. xii + 370 . Its lead merchant is usually of creation could appear within the dreams of any member the Yasuki family, capable of maintaining and sponsoring his of the Cult, allowing Iuchiban to watch over his followers own mercantile activities anywhere in the Empire so long as and to some degree guide their plans and activities. where the GM is employing a more cinematic style, one where the recurrent villain is thematically appropriate.Cult Organization The Bloodspeakers can also function as a more sinister andFundamentally, the structure of the Bloodspeaker Cult is de- subversive threat. . Although Cult cells are often prone to inter- the only one who knows the Cults secret methods of avert-nal power-struggles, loyalty against the rest of the Empire is ing Taint. . 83 Resources and Methods . to advance its cause. stack with other Symbols of Blood. . . c Headbutt: Goats gain a Free Raise for Knockdown at- They are common throughout the forests of Rokugan, espe- tempts. . . . . The victim also is unable to recover from illnesses or CURSE OF THE CLAN poisons, and suffers a 2k0 penalty to any roll made to resist the effects of a poison or disease. . Special Abilities: AIR 1 EARTH 3 FIRE 1 WATER 2 REFLEXES 3 STAMINA 4 AGILITY 3 STRENGTH 4 c Blood Frenzy: Sharks become enraged by the presenceENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE of blood in the water, which they can smell up to a Initiative: 3k3 Attack: Bite 3k3 (Complex) or half mile away. A creature withwish to play a shape-changing spirit as described in the Spir- increased durability requires a party with above aver-its chapter. (Needless to say, ex-posure of this Dark Secret will mean ignominious execution GMs who wish to introduce the Kolat into the party without Kolat are, by denition, traitors to the Emerald Empire.) . . . . A famous katana suddenly breaks in a duel, a mer- the most difcult and vital of duties making sure the Kolat chant is discovered selling counterfeit goods, travel papers conspiracy remains a secret at all costs. . c Range: 50 c Area of Effect: One target creature This spell cannot make extreme physical changes to the c Duration: Conditional (see below)target, such as removing limbs or organs (e.g. Early in the second cen- Conspiracy tury, Kolat agents in the Crab lands learned of a mysterious object uncovered by Crab miners in the Twilight Mountains. These fears may hold a certain element of truth. The Taint can take subtler forms than they can ment almost since the founding of the cult. . Iuchiban is the bo-geyman of Rokugan, the terror who nearly destroyed Roku-gan not once, not twice, but three times. accompanied by them is this Useful Enemies Islam And The Ottoman Empire In Wes Pdf that can be your partner. . . .115 Reorganization and Defeat . In the aftermath of the attack, the Steel Sect lacked aThey send reports to the other Sects about what has happened, true mission there was no longer a central headquarters towhat may happen, and what the Kolat can do to affect this. . The matic, while a Phoenix might become more arrogant and ob- caster writes the ward in the blood he spill to cast the spell, sessed with magical power. It mightdiscussing ways in which the Kami might someday be defeated take hundreds or even thousands of years to bring mankind en-and their own rule restored. . . . . What is not known cannot be betrayed, after all, strict loyalty and discipline. Since Jama Suruthe traitorous Yajinden found his own soul imprisoned along had also been destroyed once more, the few extant cells ofwith his master. .185 Shapeshifter Abilities: Major . They claim to be free of the Shadowlands from power peasants, eta, lower-ranking samurai, junior Taint, but I believe the Dark One pulls at their souls all noblemen without hope of promotion. (The opponent must still make his Raises intheir position by rising through the ranks of the conspiracy, order to hit you, but no longer gains any benet from them. . . . . . Power drove Yajinden to betray rst his own all mortals possess. times called simply the Breaker. After the conditioning is over, the sleeper agents memory is erased and he or she is The Cloud Sect is unique in that almost any member may returned home with a suitable story justifying the absence.directly contact its leader, Master Cloud. . . . The Kolat come across a piece of incriminating evidence. . . . 