[9] His parents asked his maternal uncle, William V, Duke of Bavaria, to oversee his education. [42] They agreed to jointly approach the Emperor, but the superstitious and melancholic Rudolph flatly refused to talk about his succession. August 1619 dem reformierten Kurfrsten der Pfalz Friedrich V. verliehen. [42] Matthias discussed the issue with his younger brother, Maximilian, and with Ferdinand at a secret meeting in Schottwien in October 1600. A person of moderate talents and willpower, he nevertheless exerted a strong influence on the events of his time by his strict and uncompromising religious policy. Maximilian II (11 July 1662 - 26 February 1726), also known as Max Emanuel or Maximilian Emanuel, [1] was a Wittelsbach ruler of Bavaria and a Prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire. Son of Ferdinand II (q.v.) [106][113] They deposed Ferdinand on 22 August, and four days later, they offered the crown to Frederick V of the Palatinate. [130][145] The Diet elected a Lutheran aristocrat, Count Szaniszl Thurz,[145] as the new palatine. [51] Rudolph did not abdicate the throne, and announced that he was thinking of appointing Ferdinand's brother, Leopold, his successor. [109] He gave the booty to Ferdinand, but the king returned it to the Moravian Estates. [76] Since Matthias and his two surviving brothers, Maximilian III and Albert VII were childless, his succession in Austria, Bohemia, Hungary and the Holy Roman Empire was uncertain. These pieces of furniture have been reassembled from fragments, some of which may come from the imperial villa of Lucius Verus (co-emperor, A.D. 161-169), on the Via Cassia outside Rome. [45] Dozens of Uskok commanders were captured and beheaded, but his action did not satisfy the Venetians who invaded Istria and captured Habsburg territories in 1615. Oostenrijk-Habsburg, Karel Ii van Oostenrijk, Maria Anna van Beieren, Leopold van Oostenrijk, Maria Magdalena van Oostenrijk Habsburg, Ferdinand III van Oostenrijk, Maria Anna Oostenrijk Habsburg, Ferdinand von Hapsburg, Maria Anna von Hapsburg, Cecilia Renata von Hapsburg, Karl Ii de Habsbourg, Maria von Wittelsbach. Obwohl einen Tag zuvor, nmlich am 27.August 1619, Friedrich V. von der Pfalz zum neuen Bhmischen Knig gewhlt worden war, bte Ferdinand bei seiner Wahl zum Kaiser noch das Wahlrecht der bhmischen Kur aus - der entsprechende Protest einer eigens angereisten bhmischen Delegation wurde vom versammelten Kurfrstenkollegium abgelehnt. [125], Ferdinand continued the negotiations with the Estates of Lower and Upper Austria about his recognition as Matthias' successor in both provinces. * Jrg-Peter Findeisen: Der Dreiigjhrige Krieg. [146] Tilly conquered the capital of the Palatinate, Heidelberg, on 19 September. The Styrian nobles and burghers unsuccessfully sought assistance from Rudolph II and their Austrian peers against him. Aber bald darauf, 1630, zwangen ihn die Frsten der Liga, denen er zu mchtig geworden war, auf dem Reichstag in Regensburg, zur Entlassung Wallensteins und zur Verminderung der kaiserlichen Truppen. Ferdinand regarded the regulation of religious issues as a royal prerogative and introduced strict Counter-Reformation measures from 1598. Although he had lost strategically and been forced out of Saxony, the Protestants had suffered much greater casualties. [22][24] He named his mother regent and left Graz on 22 April 1598. His heart was interred in the Herzgruft (heart crypt) of the Augustinian Church, Vienna. Die Herzge von Mecklenburg, welche dem Knig Christian IV. Updates? Free shipping for many products! [66], Cooperating with Rudolph II's principal advisor, Melchior Klesl, Bishop of Vienna, Ferdinand persuaded the Emperor to seek a reconciliation with Matthias. In 1600 he married Maria Anna of Bavaria, who bore him four children. 2. [128][132], Maximilian I of Bavaria urged Ferdinand to adopt strict measures against the Bohemians and their allies,[133] and Ferdinand declared Frederick V an outlaw on 29 January 1621. Juli 1578 in Graz; 15. [108] Wallenstein stormed into Olomouc and seized 96,000 talers from the Moravian treasury on 30 April. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. The duration of his reign was occupied by confessional and military concerns. (In der Schlacht von Ltzen, die unentschieden endete, starb der Schwedenknig.). Ferdinand II (9 July 1578 - 15 February 1637) was Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, Hungary, and Croatia from 1619 until his death in 1637.He was the son of Archduke Charles II of Inner Austria and Maria of Bavaria. [24][38] During the visit of the commissioners, local Protestants were to choose between conversion or exile, although in practice peasants were rarely allowed to leave. Though the officials were uninjured, such actions did not fall within the realm of standard protocol, and the clear offense against the royal dignity led to a hardening of attitudes and full rebellion. His parents were staunch Catholics. News of his deposition arrived in Frankfurt on the 28th but Ferdinand didn't leave town until he had been crowned. von Wallenstein but later concluded a compromise peace with the Protestant princes. Wallenstein accepted the position with the proviso that the management (and possession) of the army's funds were solely his, as was the right to take and distribute loot and ransoms taken in the course of operations. This was, in effect, the beginning of the Thirty Years War. In: Herwig Wolfram(Herausgeber): sterreichische Geschichte 1522 - 1699. von Spanien und dessen Gattin Erzherzogin Margarethe von sterreich-Steiermark. [19] He and his mother then met with Rudolph II in Prague,[19] where Ferdinand informed the Emperor of his plans to strengthen the position of Catholicism. The seven "German" electors (the Archbishops of Mainz, Trier and Cologne, the King of Bohemia, the Count Palatine of the Rhine, the Duke of Saxony and the Margrave of Brandenburg) chose Ferdinand II to be Holy Roman Emperor. Despite the successes of Wallenstein, many of Ferdinand's advisors saw a genuine political threat in the general, citing his growing influence, his increasing number of estates and titles, as well as his extortionate methods of raising funds for his army. His solution was to charge the Bohemian soldier and "military entrepreneur" Albrecht von Wallenstein with raising and commanding an Imperial army. A good-natured, benevolent, affable monarch, he was imbued with the belief in the splendour of the imperial crown and the greatness of his dynasty. 30-vuotinen sota: Kolmikymmenvuotinen sota kytiin Euroopassa 16181648 suurimmaksi osaksi Pyhn saksalais-roomalaisen keisarikunnan alueella. Weblinks [Bearbeiten], Commons Commons: Ferdinand II. In the wake of these Catholic military successes, in 1629 Ferdinand issued the Edict of Restitution, by which all the lands stripped from Catholics after the Peace of Passau of 1552 would be returned. Ferdinand II. He maintained much of his power through the victories of Albrecht W.E. During the first decade of the Thirty Years War, Ferdinand strengthened his position by transferring the Palatinates electoral office to Maximilian of Bavaria. The emperor removed his Protestant rival and became king of Bohemia once more. Emperor Matthias died in Vienna in March 1619. [19] He left unchanged the traditional system of government, appointing only Catholics to the highest offices. By creating an independent Austrian court chancellery and by establishing in his will the principles of Austrias indivisibility and of primogeniture in his family, he made an essential contribution to the countrys national integration. [121][122] Ferdinand and Bethlen concluded a 9-month truce, which temporarily acknowledged Bethlen's conquests in Hungary. von Dnemark gegen Tilly und Wallenstein Hilfe geleistet hatten, entsetzte er ihrer Lnder und belehnte damit Wallenstein. "[65] He requested the scholar Caspar Schoppe, whom he had met at the Imperial Diet, to elaborate a detailed plan for an alliance of the Catholic monarchs. [112] The Estates of all Lands of the Bohemian Crown formed a confederation on 31 July. [35] Although he issued new decrees to strengthen the position of the Catholic Church without seeking the Estates' consent, the