this is a highly spoiled and over indulged way of behaving. To recap, here are the 8 Pregnancy Trap Red Flags. So a woman that is 5 weeks pregnant is actually only 2 weeks pregnant. She sent a message reading hello. Are we do stupid to believe these are accidents. You are in a heartbreaking situation and right to be very concerned for your son. Hopefully, you can find happiness in other parts of your life even as you deal with missing your daughter. Also, be careful around single moms. Now 70, have a girlfriend of 30+ years but all I am to her is Mechanic, Maintenace man and chauffeur as there has not been any sex in at least ten years. She starts to wonder if perhaps she is misunderstanding him. By this, he has no choice but to impregnate you. This trap may be direct or indirect.A direct trap would be that the pregnancy is intended to secure your relationship or financial support.An indirect trap would be that the primary objective is motherhood, youre being trapped into fatherhood may be extraneous to that objective. Now if you accidentally got pregnant and you're not ready to have a child or your relationship is on the rocks, don't panic. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. A woman in an unchangeable, toxic relationship typically has the same expectations she would have of a changeable, healthy relationships so she gets caught up waiting and expecting the situation to get back to the "normal" she saw in the beginning. The planned parenthood told her that her LMP (last menstrual period) (which she didnt know and or know what the abbreviation meant) was almost a whole month before I even met the lady. Youre right in questioning whether your former girlfriend was pregnant: she shows you a negative pregnancy test but not the supposed positive one, she gets drunk while shes pregnant, she involves you but then doesnt include you in any appointments, etc. They hold a conversation longer than is necessary A baby mama and baby daddy relationship is supposed to involve communication and activities surrounding the children they have together. She sold a car on Saturday and bought a horse on Sunday. She never did. I confronted her and she accepted that she was cheating on me for more than a year and we broke up. If the answer is "no", then I can ask more questions to get a sense of whether the pregnancies were just accidents or they were purposeful manipulations. What Does It Mean If He Tells His Friends About You? Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For fuller disclaimer see the Policies page. We've been conditioned to anticipate that relationships change and grow, so we expect that every relationship can. Ive left it and will not be making any further efforts or contact. This may be his job, success, money, or romance. Women can use children or pregnancy to their advantage to hurt their partner or trap . Its hard to tell what was really going on with your ex, but it is easy to say that you should stay away from her and move on with your life. It's an asshole move. She may just have been seductive because she was revved up by her hormones. He enjoys interacting with babies and children. It may be more than a coincidence that your girlfriend or wife announced she was pregnant right after you broke up with her. -Ann. He behaves in a friendly manner to or in front of others, but seem different when no one else is around. I've heard so many baby trap stories that I often ask couples that I'm counseling whether their children were planned. She called me 12 at midnight and showed up drunk, more drunk than Ive ever seen her before. Narcissists can often identify the people with the highest chance of looking for this kind of attachment. It sounds like he will need you. (It would hurt) but I told him I was fine if he wanted to leave. Toxic men typically function in contrast to sensibility, but there are also times when they bahave in normal manner. How To Recognize Subtle Signs Of Domestic Violence, 3 Mind Games The Most Insecure Men Play In Relationships, If Your Guy Does These 7 Things, He's Playing You For A Fool, 16 Warning Signs You're Dealing With An EVIL Person, The EXACT Moment Men Fall Out Of Love With Their Partners, and identifying the covert toxic dynamics at play. Some signs he's trying to get you pregnant are: He talks about babies frequently He tries to forego birth control, like condoms He often initiates sex when you are sleepy or otherwise preoccupied He keeps trying to coax you to have unprotected sex in the heat of the moment He insists on getting condoms all the time At the time we were deeply in love with each other. Is there anything a man can do to fight a trapped pregnancy besides not having anything to do with it? He gave the exact same story without knowing the details of ours. Women intent onbaby trapping a manmay not let the fact that they havent gotten pregnant get in their way. Sometimes the best-laid plans run amuck and create offspring. If she suddenly isnt pregnant anymorethe pregnancy might have been a trap.A miscarriage may be a cover story for a pregnancy that never was. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The circle of destruction around a manipulator can be very wide. I wasnt dumb enough to marry her. Side note, while we were in the middle of it. When I did, she told me she was cooking and would show up after. Not long enough, the man had a feeling that the lady was not much interested and so he started thinking of ways to make her stay. I had to pass up a lot of opportunities. Actually, when you do, make sure you post the entire story of what you did to him so everyone can burn you with serves you right. You are the one he loves. Like, Ha Ha Bitch, youre stuck now! Trapping a man with a pregnancy and other forms of taking his reproductive rights away is partner sexual abuse. A baby isnt a relationship fixer, if anything its going to make things a hell of a lot harder, and i really hate to think of all those mothers who now resent the children they had because their selfish trap didnt work. 4 days ago he asked his brothers to borrow money to go get a marriage license. Your seed is necessary for her motherhood but beyond that, you may or may not be relevant to her. I want to start a family but only with the right person and at the right time, both criteria have not been satisfied. Our son sadly is a loveable man who is gullible. Javier: I will reach out to you via email to talk further. She said its okay But I never heard from her again that evening or the next day. 1. And a horrible mother. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. When she heard that she said no, no you shouldnt do that bla bla. Next Post , Hi Owen. RELATED:11 Signs He's An Emotional Sadist And Is Just Playing With Your Heart. 1. The problems with trapping a man are numerous. Does this person sound crazy enough to have a child out of spite? Always be on the watch if you are not seeing a long-term relationship with him. Later on they were joined by two other guys and she was very touchy with one of them. A woman who wants to get pregnant when her partner doesn't may seduce him when she thinks she has an increased chance of conceiving. RELATED:The 6 Most Common Reasons Why We Stay In Toxic Relationships. She later tells me she missed her period. I also know women who have lied about being on birth control or claim to be taking antibiotics, well the only antibiotics that interfere with BC are Rifampin taken for TUBERCULOSIS. In response to Dustin Delfs: First If you arent married to her dont marry her. I left it at that. No answer. 1. This is a loud sign girl. Photo by MJC Detroit. When you end up with this person, though, somehow it's not quite what you had anticipated. He knows that you have a life outside of him and he doesn't expect you to be his everything. His retirement plans destroyed. Besides seeing women trap servicemen with pregnancies, Ive also seen them have affairs and clean out their bank account while they are deployed. Trap Red Flag #6. This is a serious issue because it can lead to financial and emotional difficulties for both you and your child. Or so I thought. You are right. Here are some signs to watch out for: 1. He's always telling you how much he loves you. It usually happens within a few months or the first year of dating, from what Ive seen. Thank you for putting this together. Believing God to work a miracle in her heart and confess (and out of fear He may squish my soul if I divorced) I stayed with her and we now have two more children (a girl and two boys). You then may think you shouldnda put a ring on it, but its now a much more difficult proposition to get away from her.But then again, lots of real pregnancies end in miscarriage. So he wanted to trap me, have a kid and get married. Choosing a family planning method that your body responds positively to is a good decision. We have begged him for days to wait atleast a few months to get married and that he needs to be sure this baby is even his. I got her off of them twice. He insists on calling the shots and deciding how and when communication. Not just her fault hes an idiot. I am sad to say that my son who is US Service Member and only 20 is now going through a horrible situation. Again, it's a total mind game these warped guys are very good at playing. 13 days later shes taking several pregnancy tests and I still dont know why. She has a lame excuse for going off birth control. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 1 yr. ago. The guy had no idea that she was in a relationship with me and told me that she is a serial lier. 8 Red Flags that Her Pregnancy is a Trap Trap Red Flag #1. So she decides to take the decision away from you and make it happen. I hope you keep good track and hide these days from him. My question is, what are the honest percentages of me actually being the father based of the FACTUAL evidence I said. 20. He plays mind games and tries to trap you with tricky, unnecessary questions. Trap Red Flag #3. 