280 Many-Armed Death. .170 The Birth of the Corrupted Lands. Kolat actors and assassins of theThe Kolat Lotus sect are often trained to eliminate a specic target and AIR 4 EARTH 3 FIRE 4 WATER 2 VOID 3 replace him or her. . . . . .246 Byoki no Oni, Sample Villain . Crab Clan lands The chilly mountains and forests of the Phoenix Clan areinclude plains, forests, and swamplands, as well as the Wall incredibly dense with life despite the long winter season andAbove the Ocean and Twilight Mountains and a consider- abundant snowfall. . . . . served for a thousand years as the Kolats eyes and ears within the Imperial City rst Otosan Uchi and later Toshi Ranbo. The Jama Suru personality does seem to have some glimmeringSkills: Battle 5, Courtier 2, Defense 4, Etiquette 3, Intimida- of recognition of its past existences, and it seems at least re-tion (Control) 4, Kenjutsu (Katana) 5, Knives 3, Lore: Battle motely possible that Jama Suru might appear in a time when3, Lore: Heraldry 2, Lore: Maho 7, Lore: Shadowlands 3, Iuchiban himself is not active. In regions where contact with animal spirits is wide- circle, eventually ending up in its starting place, a habit ex-Bestiary spread, such as the Kitsune Mori, killing a fox is considered ploited by experienced hunters. After a victim has taken Grappling damage for a number of consecutive Rounds equal to its Stamina, it will begin to suffocate, taking another 2k2 Wounds per Round. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. . . . . . . . . . . The mask instantly fuses with the flesh of the corpse and the c Social Position (younger son of the Emperor) kansen within the mask animates the body, creating a zombie. 242 Kenku Sensei . . However, the former iron-clad central ter, and at times it appeared the armies of Rokugan might control was gone, never to return. . 46 Naga Archetypes. . . . . A eeing hare will tend to run in a large kushudo. . But if men overthrew thesebe quickly defeated by the Kami and their rapidly growing gods and ruled themselves, it would be men who ultimatelyarmies of followers. The Bloodspeakers The vast majority of Iuchibans loyal followers perished along- ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREhad effectively created one of their own future enemies. Kolat of the Empire On some occasions the Kolat nds it more useful to carry out a bloody murder and plant evidence framing another par- The Kolat employ a large number of different methods and ty. . . . and with the outline of an eye carved into one side. . . . attention of the Oracle of Blood. . 113 Centuries of Plotting . . . . . 44 Special Pearls . . . . . . . . However, within a few years they would the dawn of the Iweko Dynasty, a traitor to the Kolat namedface a series of crises that tested the conspiracy to the utmost. .167 Shadowlands Encounter Table. . THE ENEMY OF EUROPE Francis Parker Yockey 1981 Liberty Bell Publications Translated by THOMAS FRANCIS from the German translation of Yockey's lost original. AIR 1 EARTH 5 FIRE 1 WATER 2 Cats do not like ghting and will try to ee if they take 5 REFLEXES 3 - AGILITY 3 STRENGTH 4 or more Wounds. . . . . . . S ince its inception, the Emerald Empire of Rokugan has faced challenge after challenge. .105 New Maho Spells . . . An enragedand potentially drown their victim. 280 the Demon of Purity . First he freed his spirit enough to entergineering projects in Rokugani history. . Every shugenja inthe sect is taught a special spell which allows them to directly Sleeper agents may be activated by a trigger word, phrase,contact the Master of the sect, albeit without actually seeing or poem, by a set time passing, or any of a wide variety ofhim. . (This cannot decrease the Taint gain below 1 point. . . . To a few, how- them with their answer: Shinsei, the Little Teacher, whose wis-ever, it holds the power of life and death, and with its simple dom enabled the early Empire to withstand Fu Lengs assault.utterance it can transform a single life or kill hundreds. Fortunately, those who perished never exposed the Dynasty, it will likely be the work of Master Coin.conspiracys existence. . . He nally died when the Scorpion Clan stormed the Hidden Indeed, the danger posed by the Heavens is not unique to Temple. . . . He is dismayed by the schism between the Masters over the Kolats policies, and increas- ingly believes there is no need to destroy the last vestiges of Celestial involvement in the mortal realm. . . Hieroglyphics found in the ruins of the long-lost troll civi-lization suggest that the trolls once kept crocodiles as pets andperhaps as war beasts, although any such connection betweenthe races has long since vanished. The ritual was never actually used, which was prob- not to be taken lightly. Their rst leader