Estates granted the subsidies that he had demanded from them. [21] He was first officially installed as ruler in Styria in December. [77] Matthias made Ferdinand the governor of Lower and Upper Austria and appointed him as his representative in Hungary, but Klesl became his most influential advisor. Some historians directly blame Ferdinand for the large civilian loss of life in the Sack of Magdeburg in 1631: he had instructed Tilly to enforce the edict of Restitution upon the Electorate of Saxony, his orders causing the Belgian general to move the Catholic armies east, ultimately to Leipzig, where they suffered their first substantial defeat at the hands of Adolphus' Swedes in the First Battle of Breitenfeld (1631). [168][169], Ferdinand deprived the dukes of Mecklenburg from their duchies for their support to Christian IV in February 1627. Later Ferdinand secured approval from the Habsburg rulers of Spain to succeed the childless Matthias. [51] Ferdinand later claimed that he only signed the secret treaty because he feared that his relatives could otherwise accuse him of pursuing the throne for himself. They had seven children: Archduke John-Charles (November 1, 1605 - December 28, 1619), Ferdinand III (July 13, 1608-April 2, 1657), Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria (January 13, 1610-September 25, 1665). Album mit Bildern und/oder Videos und Audiodateien, Wikisource Wikisource: Ferdinand II. In the prime of his life Ferdinand was described as a blue-eyed, somewhat corpulent, middle-sized man who wore Spanish court dress. [83] Ferdinand sought assistance from Spain and the Venetians received support from the Dutch and English, but neither side could achieve a decisive victory in the Uskok War. [166] In a letter, he informed Maximilian of Bavaria about his plan to grant a pardon to Frederick V in exchange for Frederick's public submission and an indemnification for the costs of the war, but he also emphasized that he did not want to deprive Maximilian of the electoral title. Die gleichzeitige Landung des Schwedenknigs Gustav Adolf in Pommern entriss Ferdinand endgltig alle errungenen Erfolge und ntigte ihn, um seine Erblande zu schtzen, zu einem Vertrag mit Wallenstein. 1595 , , , . [160] French troops were garrisoned along the French frontiers and Richelieu sent envoys to the wealthy and ambitious Christian IV of Denmark and other Protestant rulers to convince them to form a new league. Born in the castle in Graz on 9 July 1578, Ferdinand was the son of Charles II, Archduke of Austria, and Maria of Bavaria. [65] With her death, as historian Robert Bireley noted, Ferdinand "lost the most important person in his life, the one who more than any other had formed his character and his outlook. Aus der Ehe gingen sieben Kinder hervor: * Karl (*/ 25. A devout Catholic, his recognition as King of Bohemia and suppression of Protestantism precipitated the early events of the Thirty Years' War. Er stammte damit aus einer Nebenlinie der Habsburger in Innersterreich (Steiermark, Krnten und Krain). [37] In October 1599, Ferdinand set up special commissions, consisting of a prelate and a high officer, to install Catholic priests in each town and village, and authorized them to apply military force if necessary. [154], The chief minister of Louis XIII of France, Cardinal Richelieu, started to forge an alliance against the Habsburgs in 1624. The campaigning of 1633 was indecisive, partly because Wallenstein was negotiating with the enemy, thinking that the army would be loyal to him, rather than Ferdinand, and follow him if he switched sides. [137] Bethlen also wanted to continue the war against Ferdinand, but the Ottomans did not support him. Sota alkoi Saksan sisisen uskonsotana, mutta pttyi yleiseurooppalaisena sotana, jossa uskonnolliset seikat olivat menettneet merkityksens. Husband of Maria Anna of Bavaria Archduchess of Inner Austria and Princess Eleonor Gonzaga of Mantua Early years [64] The envoys of the Holy See and Philip III of Spain mediated a compromise in June 1608. [96], The application of the Letter of Majesty was controversial in Bohemia. He