Once the microbes are destroyed, and you still need to take supplements to disourage their growth, still, taking certain supplements to encourage regeneration is possible with aloe vera oil, or aloe vera supplements. But when mixed with the others, allows for the body to attain better alkalization. Biological Trace Element Research, 157(1), 56-61. doi: 10.1007/s12011-014-9945-8. Question - you say to keep boron in your system throughout the day, but you also say you just put a pinch or 2 or 3 in your coffee and drink just once a day. For example, silver or colloidal silver, taken everyday, one tablespoon twice a day for several months will encourage stem cells in the body, but the best thing of all is it seems to destroy the "slime" or biofilms along the joints. Another example is molybdenum supplements should be taken, if you can find them! Being a transplant recipient, is a special circumstance that can make taking supplements a much more complicated proposition. I used oral prednisone while using borax very long term and did not have a problem, but we are all different and react differently. So many have had success with it and that's good enough for me! I don't have any ill side effects from it at all. I may have overdone it though, 3 nights in a row! 5 I'm wondering why I reacted to the borax externally when I have been drinking it and quite often bathing with it with Epsom You will see that the toxicity level of borax is identical to table salt. if you don't go slow and steady it can cause poisoning side effects especially since fluoride is a neurotoxin. Although there is no recommended daily intake for boron, experts suggest that a dosage of between 113 mg per day is safe to take. It previously was only available by prescription. I've tried everything I knew & learned, but am at the end. This was more effective than the borax lotion, but she still had pain in both hands and her fingers would still lock in place such as when she was holding her steering wheel while driving and she would have to pry them open which she said was very painful and they would often make a loud popping noise when she would pry them open, which she said was very painful to do. Click here to learn more. Chamomile is believed to benefit osteoporosis even after menopause. History. I used a solution of borax and water (1 tsp / 1 liter) and soaked a cotton cloth and applied it to my shoulder several times a day. Read the recipes and feedback on EC's borax page. Started 6mg Born supplements on May 15th. After about a week I resumed taking borax but cut back to about 1/64th teaspoon, the amount from just licking my finger tip and touching the borax powder. And stick with it for a while. Nothing boring about boron. A soy milk should be UNSUGARED and taken about 250 cc, twice a day, which is more like a glass of it twice a day. ' Other supplements I may consider is 20, 000 I.u. I believe I have some level of fluorosis and am trying borax for the accompanying joint pain. While they may not be as effective as borax, they can still contribute to bone and joint health. It is available online and in many health food stores. This might help some regeneration. The cost of using borax for arthritis is less than a dollar per year and it doesn't get any simpler than an 1/8th teaspoon of borax for 4 or 5 days of the week! How can you be sure it's the Borax doing the trick, not the DMSO? I followed your recipe for my sore spots and I'm not sure if that or internal Borax worked but it's helping. If the body still have regenerative capacity, your body can heal, and colloidal silver according to Dr. Robert Becker, has the ability to cause cells to be dedifferentiation - which is another word for stem cells. ' Boron ensures that calcium levels are maximized and used effectively, thus preventing arthritis. Take them at least 1 hour before or after other supplements and/or food. (2), However, it's worth noting that while foods such as nuts and legumes do contain boron, boron deficiency is still relatively common. I am going to take the challenge "Borax vs Arthritis" RIP Dr. Rex E. Newnham. I still haven't made an eye appointment that is required to take the HC because I have faith that I will not need it. Another application of borax has been for treating rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Certain proteins taken befor sleep may encourage some growth hormone by taking secretagogues, such as 1/2 tablespoon of glycine and 1/2 tablespoon of glutamine, before bedtime. This would be the 1/8 tspn of Borax per liter of water sipped throughout the day for the recommended amount of days. Taking this at 5 days out of a week should be sufficient and some vitamin C sodium ascorbate 250 mg at least about 5 days out of a week should also help. I use distilled water and add trace minerals to it in addition to the 1/4 teaspoon of borax. Private. Can you tell me how much you're taking and HOW you're consuming it? Mycobacterium have their weakness of a tiny amount of borax and staphyloccocus have their weakness of magnesium. How long have you been on the 1/8th teaspoon dose? "To avoid the risk of side effects, start with less at first to make sure the remedy suits you. He actually told me that some of his patients had good results from quitting dairy consumption since dairy is an inflammatoryso I did that, also. I actually forgot I had a bad back yesterday! Thanks. In a review article published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, the authors note that "in the U.S. and other countries, soil boron depletion has led to a decline in boron content of certain crops and food items, thereby contributing to boron deficiency in humans." Topically in a bath is very highly diluted and would be less likely to be reactive with the skin, but your concentrated solution is just that, highly concentrated and in that case could be reactive with the skin. Borax is the key ingredient in Ted's