was Iuchi Ryutaro, and their Phoenix shugenja chanted continuously, several of them per- cult cell displayed an unusual level of unity and loyalty among ishing, as they worked the spell that would bind Iuchiban into its members. It is not uncommon for proud hunters to gions of the Empire, crossing the Great Wall of the Northdecorate their kabuto with the horns of their kills, and ronin Mountains from the steppes. The vast open plains of the Unicorn Clan stand in contrast with the northern reaches of the Shinomen Mori, the larg- The Dragon Clan controls mainly mountainous and for- est forest in the world, that occupies their southern border.ested regions, although they do have some limited plains in Horses are of course extremely common in their territory, asthe foothills of their lands. . Bats are nocturnal, and are able to make their bear and the brown bear. . . c Special Notes: This technique can be taught to anyone, samurai or commoner, and can replace Techniques at any Insight Rank. Their most prominent leader was tirely under control, but the ultimate goal would be more thana man known as Tora, a charismatic genius and philosopher. .259 Demon of Confusion . They like to seize prey in their herbivores and are usually mild in nature, becoming violentjaws and then spin and thrash in the water to further damage only when they or their young are threatened. . . 108 Mastery Level 6 . . . . That the Bloodspeakers repeated defeats owed as Spells: Yajinden has learned and memorized all known much to his own haste and ambition as to his enemies power maho spells, although his knowledge is not as extensive as only further weakened Yajindens loyalty. . An octopus will attempt to ee from a the shark on the nose, which often upsets or drives off thecombat in which it takes at least 20 Wounds. . . . . . . . . . Select files or add your book in reader. . . . Subtly guided by Jinn-Kuen, Chen destroyed a large per- centage of Shanegons more important operations, ruining the Masters reputation so completely that he ed the Empire, fearing Master Tigers enforcers would be coming for him. . . . will become sick. . . . Com- mon inhabitants of the islands include apes, bats, crocodiles, The Crab Clan borders the Shadowlands and much of its monkeys, snakes, and a great variety of exotic birds.territory is blighted and lifeless. The handful of survivors from the sect attempted toThey also forge and falsify anything the Kolat might need,from legal documents to famous weapons. The GM should exercise in-telligent judgment in considering its effects. . A look at the many varied threats facing the Emerald Empire, with depth and detail on each. Or the name Iuchiban? . . Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, April Lee, Monika Livingstone. When the former Unicorn general Moto Chen left his clan behind to hunt the men who had ruined his reputation, Jinn-Kuen saw his chance. . . . Kolat knew the Darkness could be defeated by naming it, and K P Cduring the tenth and eleventh centuries the conspiracy began to assemble the ingredients for a potent magical ritual that OLAT LAYER HARACTERS could summon the Sun and Moon out of the Heavens to do Running a game with Kolat player characters is a challenge just that. . . Otherwise, these penalties continue Tigers are massive predatory felines, even larger than lions. 76 Mastery Level 5 Memory Sticks . .213 Index . (This is a tactic heavily employed use to challenge and threaten the PCs. . . . . The Armies and Enemies of Imperial Rome spans the period from 150 BC to 600 AD and describes the forces of the later Roman Republic and the Byzantine wars as well as the armies of the heyday of the Roman Empire. . . . To some, the word means nothing. The day. . . . ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE BURNING BLOOD MASTERY LEVEL 6 c Ring/Mastery: Fire 4 (Maho) TAKE THE BODY c Range: 50 c Area of Effect: One target creature c Ring/Mastery: Air 6 (Maho) c Duration: Instantaneous c Range: 500 c Raises: Damage (+1k0 per Raise), Range (+10 per c Area of Effect: Caster and one target person c Duration: Permanent Raise), Targets (+1 target per 3 Raises) c Raises: Range (+500 per Raise), Special (cast as a This horrible spell infuses the targets bloodstream with angry single Simple Action with 4 Raises) Fire kansen, causing his blood to superheat and boil through his skin, emerging as a cloud of reddish vapor. . duced into the bloodstream (via a bite). . . They believe the power of their faith has brought them success and power and will promise more of both in the fu- ture. 168 Chapter 11: Spirit Encounter Table . . Within these pages you will nd with a lower attack roll but higher damage indicateeverything you need to place obstacles and challenges in the that it will not be able to strike them regularly, butpath of your players, ensuring that whatever their journey when it does, the effects will be drastic and immedi-may be, it will not be an easy one. . .118, Mastery Level 2 . . . 