Lastly, theyre a breeze to care for. Unless you have a huge tank, algae build up in a stable aquarium usually wont be enough to completely sustain 6 or more Otocinclus. In a few years, there might be better information about what to expect. Keep in mind that the tank environment needs to be conducive for the survival of the otocinclus fry. Otos are considered herbivores, which means that they are vegetarians. The males will keep chasing her in the tank to fertilize her eggs. Best Algae Eating Team, You can also read my article Step-by-Step Cycling your Shrimp Aquarium Fishless. If youve been an aquarist for a while you know how nice it is to have a little extra help! Generally, the brown stripe pales or disappears by the time it reaches the fin. As with Corydoras catfish, Otos appear to use a "T-position" when breeding. We highly recommend that you add some to your freshwater tank if you have tank mates that are a good fit. It is a very interesting fact but in natural habitats, Otocinclus are often found alongside Corydoras and they mimic Corydoras to avoid predators because Corydoras have sharp and typically venomous spines. Breeding Otocinclus vestitus. Otherwise, these fish are hard to tell apart from other varieties of Otos. Usually on a rock, drifting wood, or any plant stem that she could find. Home Otocinclus Breeding Guide (Will They Breed in Captivity?). These species will not breed at all if the temperature drops below 20 0 C (68 0 F). Otocinclus should not be placed with fish larger than them due to the risk of your Oto being eaten. Breeding. Breeding behavior in otocinclus fish will be easy to recognize. How to breed them. Otocinclus come in a wide variety of sizes, colors, and patterns, and they are native to South America. Use this method to ensure that you buy both males and females from the aquarium store. Otocinclus is a fairly calm critter that easily coexists with other species. Before you can breed these fish, you need to make sure that you have both male and female otos in your tank. Even though they do have some protection on their bellies, you shouldnt rely on it. I have a heavily planted tank, adequate algae, the tank is cycled, stays around 75 degrees and has soft water. The Best Filtration System for Breeding Shrimp, my article Shrimp Safe Plant Fertilizers, drip acclimation method (read more about it here). Getting these fish to breed will not be simple. Just know that itll take some time between six months and one year for the otos to reach a sexually mature state. Remember to keep the food balanced, and never overfeed your fish. visit:! Preferably, the water should be slow-moving with high oxygen levels. This is important to remember if you plan to breed your fish. Using an airstone will boost algae growth as well. Its common for the eggs to be stuck to live plants as well as rocks. They are also diurnal and enjoy quickly swimming around the tank. Slow growing plants such as Anubias, Cryptocorynes, and Java Ferns are all ideal plants to grow in your aquarium. Give them time to learn that this can be a food source for them. The fish that are sold for up to $4 per fish are normally fatter and healthier. Otocinclus is a social fish. Huge belly: Either a swim bladder problem or an internal parasite. From here, the information that experts have starts to vary a bit. This page may contain affiliate links, which will earn us a commission. So, if you are not sure what species you have check out here for more pictures. Thank you for your article on Otocinclus. So, if you are interested in getting into this hobby or just want some extra tips and tricks, well this is the right place for you. Moreover, these fish are less demanding, meaning that they are easy to maintain. On average, the female otocinclus catfish can lay about 50 eggs in a single spawning session. Its said that a water temperature of 78.8 degrees Fahrenheit is optimal for breeding these fish. In addition, if there are not enough algae in the tank, it can be difficult to keep Otocinclus and Amano shrimp. When looking at the top of this fish, a brown speckled pattern is noted. Otocinclus Catfish acts as a placing instance of an aquarium cleaner. You need to put the fish in a quarantine tank. If your fish are sick, you can tell by a change in appetite, inactivity, or increased respiration. Otocinclus will consume algae from plants, so you should put slow-growing plants into your aquarium. They breed in a similar fashion to corydoras. Sometimes mistaken for ordinary Common Otos, this variety has less pronounced brown stripes that can look golden in color as the name suggests. The gender of your otocinclus can matter if you are trying to breed them. If you need copper-free or safe plant fertilizers, I strongly recommend reading my article Shrimp Safe Plant Fertilizers. If the breeding process is successful, you will see small fry swimming close to the bottom after a few days time. Females tend to be more vivid colors and grow to be larger and rounder than the males. Behavior & Temperament. Therefore, add there at least some mosses. The female assassin snail will start to lay off the eggs right after the sexual intercourse is completed in the wild. Female otos usually lay their eggs in small clusters of three to six. Read more How to Blanch ucumbers and Zucchini for Shrimp, Snails and Fish the Right Way. In the wild, they primarily eat algae and slime (, You should feed Otocinclus daily. For instance, the water temperature in the breeding tank should stand at 78.8 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius) for your fish to breed without difficulties. This involves feeding them algae rounds, daphnia, and brine shrimp. They are a popular option for aquariums of all sizes due to their peaceful nature, entertaining shoaling behaviors and their algae eating abilities. Do not underestimate the importance of this factor because this is one of the reasons why Otocinclus tend to fail when kept in smaller numbers. Congratulations! It's just a way for them to get more oxygen. Ciencia y Desarrollo. Although they have many different small morphological characteristics (useful for scientists) the easiest way for us is to look at colors and patterns. Just keep in mind that snails will also eat algae in the tank, especially, Nerite snails. Place a variety of decorative items throughout the tank to also serve as refuges for these fish whenever they become tired or stressed. . Also, you can easily distinguish them by just at their sex organs. Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The Otocinclus Catfish are small and only reach about 2 inches in size. Most fish experts say that breeding Otocinclus can be difficult when in captivity. . Re: Otocinclus Breeding Post by apistomaster Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:05 pm In WalMart's pet dept they sell incandescent threaded base compact fluorescent daylight(6700K) bulbs which are only about 15 watts and they run cool, last a long time and grow plants well for only about $6.00 each. The recommended care for Otocinclus catfish is relatively simple and requires little extra effort. Its also good for dealing with rough surfaces that they might encounter while scraping algae from sandy river bottoms in the wild. So, if you are planning to seriously breed shrimp, you cannot allow any fish in the tank! Spotted: 1. It can be tough to get otocinclus fry to survive in the tank sometimes. This goes against the common assumption that all catfish gravitate toward large rivers and bodies of water. It takes otocinclus catfish a while to reach sexual maturity. Given that otocinclus are schooling fish, you are advised to keep them in groups of 4 or 5. Therefore, its important to keep live plants in your aquarium to encourage algae growth and leaves for the biofilm growth. They should not be injured. They dont have a reputation for being attentive parent fish. Once your mating tank is ready for the mating couple, you should put the fish alone in separate tanks or tank compartments for 1 to 2 weeks. Otocinclus is a popular aquarium catfish which often feeds on algae. Other than sex differences or selecting the right sex, you also need to ensure that the mating fish have the desired coloring or markings in addition to being healthy and mature. Do snails sleep? Make sure the water chemistry is correct, and avoid changing it as much as possible. Each of the couples needs to be placed in separate fish tanks or tank compartments to prepare them for the mating ritual. For example, break one wafer into several pieces and leave them in their favorite places overnight. These catfish like to hang out under and on aquarium plant leaves as well as sucking on the tank glass. Despite the fact that otocinclus are easy to maintain and very friendly, these fish are extremely difficult when it comes to breeding. Otocinclus do not typically mate easily but a high protein diet can influence your fish into mating. Barely decorated tanks without live plants will be very stressful and unpleasant for Otocinclus. A 50 percent water change on a weekly basis is recommended to ensure that everything, starting from mating to breeding and growing of fry is running smoothly. Otocinclus Size Guide (How Big Do Otos Get?). Keep them away from all types of, Another great question to ask your pet store is. They typically live 3 to 7 years with appropriate care. There is some controversy about whether the fish will eat their own eggs. Spirulina powder and algae should be their food. link to Snail Sleep: A Closer Look at Their Resting Behavior, link to Seed Shrimp Profile: Ostracods in Shrimp and Fish Tank, Repashy Soilent Green (check the price on Amazon), You can read more about algae and Otocinclus in my article Types of Algae. The whole process including macro footage of the fry. There is also a noticeable blotch found on the tail portion of this Oto variety. Breeding otocinclus in aquaria is still in its early days, and it would be a great thing to achieve in your tank. While taking care of otocinclus catfish may be less intensive, breeding them comes with a lot of challenges, and for this reason, many aquarists do not . Either way, the eggs will be laid in various spots throughout the tank. Male otocinclus catfish have genital papilla with rows of modified denticles (also known as odontoids). Naturally, the Otocinclus will feed on algae and small organisms contained in your aquarium. Itll then release its eggs and hold onto them using its ventral fins. One thing to focus on is the quality of the water. Use the water that comes from water changes. So far (apparently by accident) its doing well. The eggs are then deposited in a safe area with no further parental care. Description of Otocinclus Catfish. by James0816 Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:32 pm. Care guide for pregnant Otocinclus. Feature and behavior: . This is because otocinclus catfish are some of the few species of tank fish that are difficult to breed. The fish also has horizontal stripes across the head as well. Some fish will reach sexual maturity in six to nine months. Now i have a lot of little otos swimming atound but im not sure if they Will survive. Eventually, the fish will get bigger and they can be cared for like normal otos. Otocinclus Breeding Guide (Will They Breed in Captivity? These fish are considered, Some species are extremely rare in the aquarium hobby. This behavior is more commonly seen in Corydoras catfish species but otocinclus will also do it from time to time. After you are done with sex differences and setting the tank conditions right, the next step should be to separate the female and male otocinclus catfish. Otocinclus habitat. Otocinclus Catfish Overview. For starters, they help your tank by eating up algae that builds up over time. It has a brown or black body with dark spots. Please always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. When looking at the fish from the top, it should be easier to tell which is larger. 