confiscated the estates of the rebel magnates, reduced the Diet to impotence by a new constituent ordinance (1627), and forcibly catholicized Bohemia. After only two hours of fighting, the Catholics emerged victorious. [64], Ferdinand's mother died on 29 April 1608, while he was staying in Regensburg. Quickly raising at least 30,000 men (he would later command at least 100,000), and fighting alongside the Catholic League army under the Count of Tilly, Wallenstein defeated Protestant forces in Silesia, Anhalt, and Denmark. [126] Five days later, the vast majority of the noblemen swore fealty to him. At the electoral convention of Regensburg in 1636, he secured the election of his son, Ferdinand III, as king of the Romans, which prepared the way for his succession as Holy Roman emperor. [154] Ferdinand also achieved the election of a Catholic magnate, Count Mikls Esterhzy, as the new palatine with the support of the Archbishop of Esztergom, Cardinal Pter Pzmny. [citation needed], Ferdinand died in 1637, leaving to his son Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor, an empire still engulfed in a war and whose fortunes seemed to be increasingly chaotic. Ferdinand was born in Graz, the eldest son of Emperor Ferdinand II of Habsburg and his first wife, Maria Anna of Bavaria. [1] Charles II, who was the youngest son of Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, had inherited the Inner Austrian provincesStyria, Carinthia, Carniola, Gorizia, Fiume, Trieste and parts of Istria and Friulifrom his father in 1564. of Habsburg, Karl Joseph of Habsburg, Maria Magdalena of Habsburg, Gregoria Maximiliane of Habsburg, Anna of Habsburg, Ferdinand of Habs a of Habsburg, Leopold Wilhelm of Habsburg, Christine of Habsburg, Karl of Habsburg, John Karl of Habsburg, Leopold Wilhelm of Habsburg, July 19 1578 - Graz, Graz, Steiermark, Austria, Feb 15 1637 - Wiener Neustadt, Niedersterreich, Austria, Karl Ii von Habsburg, Maria Anna von Bavaria, Margaret von Osterreich, Leopold V von Osterreich, Maria Anna von Habsburg, Ferdinand III von Habsburg, Leopold Oostenrijk, Maria Magdalena van Oostenrijk-Habsburg, Maria Anna Van. Ferdinand responded by dismissing Wallenstein in 1630. In 1529, he was moved to Innsbruck, when Vienna was under siege by the Turks.His private education focused heavily on the languages of his future subjects. [90] Two days later, the Protestant Estates elected directors to form a provisional government and started to raise an army. & R.H. Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria, Leopold Wilhelm von sterreich-Habsburg, Erzherzog, landvoogden van de Nederlanden, Maria Christina Habsburg, Erzherzogin von sterreich-Steiermark, Kateina Renata von sterreich, Habsburg, Erzherzogin, Elisabeth von Habsburg-sterreich, Archduchess, Georgiane Maximiliane Archduchess of Austria av Steyer Habsburg, Eleonore Archduchess Of av Steyer Habsburg, Maximilian Ernst Habsburg (sterreichische Linie), Leopold V, Erzherzog von sterreich-Tirol. [121][122] Ferdinand ordered Frederick to abandon Bohemia before 1 July, threatening him with an imperial ban. Nach diesem Sieg errichtete Ferdinand in seinen Lndern ein absolutistisches Regiment, in Bhmen 1627 mit der Verneuerten Landesverordnung. On November 8, 1620, Catholic forces engaged those supporting the Protestant Frederick, who had taken the Bohemian kingship, at the Battle of White Mountain. In the same year, Ferdinand was recognized by the Bohemian Diet as king of Bohemia and in 1618 was elected king of Hungary. Wallenstein Hilfe geleistet hatten, entsetzte er ihrer Lnder und belehnte damit Wallenstein and left Graz 22! The Protestant princes, Maria Anna of Bavaria, to oversee his education 1619! Charge the Bohemian soldier and `` military entrepreneur '' Albrecht von Wallenstein with raising and an. 30 April king of Bohemia and in 1618 was elected king of Bohemia suppression! To jointly approach the Emperor, but the Ottomans did not support.! Bohemia before 1 July, threatening him with an Imperial army had lost strategically and been forced out Saxony! 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