5, Sincerity (Deceit) 8, Spellcraft 5, Stealth 4, Temptation Artifact: The Bloodspeakers (Seduction) 6 Porcelain Masks Spells: Iuchiban has learned and memorized all known maho The infamous porcelain masks created by Yajinden and spells, and has access to other unique maho spells and pow- his undead student, Fushiki, were used to create un- ers as the GM wishes. is running the Epic campaign type (as described in the BookNormally each cell knows only of its own members, though of Void in the L5R 4th Edition core rulebook) will nd thein larger branches of the Cult the individual cells generally Bloodspeaker and his lieutenants ideal villains. . . . . . . . . . . . . (Social Advantages orThe Bloodspeakers of the damage rolled (rounded down). . . . . More details Words: 221,422 Pages: 290 Preview Full text . . . 21 The Fall of the Moto. 41 Naga Specific Disadvantages. . . . . . 24 Brutal Power . . . . . dent of his birth. . 266 Nairu no Oni, Ronin Shugenja . . While ing competitions are common diversions at many courts. Due to their hunting of vermin, cats sometimes doing so with bows and spears. . 44 Of course, a story where the PCs are inevitably crushed byThe Kolat an all-powerful conspiracy is not very fun. . . Once per session if NEW RONIN PATH:you can contact your spy network you can acquire a piece GUARDIAN OF THE HIDDEN TEMPLE [BUSHI]of useful information which would otherwise be unavail-able. . . Yamatsu was able to call on the strength of his mystical tattoos to resist Iuchibans power. . 55 (After the Fall of the Kami) . The surrounding enemy towns organized themselves into the Latin League, for the purpose of conquering the tiny republic. . . . . . If the target suffers from aPhobia the spell will also activate its effects. .164 Heroes of the People . . . . .101 Bloodspeaker Philosophy . . Finally, the Phoenix Bloodspeakers. . Knowledge of a ferent in those earlier eras. . . . ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE THE Forget everything you have been told. The Kolat YASUKI TAKA, HUMBLE MERCHANT, TWELFTH CENTURY 35T he Kolat. . 158 Ronin as Opponents . . (Manipulation) 7, Defense 5, Etiquette 6, Forgery 4, Heavy Weapons 2, Intimidation (Control) 7, Kenjutsu 3, Knives 5, Lore: Kolat 7, Lore: Sake Breweries 5, Meditation 2, Sincer- ity (Deceit) 6 Advantages: c Allies (many) c Blackmail (many) c Crafty c Perceived Honor (4 points) c Social Position (Yasuki Family Daimyo) c Wealthy Disadvantages: c Dark Secret (Kolat) c Obligation (Kolat), New Mechanics c Required Rings/Traits: Two mental Traits at 5 or The Kolat higherThe following sections offer new mechanical options for rep- 49resenting Kolat characters in your campaign. A considerableattention, they could easily shift the blame to the Scorpion schism developed within the ranks of the conspiracys leaders ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREClan, using them as scapegoats. . . . The most select of these were allowed to Hantei Jama was the younger brother of the Hantei Em- join him in the active study of maho and would eventuallyperor who reigned at the turn of the sixth century. The most common varieties are the blacka form of Gaki. . . The Kolat suddenly had an intelligence source servant of the Kami. . . . Both males and females have short horns. Anyone who c Technique Rank: 4knows it may speak it aloud, followed by a simple command c Requirement: Must be recruited by the Kolat for theirof ve words or less. . . FailedThe Coin Sect is in charge of the Kolats extensive efforts in subjects are killed, and the sect constantly strives to improveeconomic warfare, something the conspiracy has pursued ag- its work and to develop more sophisticated sleeper agents.gressively since the third century. . . For as long as there has been anHe no longer takes a direct stake in the Cults ongoing activi- Iuchiban, there has been a Jama Suru, and every time theties, and seems to desire no further power, only absolute and Bloodspeaker returns a new general is created for his armiescomplete mastery of his own arts. . Asahina Yajinden had also been taken prisoner, and he washanded over to his own family for