3. As funny as this sounds it is a real sign that he wants to trap you with pregnancy. This situation triggers me in a deeper level than just betrayal. You have heard of stories of home violence where a man flogs his girlfriend for talking to other guys. You might not have actually made the declaration that you were breaking up out loud yet but she was getting the break-up vibe from you. On good talking terms. He also believed hes doing "the right thing " because shes having a difficult pregnancy. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Cam. Thank you so much for sharing the childs side of the baby-trap story. So if she is 5 weeks pregnant, she got pregnant one week before yall hooked upbut honestly at that early of gestation it would be pretty easy for them to be off one weekso id be nice and cordial to this woman, and ask for a dna test when the baby is born. Maybe you are on the pills and he tries to persuade you on skipping some days or gives you the effects of using pills just to make you stop completely from taking them. I feel like she was the bad influence. She gas no job, no car and as far as we know no plans on a career path. Now, its been almost 8 years since I stayed in the same country I finish my studies and I found an incredible partner that hopefully wont fake a pregnancy haha. Your partner keeps bringing up marriage discussions, 2. You must have heard people discussing how they've started feeling trapped in the very relationship that made them feel alive earlier. Hi flabergasted. June 7 shes pregnant. Please note: comments must be approved before they are published. The content of my article today Is to give you signs that he wants to trap you with pregnancy. Stuart: Sorry to hear the pain that you are carrying. When you think you're falling in love, but it's like. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Teagin Maddox is a Certified Life Coach who provides analysis and interpretation of high conflict, destructive relationships in the media, targeting the core issue and identifying the covert toxic dynamics at play, an understanding she gained through personal experience and training in domestic violence advocacy. Your partner keeps making jokes about you two having a baby or family. 8 Reasons You Keep Seeing Signs Of Your Ex (#4 Will Surprise You), 4 Signs He Wants To Make You His Girlfriend, 6 Signs He Likes Me But Wants To Be Friends For Now, 10 Signs A Married Man Wants To Sleep With You. Hi Mi. A year and a half later she died. I know a woman who accidentally got pregnant 3 times, trying to trap 3 different men. You have tried to break up with him before. I dont see my kids since they live in another country which kills me because I was always a very involved parent. Some of the most common signs of pregnancy with period-like symptoms include: irregular menstrual bleeding changes in the consistency of menstrual blood cramping and bloating breast tenderness fatigue nausea and vomiting OP, don't date or sleep with assholes. She apologized profusely several times which I thought was strange but decided to focus on the matter at hand and how to handle it. Just two weeks ago I finally decided to reach out to my step-sons father to discuss what really happened between them. The following came and she did not commit to our scheduled meet up times. I wanted kids but couldnt stand the women. Another case is when he carries a condom but pokes it without your knowledge. There is a chapter for friends and families of abused men. Was this step helpful? He recently used Tinder while home for a holiday break. He fessed up that we have a big problem and that she is pregnant with his child on June 18. ), The story makes me wonder if she is really even pregnant. She is the oldest of a large group of kids. As for why a woman might pull you in with a pregnancy and then push you away that could happen with a person who enjoys playing games with people. So to recap. He may pout, retreat, or give you the silent treatment if you don't do things his way. She may not care what your thoughts/feelings are about fatherhood, or she may have convinced herself that youre going to be OK with having a child if it is flung on you, youre just apprehensive about committing. Oh, one more thing. He may not be able to come out and talk about marriage just yet, so look for these three signs that he wants to marry you instead. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. I asked him why he was A SLOW LEARNER or just liked giving away money. In contrast, men wouldn't bother or couldn't care less. Many a man has been snared by an announcement that a woman is pregnant with his child. This girl has no idea what she is getting into with him. I have a feeling that many women just want kids for the sake of it, like its a pet. And yet he continues to be up her butt still seeing her even though he tried to tell me they werent together but he is a good dad and keen to raise the child. My gf of 6 months, whos in her final year studying civil engineering told me on 6th June she wasnt feeling well, I should find a clinic for her to visit. However, if she'd been on pills for a while or she has been using an IUD and suddenly she no longer gives the above as her reasons, the pregnancy is likely to be a trap. The following are the details, is there anything I can do to help protect myself, my children and bring her to justice? Your relationship has become monotonous. Eventually, the lie is going to catch up with her. More back and forth reveals that her doctors tests indicate that she is 7 weeks pregnant, 60,000 hcg, which would put fertilization at +/- 2 days of when we slept together. She needs a car to get a job to pay for her kid or we will be paying for it. That was June 28th. I felt like she needed a skillset since being a SAHM for 10years and paid for her to get her RE license and even helped her with her first big lead that closed I didnt want the mother of my children to have an argument I never encouraged or allowed her to make money or develop a skillset. I once dated a guy who was a pharmacist. It does not store any personal data. -joking about getting you pregnant. Wow I know this happens daily and I have tried to raise my sons sadly to know women are vicious and will set them up in a heartbeat if they think they have a keeper. Abortion. Also, take precautions during intercourse because that is how he will trap you for marriage. It sounds like you meant well and she took advantage of your positive qualities. In my blog, I have mentioned several signs that he wants to trap you with pregnancy. What's Wrong with the Duluth Model for DV Treatment. We had built trust between each other so eventhough when she insisted to finish inside was so strange at the moment I stopped and asked her if she was sure. Absence of meaningful communication. How would you proceed? If shes manipulative enough to set a pregnancy trap, youre in for a terrible marriage if you allow the trap to work. Ive seen another case of a woman using it a couple of times. Sean: Thanks for sharing your story. Financial control Imagine when he realizes that your feelings arent the same; he will make you pregnant to deny everyone access to you. Just remember you reap what you sow. A few weeks later I spent the night to stay with my daughter. Similarly, a womans IUD (Intrauterine Device) may come out on its own, but when this does happen it is usually in the first few months of use. If she will benefit in some way from the pregnancythe pregnancy might be a trap. If you notice these strategies or a pattern of incomplete follow-through, start watching to see if there's a lot of word play going on or if you feel he's being secretive. RELATED:What Is Gaslighting? Or he may strives to make intense, uncoomforably direct eye contact in conversation. 1. Of course, not every pregnancy that has some benefit to the mother, such as fulfilling her dream to be a mom, was conceived in a devious way. Here's Everything You Need To Know About The Term (And If It Might Be Happening To You). Ive started over several times in my life. Well, I have. Do you notice there is a lot of word play going on? #2. To take advice from people who are not bias on hers or his side . So how do you tell he wants to trap you with pregnancy? I told her I was now becoming very suspect of her behaviour and the possibility that she doesnt have a baby at all. You might also find this video interesting, eye-opening and/or confirming. Right? Hes hoping he wont lose his house now paying for two baby mamas. Please help! Im sorry that you got trapped by this sick woman but glad that I was able to provide you with a forum for getting to share your story. In a scenario for example where the man is a drug addict, he wants to keep the lady by being a freak. Your story now has the chance of helping others. Is he really right and he never did say X or agreed to Y? This red flag could be in play even if she presents herself as disappointed that she is pregnant. 1. A question he needs to ask himself is: Would I be marrying this woman now if she wasnt pregnant with my child? Clearly, the answer would be No.. So. I strongly suspect my mother got pregnant with me to trap my dad so that she would have a better life as the wife of a policeman in another European country (think of the blonde woman in A Officer and a Gentleman). 8. I feel Im not a good father or the father I want to be to my current kids and now Im being forced into a situation that will make that more difficult. Sounds like you meant well and she took advantage of signs he wants to trap you with pregnancy positive qualities destruction a... Who is US Service Member and only 20 is now going through a horrible situation shots and deciding and... I 've heard so many baby trap stories that I 'm counseling whether children! Take advice from people who are not bias on hers or his side was strange but decided focus. 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