Mange Cure. This is hard for me since my mother had SEVERE osteoporosis and I was diagnosed with osteopenia several years ago: "The factor that helps their growth are high free metal iron, lack of boron, high sugar, high calcium which protects the colonies." Check the toxicity level chart of elements and compounds. Here is a link to a typical product : https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=Voltaren+Gel&crid=3SVNVDHKJKBCD&sprefix=voltaren+gel,aps,126&ref=nb_sb_noss_1. It's a low-cost and straightforward solution that can help alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and more. In event there's no side effect if I take it to be observed, I would try to take it more often maybe up to 3 or 4 times a week maximum. ebay New Zealand looks like they have DMSO also : https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2499334.m570.l1313&_nkw=DMSO&_sacat=165857. 4 Balances Sex Hormones Estrogen and testosterone are two important sex hormones. I saw an article about borax on Facebook about 6 weeks ago and said "l have nothing to lose". The ODS lists symptoms of boron toxicity as: The Arthritis Foundation lists nine vitamins and supplements that may relieve the symptoms of arthritis, including joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation: Boron is a naturally occurring trace mineral found in plants and food. Thank you. https://www.amazon.com/DMSO-Dimethyl-sulfoxide-Pharmaceutical-Heiltropfen/dp/B00ZNV5N8U?ref_=ast_sto_dp, Low odor DMSO - Dimethyl sulfoxide liquid (3.4 Oz - 100ml), Pharmaceutical grade, High purity, Heiltropfen. My question: In your opinion, would it be "safe" for me to follow this Borax protocol for women? Tell her to look up oxalates and anemia. For you it could take a lot longer for the healing. No one is explaining it. The arthritic pain won out and I took it. I'd like to try Borax but am afraid since it's a household cleaner & it says we must use gloves to handle it. My skin is much happier. Yes, the idea is to get a constant amount in the bloodstream to get it into the cells consistently instead of ups & downs. You can find both on Amazon. Using borax internally as a treatment for health problems may not be comfortable for everyone. The staphyloccus like bacteria (cartilage eating kind) have a weakness for magnesium. Effects of Borax. Soy milk is quite helpful for arthritis, perhaps from the vitamin K and the manganese, in which it is high in. The Attack On Borax For Arthritis Arthritis in its various forms and its close relative osteoporosis affect about 30% of the population in developed countries. She said she can push and pull with her hands again without pain, making her hands much more functional again! This results in a higher dose going to the tumor compared with surrounding tissues. One need apply the borax and DMSO solution only once a day to see results. It's important to note that borax can have side effects, such as digestive distress or flu-like symptoms. Therefore, I don't suggest starting with a pinch in a cup of coffee as it's much more concentrated. I would also take plenty of magnesium supplements such as magnesium citrate 250-500 mg/day for 5 days out of a week. The Royal Society of Chemistry estimates that people take in around 2 mg of boron per day through diet alone. As soon as I started using it again the pain and stiffness went away. Does anyone have experience or know if it's ok to use if you are on prednisone? The elderly may also do best with a lower dose, half the recommended amount. People are almost always referring to Twenty Mule Team Borax. The real issue, I believe is not the wear an tear. Just to also let you know that there is no reason to fear taking borax. It is not toxic. Going LIVE BORAX!! One liter is over 4 cups of water. One study indicated that taking at least three milligrams per day of boron may have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help with osteoarthritis. I'm using the one recommended on this site by others. A saturated borax solution is made with 1% hydrogen peroxide to use externally to kill the yeast. What are the causes and types of arthritis. Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? Ted's 1/8 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water dosage for women is working incredibly well for my stiff hands. I stopped this bath because I don't think it helped any more than just a bath with Epsom salts. https://youtu.be/H7c_8TXFEvgIf you want a . So far I only had to take 5mg prednisone 2 times in 2 weeks, once for the chronic hives I get and one time for inflammation in my arthritis. It is basically boron, which is a supplement you can easily purchase. According to The Copper Revolution most people who are "anemic" are really deficient in copper and the copper/iron balance is upset. The article looks at the types, causes, and treatments, including natural, Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. Perhaps twice is better but one time works for me. Boron has anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. A 2015 review of the benefits of boron found that greater boron intake (310 mg a day) was associated with fewer cases of osteoarthritis, reducing cases by as much as 60%. How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction, Complementary Medicine / Alternative Medicine, https://www.arthritis.org/health-wellness/treatment/complementary-therapies/supplements-and-vitamins/supplements-for-arthritis, https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/eczema/types/atopic-dermatitis/crisaborole, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC7432674/, https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Boron-HealthProfessional/, https://www.rsc.org/periodic-table/element/5/boron, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fonc.2021.601820/full, https://www.clinicaleducation.org/resources/reviews/minimising-the-impact-of-age-and-arthritis-related-changes-on-joint-health-and-function/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4712861/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC7754412/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC7023362/, https://www.versusarthritis.org/about-arthritis/complementary-and-alternative-treatments/types-of-complementary-treatments/same/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC7368679/. This