punishment. . . . .155 Spirits of Tengoku . . . Perhaps when Kitaro returned mother great joy to visit it and remember.to the Imperial City he would speak to the stable master abouttrying to cure such behavior, but for now it was a minor an- My lord, a voice came from behind them, I must pleasenoyance at most. . . The Bloodspeakers All Bloodspeakers pay at least nominal devotion to as AdversariesIuchiban, who they regard as the ultimate expression of theirdoctrine of personal and individual power. The changes are signicant but and once inscribed the ward cannot be destroyed except by not overwhelming, and the victim of the spell will try to ra- physically destroying the surface on which it is written. . Animals common to their territory badgers, boars, bears, eagles, falcons, foxes, monkeys, oxen,include badgers, bears, boars, crocodiles, falcons, goats, and stags, and wolves. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 New Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 New Spells. . For them the Empire is a sin it has been strong for far too long. . Iuchibans Influence: A SAMPLE CULT CELL: THE BLACK WIND The Oracle of Blood For the assistance of GMs, we present here a small Blood- During those times when Iuchiban is free and active speaker cell which can be inserted into any campaign with a in the world, the activities of the Bloodspeaker Cult minimum of changes. . Thus, the Cloud Sect is among the most outgoing subject, then hand the poor soul over to Dream Sect agents.and least secretive branches of the Kolat, freely sharing its The victim is spirited back to the Hidden Temple and spendswisdom with the rest of the conspiracy. He dreamed of a way to escape the grip of the Celestialhating the Rokugani power structure that had shunted him off Wheel and become immortal. . . Crocodiles hunt by lying still, either appearing to be Elephants are striking creatures, very large and surpris-logs or disappearing below the surface of the water, then ingly intelligent. . . . . . Numerous gures of exceptional power rose among the Bloodspeaker Cults ranks during this long era. . . . . 145 The Rise of Jigoku. For example, the Kolats Although the Kolat may appear to be an all-powerful and inuence can be used to ruin the career or reputation of a unstoppable organization, history clearly shows this not to be troublesome magistrate, or to bankrupt a merchant who is the case. . If your question is a legitimate one, Kitaro-sama, Shinjo Hikaru replied, then there are any number of accurate an- It is amazing, my lord! Ito answered. . as the de facto leader of the conspiracy. . . 108 Noteworthy Bloodspeakers . . When he is active, Bloodspeakers can work extremely well as opponents for bothmost cultists follow him with almost slavish devotion, driven weak, inexperienced PCs and for highly capable and expe-by both their reverence for his accomplishments and the over- rienced groups. . His discipleJama Suru had been re-created once more, and Iuchiban usedan ancient ritual discovered by Suru to sacrice the sacred beingknown as the Ki-Rin and unleash an Empire-wide rain of Taintedblood. . . Whilethe Oracle of Blood has been silent since his death, it maycontinue to exist, as it is comprised of the ethereal stuff ofdreams. . . . . . to a full-scale epic in which the PCs very useful, since the charlatan not only drew attention face off against the entire conspiracy. .277 Oni Lords and Spawn . . . Although the cults senior leaders and most powerful sorcerers usually recognize Power is the main focus of the Cult of the Blood Red Moon. . . . . He was encased in a prison of the Burning Sands to Rokugan. . . I thought you were my friends, Jama protested. . . Check 226 flipbooks from sevoac. . . . . . . The illusion is present for onlya few moments and can only be perceived by the target, whomust roll against a Fear 5 effect. . . . . . . . . Most of them are brown or reddish in color and have Initiative: 5k4 Attack: Claws 6k4 (Complex) ora pattern of white spots near their hindquarters. . . . who visit from the mainland are profoundly grateful. its secrets carefully and so far no other maho-tsukai has ever Whether or not the target falls prone, he is considered to be exhibited its power. . . . . The Jade Sect exists to ght the rule movement ensuring that even if his location is discovered he of corruption just as the other sects ght the rule of Tengoku. Of exceptional power rose among the Bloodspeaker Cults ranks during this long era freed his spirit enough entergineering! 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