2004, Potential Problems Associated with Otocinclus, The only problem is that they will compete with shrimp for algae thus it can affect the, In addition, if there are not enough algae in the tank, it can be difficult to keep Otocinclus and, Absolutely not! Universidad Alas Peruanas., Otocinclus tapirape: A New Hypoptopomatine Catfish from Central Brazil (Siluriformes: Loricariidae). The Bristlenose Pleco is one of the smallest catfish, growing to only 5 inches. These fish can live for 3 to 5 years if the tank and water is kept in good condition and their basic needs are met. I then picked up some Apistogramma cacatuoides and a few German blue rams. Otocinclus catfish are a lot of fun to own. In short, it seems happy but Im worried about it being the only one. It is recommended that you raise the water temperature in the tank by about 10 degrees Fahrenheit above the normal one in order to facilitate the breeding process. Its something that is being observed and studied. During this time, the female will release its eggs and then hold onto them with its ventral fins. Put there a lot of small rocks like marble chips and ceramic filter media (The rocks should be clean and aquarium safe, of course). These flakes will decay, and Ammonia will be produced. Both of them have a round body that narrows down, reaching their dorsal and anal fins. This guide will cover everything you need to know about Otocinclus care and any additional information that will be helpful if youre an owner. Copyright 2023 - AquariumNexus. Sometimes the fish will choose to lay their eggs on nearby rocks. Keep in mind that there is a fine line: Note: Because the fish prefer to stay at the midand bottom of the tank, the tank should be long and shallow. Keep suitable water parameters. Daphnia, algae wafers, and brine shrimp are all excellent food choices when you wish to breed your Otocinclus. Otocinclus Catfish Behavior & Temperament As already stated, Otocinclus Catfish are very social creatures and will often shoal together. Sadly, these fish arent commonly bred in captivity. Location 2: Virginia. Otocinclus vestitus is not an easy species to breed in captivity. They are a popular fish to breed in captivity. All these organs can be seen at the bottom side of otocinclus catfish tail system. Some people call these docile fish "dwarf suckers" or "otos" as appropriate nicknames for these fish and their outstanding algae eating abilities. They prefer soft, slightly acidic water with no ammonia and nitrites, and with nitrates as low as possible, with some movements of water, high oxygenation and some algae constantly available on plants, driftwood, glass, and decorations. Otocinclus are considered a small catfish that live in freshwater. Appearance You will also notice that it is easy for larger fishes to eat these fishes because of their peaceful behavior. Otocinclus will not eat staghorn algae, red, or Black beard algae even when they are starving. As we mentioned in the tank requirements section, its important for owners to provide hiding places in the aquarium so the smaller Otos have a refuge when disturbed by others. Theyre also a joy to watch swim around your aquarium and look great! They thrive in planted tanks that have good water quality. Otocinclus graze constantly on algae on all surfaces. You can add other microbes, prepared foods, or blanched vegetables to the diet as a supplement. You should look for Otos that are olive-brown, black and white. Otocinclus are very sensitive to copper. The fish may also change colors and produce spots. This species exhibits additional interesting behaviors. Test Nitrite and Ammonia for a few weeks. Once they lay them, they leave them. However, the female fish will be a little bit larger and they will have heavier bodies. Fast-growing plants typically consume dissolved nutrients and carbon dioxide before algae have an opportunity to feed and grow. The minimum Otocinclus tank size should be around 10 gallons. According to the experiment, most Otocinclus population died within 48 hours at 0.575 mg/l Copper sulfate concentration. They spawn relatively frequently and can produce upwards of 400 eggs at a time! Keeping the tank clean is essential for any successful breeding to take place. Overall, if youre looking for freshwater fish that provide a lot of benefits without any hassle, youve got to rank Otos right near the top. Nitrates should be below 40 and water changes can be done to lower the Nitrate levels. After at least 1 week has passed, you can introduce your couple into the mating tank and hope for the mating ritual to begin. Breeding otocinclus catfish is not an easy task. Special Features: Amazing colors and fascinating breeding behaviors; African Cichlids fall into an in-between category. They are also referred to as otto fish or ottos fish or with the spelling variation of oto fish. These fish will even clean the glass a bit for you. First, keyhole cichlids form monogamous breeding pairs. In big groups, they are constantly visible and way easier to feed. Even though the role of the modified odontoids is not yet clear, experts are of the opinion that it takes part in copulation. The male and female fish look very similar. This might be disheartening to hear if you really want to breed these fish. Checking the water parameters and figuring out if there are any issues is the first step. Breeding Behaviors & Care Guides Care For Otocinclus Fry The fry mainly lives in biofilms. Most fish species from this genus have cylindrical shapes, and their head part is narrow as compared to the middle part of . . They have been bred in tanks before, but its not the simplest process. After a period of one week has elapsed, you can bring your male and female otocinclus catfish in the same tank to initiate the spawning. In addition to ideal tank water conditions, Otos should be given a proper diet with enough nutrition before attempting to breed these fish in an aquarium environment. Be slow-moving with high oxygen levels checking otocinclus breeding behavior water chemistry is correct, and patterns, and Ammonia will produced., Nerite snails moreover, these fish to breed in captivity can produce upwards of 400 at... Rare in the tank clean is essential for any successful breeding to take place them with its ventral fins normally. Choices when you wish to breed your fish and Ammonia will be.! To know about otocinclus care and any additional information that experts have starts to vary a bit for.... 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