is the major parts of the arthritis remedy that was tested to work the best. Would love to hear results from other people. It is the simplest, least expensive and easy to take remedy for different types of arthritis. The main thing is that they all have the same active ingredient, Diclofenac Sodium Gel 1%, and that is what offers effective pain relief. Another theory is that borax helps alkalize the body, reducing pain and promoting overall health. Borax is used for a wide range of symptoms, including arthritis, candida, athlete's foot, brain fog, chicken pox, colds, mites, lice, lupus, sinus problems and skin problems. Staphylococcus is a unique bacteria that digests your cartilage, something they call proteoglycan and once the cartilage or out the other bacteria does the other work in digesting the along the joints rich in calcium, iron, and lack of circulation, being to their advantage as they are anaerobic creatures. Boron plays an important role in reducing the enzymes that cause an inflammatory response, reducing joint pain and stiffness associated with arthritis. Improvement of joint function with a specific nutraceutical containing calcium fructoborate in subjects with knee discomfort: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Helped for 1/2 hour. Obviously, the treatment of related pain is an enormous source of profits for Big Pharma, not to mention hip and knee replacement surgery. I started the protocol in early June and have kept up with it very consistently since then. And increase slowly if you like. I was hesitant to drink the solution, so decided applying it topically would be OK (not sure why I thought that, the skin is a huge organ which absorbs all kinds of things, including Epsom salts and baking soda in a bath) The application at room temperature felt so good and relieving. Once you get good control you should not need DMSO at all and may be able to subtract the extra day of borax. I've been taking it for 10 years, every day. It's the oxalates in the green drinks that hinder absorption of iron. I also bought ear plugs, "Mack's Ultra Soft Foam Earplugs" and use one in the left ear on windy days. Could time-restricted eating cause fertility problems? Brilliant. I read the reviews on here about 6 weeks ago and decided to try the "20 Mule Team Borax" from Walmart using the quarter teaspoon daily dosage. Then on day five, I noticed the congestion in my ear getting worse than it has ever been and woke the next day with it so bad, my teeth and gums on that side are extremely painful and I have a low grade fever. I wanted to provide an update on my trigger finger, various arthritic joints, and Ted's famous borax protocol. This also adds further confirmation to the idea that borax does not work for everybody all of the time, as I have previously seen in other friends. Highly recommend activated charcoal for anyone going through a detox or for stomach pain. I took a pinch of borax in my drinking water before bed last night and had a stretch of 4 and a 1/2 hoursof deep sleep before waking, which is about double of my normal. #Adrian #boron #boraxForArthritisAnother podcast on borax - my narration of an article written by Amandha Vollmer. It may do this by reducing the loss of essential minerals and increasing calcium and vitamin D levels. I was unable to knit for many years, now it is easy again. Rheumatoid arthritis causes many symptoms, including joint pain and stiffness. In case if you want to look at other minerals, gettin some hair mineral analysis, and have a look especially on the Molybdenum, Cobalt, Iron, Silver, Iodine, Magnesium, boron and some others. While health professionals do not currently recommend boron as an essential nutrient, it is available as a supplement. (1). You'll also be getting the full 1500 mg. of Glucosamine and 400 mg. of Chondroitin in each serving - the very amounts found in clinical studies to be the correct synergistic levels of these two nutrient co-factors for maximum arthritis pain relief and healing. On the positive side, biologics may reduce the potential for osteoporosis. The skin is an organ too so it gets absorbed that way. Fill the bottle with 4 oz hot distilled water. While boron supplements are available, they typically contain a very low dosage per capsule and may not be effective for arthritis. The factor that helps their growth are high free metal iron, lack of boron, high sugar, high calcium which protects the colonies. I did this for about a week but then started to feel feverish so I stopped. I would only use the 20 Mule Team borax. I only used it externally. I'm in generally very good health, and per my last yearly follow-up appt with my transplant coordinator, my blood work (kidney function, etc.) My skin got real flakey! Even though the women's dose is 1/8th teaspoon borax in 1 liter of water, the men's dosage, 1/4 teaspoon, seems to be what I need. My take away from my friend's predicament is that if borax is working well to keep your arthritis in remission, think long and hard before you decide to stop it for any reason. Green drinks are good for you but not every day. I was diagnosed with arthritis in my back by a chiropractor. & learned, but am at the end inflammatory response, reducing and. This for about a week DMSO also: https: //www.amazon.ca/s? k=Voltaren+Gel & crid=3SVNVDHKJKBCD & sprefix=voltaren+gel, &. Gets absorbed that way 've been taking it for 10 years, now it is the simplest least. 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